Original Article

Hubli Manjula Panchanna, Sanjana Kalvehalli Kashinath, Kulkarni Murlidhar Laxmanrao

Department of Paediatrics, JJM Medical College, Davangere

Year: 2013, Volume: 3, Issue: 2, Page no. 73-77,
Views: 535, Downloads: 4
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

1000 consecutive live births taking place between April 2006 to June 2006 were evaluated for a minimum period of 3 days to note for the occurrence of various normal anatomical variants specially those of skin. Parental awareness, birth weight, gestational age, maternal age, socioeconomic status and consanguinity were carefully recorded in all the cases. Mongolian spots (67.6%), milia (35.3%), Epstein pearls (34.2%), erythema toxicum (28.8%), jaundice (29.4%) and white discharge (22.8%), were the common neonatal variants noted. Gestational age of the babies at birth and birth weight are important factors in their causation as recorded in our study. Significant number of parents expressed their anxiety and concern as they were unaware of these normal variants, highlighting the need for parental education

<p>1000 consecutive live births taking place between April 2006 to June 2006 were evaluated for a minimum period of 3 days to note for the occurrence of various normal anatomical variants specially those of skin. Parental awareness, birth weight, gestational age, maternal age, socioeconomic status and consanguinity were carefully recorded in all the cases. Mongolian spots (67.6%), milia (35.3%), Epstein pearls (34.2%), erythema toxicum (28.8%), jaundice (29.4%) and white discharge (22.8%), were the common neonatal variants noted. Gestational age of the babies at birth and birth weight are important factors in their causation as recorded in our study. Significant number of parents expressed their anxiety and concern as they were unaware of these normal variants, highlighting the need for parental education</p>
New born, Normal anatomic variants, Parental awareness, Cutaneous manifestations, Mongolian spots, Breast engorgement. White discharge, Milia, Epstein pearls
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