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Original Article

Suresh H*, Venkatesh Moger**, Vijayalaxmi PB***, Ram Kaulgud**** Arun BS****'

*Associate Professor, Department General Medicine, **Professor and Head the Department Nephrology, ***Professor and Head, ****Assistant Professor, *****Postgraduate, Department of General Medicine, Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences, Hubhalli


Corresponding author:

Dr BSArun

Postgraduate student

Department of General Medicine Karnataka Institute of Medical Sciences Mubballi 580 031, Karnataka 

Year: 2015, Volume: 5, Issue: 4, Page no. 155-162,
Views: 1151, Downloads: 25
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common heaith problem with Increasing prevaience. Dyspnea Is a common chief compiaints in them resulting from cardiopulmonary complications.

Aims and objectives: To study the prevalence, causes of dyspnea in CKD and impact of hemodialysis on dyspnea among these patients attending KIMS, Hubballi. Methodology: 64 patients diagnosed with CKD were included. Clinical evaluation, RFT, electrolytes, CBC, ECG, CXR and echocardiography were done and then assessed.

Results: The mean age was 43.09 ±14.89. Gender distribution of the patients was 3.57:1 (male: female). 56 (87.5%) had chief complaints of dyspnea. In patients of dyspnea, etiology was multifactorlal. Anaemia was the most common cause. Pulmonary edema was seen in 18(32.1%), pleural effusion in 15(26.8%), left venticular dysfunction in 8(14.3%), ascites In 16(28.6%) pulmonary hypertension in 25(44.6%) and metabolic acidosis In 50(89.3%). Interdialysis weight gain was higher among the patients with dyspnea. Dyspnea reduced with hemodialysis and correction of metabolic acidosis. With erythropoietin therapy, anaemia and subsequently dyspnea Improved.

Conclusion: Dyspnea is a common chief complaint in CKD and of multifactorial etiology. Anemia is the most common cause. Pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, left ventricular dysfunction and volume overload are the predominant causes. Pulmonary hypertension can be solely responsible for dyspnea and is a recently recognized complication of CKD. Dyspnea reduced with hemodialysis and on correction of anemia, metabolic acidosis and other causes of dyspnea

<p>Introduction: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a common heaith problem with Increasing prevaience. Dyspnea Is a common chief compiaints in them resulting from cardiopulmonary complications.</p> <p>Aims and objectives: To study the prevalence, causes of dyspnea in CKD and impact of hemodialysis on dyspnea among these patients attending KIMS, Hubballi. Methodology: 64 patients diagnosed with CKD were included. Clinical evaluation, RFT, electrolytes, CBC, ECG, CXR and echocardiography were done and then assessed.</p> <p>Results: The mean age was 43.09 &plusmn;14.89. Gender distribution of the patients was 3.57:1 (male: female). 56 (87.5%) had chief complaints of dyspnea. In patients of dyspnea, etiology was multifactorlal. Anaemia was the most common cause. Pulmonary edema was seen in 18(32.1%), pleural effusion in 15(26.8%), left venticular dysfunction in 8(14.3%), ascites In 16(28.6%) pulmonary hypertension in 25(44.6%) and metabolic acidosis In 50(89.3%). Interdialysis weight gain was higher among the patients with dyspnea. Dyspnea reduced with hemodialysis and correction of metabolic acidosis. With erythropoietin therapy, anaemia and subsequently dyspnea Improved.</p> <p>Conclusion: Dyspnea is a common chief complaint in CKD and of multifactorial etiology. Anemia is the most common cause. Pulmonary edema, pleural effusion, left ventricular dysfunction and volume overload are the predominant causes. Pulmonary hypertension can be solely responsible for dyspnea and is a recently recognized complication of CKD. Dyspnea reduced with hemodialysis and on correction of anemia, metabolic acidosis and other causes of dyspnea</p>
chronic kidney disease, dyspnea, hemodialysis
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