RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Shuaib Ahmed1 , Shameem Shariff2
1 Medical Research Scholar, 2Professor of Pathology and Cytopathology
M.V.J. Medical College and Research Hospital, Hoskote, Bangalore 562 114

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology has presently become a first line diagnostic technique to evaluate thyroid gland nodules and select those lesions which necessitate surgery. Apart from singling out lesions for a surgical excision the challenge to most cytopathologists is in arriving at a definite diagnosis. A combination of cell scores on cell dispersal at Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and morphometric parameters were used with an aim to differentiate the various diagnostic categories. It was observed that cell scores from 0 to 5+ in combination with morphometric parameters of nuclear diameter, nuclear area and L:S ratio (largest: smallest nuclear ratio) and coefficient of variation of nuclear area helped in differentiating the various categories:-thyrotoxicosis, lymphocytic/ Hashimoto's thyroiditis and multinodular goitre; follicular neoplasms and other carcinomas. It was also observed that worrisome nuclear changes may be present in thyrotoxicosis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Supporting File