RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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Today, the majority of the world is in an unexplainable, unpredictable and unimaginable state of anxiety, stress, fear and a feeling of insecurity on account of the fast spreading Wuhan originated COVID -19 disease caused by coronavirus which are zoonoses. This has resulted in a high rate of mortality in some of the countries like China, Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, France, Iran and in particular the USA where most advanced medical facilities are blessed. Many states of India too are facing the rage of the virus. So far more than 213 countries and their territories are affected by this Virus and hence COVID-19 is declared as a global disaster by WHO.
COVID-19 Virus is a highly contagious, epidemic and at large pandemic (Saankraamika, Aupasargika and Janapadodhwmsa) disease which spreads in a community like a wild fire in the forest. Everyone knows about its gravity of causing damages at social, industrial, financial, academical, economical, international, political, cultural domains of the nations affected and its influence on the whole world.
This disease belongs to a category of respiratory illness which starts like a Common cold or Influenza, gradually exhibiting Fever, Dry Cough, Sneezing, Breathlessness, Headache, Body ache, Weakness, a feeling of tightness in the chest due to acute Pneumonitis, sometimes Loose stools, and in some cases fatal due to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). It spreads through the droplets of the infected person either by direct contact or through the contact materials. The incubation period of this infection is between 4-14-28 days. However, observation is needed up to 28 days from the day of exposure. The global mortality rate of COVID-19 is between 5 to 7 percent of the affected. India has the mortality rate between 2 to 3 percent.
At present, there are no specific preventive or curative line of protocols available except the precautions for controlling the spread. Only palliative and lifesaving measures are recommended by WHO and ICMR. Research from different parts of the world suggests that Azithromycin, a broad-spectrum antibiotic, Hydroxychloroquine, a proven antimalarial, and some antiviral and anti-protozoal drugs are being tried clinically to combat the infection. Also, Convalescent Plasma Therapy is being experimented in some places. None of these are proven and hence, not approved by WHO. As this disease is a global disaster, all the therapeutic guidelines and the drugs administered need to be approved by WHO. The leading Universities and Institutions all over the world are seriously involved in exploring a solution for this deadly infection. Any false claim and mis-propaganda about the cure and prevention by any systems of health care is totally prohibited and punishable.
Many media from China, the source country of COVID-19, claims that during the rampant wide spread of the infection in Wuhan, the primary and secondary stage of disease was managed by the practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) and Chinese Acupuncture healing.
What is TCM, CHM and Acupuncture healing?
These are Traditional Chinese Medicine and practice prevailing in China for more than 4000 years. Now it has sparsely extended to many countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and other South eastern countries and even the USA. WHO has recognized these systems under CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine). There are more than 13,000 medicinal plants compendium available in the national institutes of PRC, out of which nearly 450 are being used by the pharmaceutical industry and the practitioners. The PRC’s National health care essentially includes TCM and Acupuncture.
It is observed that TCM has an effective medicine for Diabetes, Hypertension, CCVD, Multiple Sclerosis, Metabolic disorders, Non-communicable disorders, Cancer, Auto-immune disorders, Keloids, UTI and also there are a good number of Immune boosting drugs. The TCM is based on five main principles namely
1. Human system responds to the environment around us.
2. Human system knows how to heal itself.
3. Every part of the body is inter connected.
4. yin, yang + The silver lining.
5. External factors affect the balance in the body.
Yin (cold) and Yang (heat) are the cosmic energies by which the homeostasis of the universe and human system is maintained. Acupuncture is a popular form of therapy for relief of pain, chronic inflammatory conditions, to block the sensation and to induce stimulatory effects in the body.
There are nearly 80,0000 registered TCM practitioners in PRC and more than 26,000 research articles have been published. Compared to the conventional system of medicine TCM and CHM are 30 to 40 percent cost effective and the people of China prefer these systems as the first choice of healthcare. It is observed that the annual turnover of these traditional systems is more than 742.7 Billion Yuns (10,500 crores Us Dollars). China exports approximately 600 million Us Dolores worth of TCM to different countries. In India we have AYUSH & S systems parallel to the TCM & CHM of PRC.
What is AYUSH & S Systems of Health care?
