RJPS Journal Cover Page

RJPS Vol No: 14 Issue No: 4 eISSN: pISSN:2249-2208

Article Submission Guidelines

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Editorial Article

Dr. Raju Koneri


Editor-in-Chief, RJPS, Dean, MVM College of Pharmacy, Bangalore. E-mail:

Received Date: 2022-03-03,
Accepted Date: 2022-03-20,
Published Date: 2022-03-31
Year: 2022, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Page no. v, DOI: 10.26463/rjps.12_1_1
Views: 985, Downloads: 25
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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One of the common question posed by teacher and PG/ PhDs is Why should I publish my work?. Do I get any benefit?

PUBLISH OR PERISH! This phrase initially coined by Coolidge in 1932 is now becoming a harsh reality.

Every article is verified as scientifically reliable and valid through a peer review process. The process that the researchers have followed, their claims and conceptualisation must be underpinned by scientific principles.

The peer review process serves as a quality control mechanism. Peer review means that a board of reviewers, who are experts in the field, review the articles submitted by researchers for relevance, quality and adherence to scientific standards and the editorial standards of the journal before the articles can be accepted for publication. Peer review is done blind (i.e. without the reviewer knowing who the author is) to help eliminate bias. The peer review process is usually organised by the editor of the journal.

It is through publication that the research, including its scientific and practical contributions, is disseminated to others in a particular field. This makes scientific researchers and practitioners with similar interests aware of new knowledge in their field and it helps to advance knowledge and its application. Others can read the articles in journals and communicate with you or cite your work in their to-be-published work. Then you might even get a “Google Scholar citation”. The readers might even try to implement your research in practical fields.It shows your expertise in a field and an ability to conduct scientifically grounded research. It also reflects on the academic stature of the institution hosting the publication.

The number of articles that a researcher has published in a reputable journal in a particular year is taken into account by academic institutions when they need to make decisions about recruitment, performance assessments, promotions, research fellowships and awards. The quality of articles published in journals do play a role in the appointment and promotion of academics. Competition for academic positions is fierce, and publishing is used to select those students who stand out and separate them from the rest. Because the publishing process is highly competitive, and to publish in a high quality journal requires you to compete against researchers who are much more experienced than you, being able to publish shows that you actually know what you are doing and that you have the potential of advancing your field. Thus the strongest and best are selected.

You should publish your research papers in journals because then others can read the articles in journals and communicate with you or cite your work in their to-be-published work. . Then you might even get a “Google Scholar citation”. The readers might even try to implement your research in practical fields.

If you want to join the world’s community of thinkers, then it is necessary to publish your thoughts. That is the simplest, most concise explanation

Publications can also be regarded as an asset that enables authors to gain recognition and acknowledgement as experts in a particular field at national and international levels. Publication in peer-reviewed journals also gives international recognition for an individual, department, university, and institutions.

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health science has about eight research journal, one in each faculty so that all the students get opportunity to publish. University has recently started paying to the first author Rs 1000/ per article which will encourage the student to publish.

All the students and Teachers of RGUHS should make best use of this opportunity and publish their research works in RGUHS Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences.  

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