RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Muralidhar L Kulkarni 1, Sandeep R 2, Gayathri K 3, Chaitali Raghoji 4, Charudutta S Shitole1 , Manohar Shetty*, Sanjana KK5 , Nagesh BP1
1Professor and Head, 2Resident, 3Assistant Professor, 4Tutor, 5Medical Officer, Department of Pediatrics, JJM Medical College, Davangere

Asymmetric crying face refers to a neonate or an infant with face appearing symmetric at rest and asymmetric during crying. We report three neonates with asymmetrical crying facies (ACF) associated with other anomalies. There was one infant with ear anomaly and simian crease, other with transverse limb defect and the third with ear anomaly and congenital heart disease. We add a note on approach to diagnosis, evaluation and management.
Supporting File