RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Physician Burnout: A conceptual framework for developing burnout prevention strategies in physicians
Syed Zaid1 , N R Ramesh Masthi 2
1Junior Doctor, 2Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore

Burnout in physicians is increasingly being recognized to cause diminished mental health and compromised patient care. In this paper various definitions of burnout are reviewed and tools available for quantifying burnout, stress and ways of coping are analyzed for conceiving a conceptual model. The model conceptualizes burnout as a chronic sequential process progressing through three stages as a result of an interaction effect between stressors and resources on the physician reserves. It articulates the sources of burnout with the proposed solutions and provides a framework for the development of burnout prevention strategies with each level of intervention explicitly addressing a specific stage of burnout. On the basis of anecdotal reports, recommendations at each level of prevention are also made to discover a promising new direction for future research and interventions.
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