RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Kappikeri VS*, Akshay Kriplani**, Vinayak Ingalalli**
*Professor, **Post graduate, Department of Surgery, M.R.Medical College, Kalaburagi
Address for correspondence
Dr Vinayak Ingalalli
Post-Graduate Student, Department of Surgery
Basaveshwara Hospital, Kalaburagi 585 105

Mesenteric hematoma is a rare clinical condition and difficult to diagnose due to its variable presentation. We report a case of 45 year old male who presented with pain abdomen for two days with no history of fever, vomiting or trauma to abdomen. USG abdomen showed collection in the right iliac fossa and right paracolic gutter. On exploration hematoma was noticed in the seromuscular layer of caecum, ascending colon and mesentery of terminal ileum, caecum and ascending colon. Having a high level of suspicion and ordering appropriate imaging is essential to make this diagnosis.
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