RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol: 15 Issue: 1 eISSN: pISSN
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Soumya BA*, Vikas AR**, Deshpande DV***
*Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, **MBBS student,***Professor & Head, Department of Physiology, SS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Davangere.

A study was conducted to know the differences in motor and sensory nerve conduction in right and left handers. The study included 100 young adult males (18 left handers) in the age group of 17-21 years. Sensory and motor nerve conduction velocities of median and ulnar nerves of both the sides were determined in each subject by RMSEMGEPMK II software. On statistical analysis itwas found that left handers exhibited a greater sensory nerve conduction velocity with the left ulnar nerve exhibiting a significant difference (p-value 0.012). The motor nerve conduction velocity was also found to be greater in left handed individuals but was statistically not significant.
Supporting File