AYUSH & S is an acronym for A- Ayurveda, Y- Yoga, U- Unani, S- Siddha, H- Homeopathy and recently included S- Sowa rigpa, all traditional systems of health care prevailing in India since few hundred years to the time immemorial. These systems have been recognized by WHO as CAM (Complementary and Alternative Medicine) like the TCM and CHM of PRC. Earlier to 2014 these systems were considered as ISM (Indian Systems of Medicine) by the Union Government. During 2014, the Modi government declared these systems as AYUSH systems and a separate Ministry was also created to boost the development.Both the Union and the state Governments have been encouraging these systems by establishing a good number of Colleges, Hospitals, Dispensaries, Ayushman wellness centers, Research centers, Research councils, National Institutions, Universities, National laboratories, Regulatory councils, Registration boards etc.
All these systems are based on the theory of nature and natural phenomena. Among these there are many commonalities with respect to fundamental principles, basic doctrines, understanding the human system, disease, drugs and the therapeutic modules. Each system has their specialties also and are complementary to each other. All these systems mainly focus on understanding the human system in totality through a conscious based approach unlike the reductionistic and matter based approach of the western Allopathic system of medicine. Hence these are capable of understanding the non-communicable types of diseases well and also have established command in treating specific chronic Psycho-somatic disorders.
Nearly 25 to 30 percent of Indian population prefer Ayush systems for their health care. Contrary to TCM, which is preferred as primary and secondary health care service in China, Ayush systems are preferred in India for chronic diseases except in the states of Kerala and Northeast.
In recent days all these systems along with Yoga, are slowly getting global exposure as a tool for maintenance of health, prevention of diseases and promotion of positive health. Yoga has already reached almost all the member nations of the United Nations since the first celebration of IDY ( International Day of Yoga)-2015. Altogether there are about 3500 medicinal plants, 150 minerals / metals and 100 animal products being documented for therapeutic use in the classics of these systems. Out of this list, only about 20 to 25 percent of the products are being used by the clinicians and pharmaceutical industries. None of these systems except Homeopathy use any synthetic products.
More than 29000 research papers have been published by these systems in high impact indexed journals (Ayurveda- 21,128, Yoga & Naturopathy- 1421, Unani- 2453, Siddha1341, Homeopathy- 2384, Sowa rigpa - Tibetan System of medicine- 0). Altogether, there are about 8 lakh Ayush registered medical practitioners against about 12 lacs of Allopathic registered medical practitioners in our country (A- 41,9217, Y&N- 2220, U- 4,8196, S- 8528, H29,3307, S-1000). Also, it is observed that the annual turnover of Ayush systems is about 12,000 Crores and India exports approximately 1100 Crores worth of Ayush products to different countries.
The problems of the Community
Currently, the whole world is facing different types of health problems like Metabolic and Hormonal, Psycho-somatic and Psychiatric, Genetic and Geriatric, Non-communicable, Autoimmune and Allergic, Novel acute and severe Virus and Bacterial infections which are non vulnerable for any line of therapeutic approach and Drug Interactions. It is observed that none of the Medical systems are equipped to tackle these problems and ensure radical cure independently. Each system has their strengths and limitations which may vary from each other. In these circumstances it is imperative to have Medical pluralism with integrative approach for proper understanding of the life, health and disease, prevention and radical cure, promotion of positive health and rehabilitation, prevention of relapse and total eradication of the root cause of the disease if our objective of “Total Health for All” need to be achieved.
The first half of 2020 looks to be the most strenuous and stressful period for the whole world with an exception of a few countries because of the pandemic Novel SARS Covid-19 Virus. With the Virus infecting nearly 25 lacs and causing fatalities to more than 1.75 lacs people across the globe and non-availability of any proven either preventive or curative line of treatment, the situation looks grim.
What is the Solution?
It is observed that the origin or home country of Covid-19, PRC has managed well by treating primary and secondary stages of infection through TCM and CHM effectively by using Immune boosting herbs like Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidus), AstragalusRoot (RadixAstragalus), Cordyceps Mushroom (Cordyceps), Schizandra Berry (Fructus Schizandrae) and Antiviral herbs like Antrodia Camphorate, Moringa oleifera, Stephania Cepharantha (Root tuber), Houttuynia Cordata, Radix Istatidis (Banlangen), Roots of Strobilanthesa Cusia and etc. and kept the mortality rate minimum and also arrested its spread.
