RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Chowti J.V1 , Pravinchandra K.R2 , Chowti S.J 3, Avadhootbhatta N.G4 Prabhakara G.N 5
1Professor and HOD ,
2Associate Professor cum Student Welfare Officer ,
3Lady Medical Officer ,
4Medical Social Worker ,
Departments of Community Medicine and Student welfare, SDM College of Medical Sciences and Hospital, Manjushree Nagar, Sattur, Dharwad 580 009, Karnataka.

A descriptive article highlighting the importance of the need of counseling children and adolescents to alleviate their psycho-social problems encountered in schooling at Hubli-Dharwad cities over a decade. The main problems posed by 233 subjects were lack of motivation in studies, tobacco and alcohol abuse, depression, sexual problems, feeling of insecurity etc. Higher socio-economic classes were associated with 'not doing well at school' and 'depression'. Counseling is effective in alleviating these problems to the overall extent of 82%. Family counseling plays a rewarding role in acting through family therapy, parent education or through other support services. Further the counselors could undertake to solve the problems of children by addressing and soliciting the co-operation of school and hostel authorities concerned. The scope of a model of teachers of Community Medicine in Medical Colleges to involve in the community addressing the needs of children and adolescents is show-cased and recommended to be followed in all Medical Colleges. The various specialty doctors in Medical College hospitals and General hospitals could be sensitized to refer children and adolescents to the teachers in Community Medicine
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