RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Ashalata Mallapur1, Usha Doddamani 2 ,Mahesh Ugale1
1. Professor and Head,
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
3. Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, S.N. Medical College, and HSK Hospital, Navanagar, Bagalkot - 587 102
Corresponding Author:
Dr. Ashalata Mallapur, Professor and Head, Deptt of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SN Medical College, Bagalkot 587 102 E-mail: drashalatamallapur@gmail.com

We aim to discuss prenatal diagnosis and pathlogical features of sirenomelia.. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed severe oligohydramnios with breech presentation and bilateral renal hypoplasia. X-ray and autopsy examination allowed catagarisation on the basis of skeletal deformity. Third trimester ultrasonographic diagnosis is usually impaired by severe oligohydramnios whereas early second trimester the amount of amniotic fluid may be sufficient to allow diagnosis. Early antenatal sonographic diaganosis is important in view of dismal prognosis.
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