If we look at the Indian national scenario as on (30/05/2020)of the number of infected and confirmed cases (174000), active cases (around 92000), cases recovered and discharged (82000) and fatal (4971), it is significantly less alarming compared to the global reports, which may be due to higher level of Immunity resulted on account of more use of Indian spices like Turmeric, Ginger, Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloves, Coriander, Ajawain, Garlic, Asfoetida, Cumin, Black cumin, Roseanns, Mint, long pepper, Chilies and etc. It may also be due to the temperate weather conditions in our country and the early lockdown to restrict social distancing and physical contacts.
Department of AYUSH, GOI has released a preventive Ayurvedic and Yoga lifestyle protocol which essentially has these spices to be used in any form like herbal tea, decoction, golden milk and even in cooking in order to boost the general immunity which ultimately play an important role to counter the load of the infective virus. In addition, regular use of Chyawanprash which has a proven Immune modulatory effect, frequent drinking of hot water, gargling with warm water, oil pulling with Sesame or Coconut oil, pratimarsha nasya (Instilling of 2 drops of Ghee or Coconut oil in to both the nostrils) which may inhibit the multiplication of the Virus in the transit area of oral cavity and nasal passage has been recommended.
To retain and improve the lung functions which is the first measure needed in SARS prevention and treatment IYT (Integrated Yoga Therapy) modules have been recommended. It is high time to initiate Integrative preventive and curative protocols for all diseases and in particular in the present dangerous situation of SARS causing Virus Covid-19, by following all the norms and conditions prescribed.
It is highly applaudable and appreciable the work of AYUSH Ministry, GOI for notification in the Extra-ordinary Union Gazette, dated 21st April 2020 making provision for conducting intensive clinical research on AYUSH protocols and drugs for Covid-19 and other SARS Virus infections.
There are a large number of Classical Ayurvedic drugs having Immune boosting and Antiviral actions with evidence-based research. Following are the few important ones which can be considered for invitro and in vivo studies.
Haridra(Curcuma longa),Bhumyamalaki (Phyllanthus urinaria), Tulasi (Ocimum sanctum), Kalamegha (Andrographis Paniculata), Saptaparna (Alstonia scholaris), Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Kiratatikta (Swertia Chirata), Maricha(Piper NigrumL), Shunti (Zingiber Officinale), Pippali (Piper Longum), Hareetaki (Terminaliachebula), Kalajaji (Nigella sativa), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Musali (Curculigo Orchioides), Bibhitaki (Terminalia Bellerica), Bhallathaka (Semecarpus Anacardium) Madhunashini (Gymnema Sylvestre), Lasuna (Alliumsativum), Aswagandha (Withania Somnifera), Mandukaparni (Centellaasiatica), Shigru (Moringaoleifera), Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa), Bhringaraja (Ecliptaalba), Shalmali (Bombaxceiba), Pushkaramoola (Inularacemosa), Shathavari (Asparagus Racemosus), Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus Pluricaulis), Atibala (Abutilonindicum), Chopachini (Smilax Glabra), Patha (Cissampelos Pareira), Antrapachaka (Tylophpraindica) Khadira (Acacia Catechu), Madanaphala (Randia Dumetorum), Arjuna (Terminalia arjuna), Kanchanara (Bauhinia variegata) , Udumbara (Ficus glomerata), Guggulu (Comiphera mukul), Karpura (Cinnamomum camphora) , Karanja (Pongamia pinnata), Nimba (Azadirachta indica).
Recently it is observed that a combination of Ashwagandha, Guduchi, Yasti, & Amalaki has a s significant anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory property by a Clinical study conducted by Bhushan Patawardhan and others. Hence this combination can be rationally used in the Integrative management of Covid-19 by following the Research guidelines of the Ministry of AYUSH, GOI, Newdelhi.
Similarly, the rest of the AYUSH systems have many unexplored treasures of wisdom which may come to the rescue of the alarming situation the world is facing today. Therefore, let us not see the AYUSH as the showcase material and explore the hidden secrets of wealth through intensive Integrative Research for the benefit of the community.
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