RJPS Vol No: 14 Issue No: 4 eISSN: pISSN:2249-2208
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Dr. A.R. Shabaraya
Editor, RJPS
Principal & Director,
Srinivas College of Pharmacy, Valachil, Mangalore - 574 143
E-mail: shabaraya1@rediffmail.com cell: 9448428200

Corona pandemic has struck the mankind like never before. The virus originated from Wuhan, China was also called China virus has severely impacted business, manufacture, growth and development around the globe especially in India. It is not the electronics, automobiles, cellular phones and other consumer goods alone, the pharma sector also is disturbed to a great extent. The Indian Pharmaceutical industries are heavily dependent on China for API (Active Pharmaceutical ingredients) and bulk drug intermediates on China.
With the Pharma Industries closing their business in China, the impact would be felt within a very short time in Indian Industries since the stocks start depleting quickly. Ultimately this situation would affect the generic drug manufactures greatly, which in turn would disturb “PRADHAN MANTRI JAN AUSHADHI YOJANA”.
The Indians would start feeling the pinch due to the non availability of the commonly used generic drugs. The situation should not lead to cost escalation and hoarding of existing stocks since we do not know, how long the pandemic would affect the normal life. Considering the possibility of emerging, a crisis like situation, Govt. of India, Ministry of Health has advised the Drugs control general of India (DCGI) to closely monitor the situation.
The DCGI is in close consultation with the representatives from Pharm. Industry, officials of Director General of Foreign Trade (DGFT), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA) about the situation in the country. The representatives of the industry feel, the manufacture of APIS and intermediates to be encouraged by offering tax incentives. This would bridge the gap between demand supply to a great extent in the absence of imports from China.
But the Government is determined to take effective measures to prevent the spread of corona pandemic, since no effective line of treatment is available. Official and unofficial reports suggest, Corona Pandemic has reached epidemic proportions in the country. India with its 130 billion population would need effective, pragmatic measures to control the spread of this virus infection.
Since the pandemic has reportedly reached stage II, the GOI has decided to shutdown the country, by closing schools, colleges, cinema halls, transport sector and all public utility places.
Considering the present situation, health care workers such as doctors, nurses and Physiotherapists may not be able to grapple with the situation. The services of practicing Pharmacists, hospital and clinical Pharmacists should also be enlisted.
India or infact the world is not new to this type of situation, when the population was struck with SARS, H1, N1, Ebola and Zika Virus infections, which should have been considered as wake up call and effective preparations are needed to handle the present one.
Ultimately, it is the Pharm Industry, which should come up with Quick and effective trials for a Corona Vaccine preparation. Hope is the best answer in this situation.
The journal has been brought out by the editorial team without compromising quality and quantity of the research articles. I do personally hope, all the subscribers would be benefited with the research material.
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