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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 1  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Review Article

Pooja Prakash1 , Arya Subhash1 , Ashwin Kumar Bharati2

1: PG Scholar 2: Professor, Department of Agada Tantra Vyavahara Ayurveda evum Vidhi Vaidyaka, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan

Corresponding Author:

Pooja Prakash


Year: 2018, Volume: 5, Issue: 2, Page no. 21-25, DOI: 10.26715/rjas.5_2_4
Views: 1014, Downloads: 10
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Agada Tantra is one among the ashtangas of Ayurveda.Visha along with its various classifications, properties; sources are mentioned in detail in the subject. Management of visha proves to be difficult due to its properties, fast action, limitation in the availability of drugs and substitutes. Ancient Ayurveda texts contain detailed description of drugs with their specific action and curability. Likewise in Charaka samhitha, acharya denoted a chapter in sutra sthana named shad virechana shatasriteeyam wherein a gana containing ten drugs called vishaghna gana is mentioned. Each drug has its own actions, mainly consisting of anti microbial, immuno modulator, hepato protective, anti inflammatory etc.effect. These properties along with their kapha pitha hara and raktha prasadana karma aids in the sampapthi vighatana of visha.

<p>Agada Tantra is one among the ashtangas of Ayurveda.Visha along with its various classifications, properties; sources are mentioned in detail in the subject. Management of visha proves to be difficult due to its properties, fast action, limitation in the availability of drugs and substitutes. Ancient Ayurveda texts contain detailed description of drugs with their specific action and curability. Likewise in Charaka samhitha, acharya denoted a chapter in sutra sthana named shad virechana shatasriteeyam wherein a gana containing ten drugs called vishaghna gana is mentioned. Each drug has its own actions, mainly consisting of anti microbial, immuno modulator, hepato protective, anti inflammatory etc.effect. These properties along with their kapha pitha hara and raktha prasadana karma aids in the sampapthi vighatana of visha.</p>
visha, specific action, gana
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Aacharya Charaka has mentioned fifty group of drugs, with a group comprising ten drugs each, in the fourth chapter of sutra sthana named Shad virechana shatasriteeyam. As per Chakrapani commentary, the drugs mentioned in this chapter can be used for ubhaya parimarjana (antar parimarjana and bahir parimarjana1 . Among them the sixteenth group is termed as vishaghna gana . Here the suffix ‘ghna’ indicates removing from its root2 . The drugs mentioned in this union possess similar properties and actions. It means that absence of one drug can be substituted with the existing available one. The drugs included are haridra, manjishta, suvaha, sukshma ela,palindi, chandana, kataka, sireesha, sindhuvara and shleshmataka3 .

Considering Vishaghna gana under the third group of mahakashayas on the basis of relation with trividha roga marga, it may be included under madhyama roga marga.2 Madhyama roga marga comprises of diseases which mainly affects marma, asthi and sandhi.Visha affects hridaya , one among the tri marmas, before destroying the body. Hence proper knowledge about this gana fulfills the need for practice and further advancement of knowledge of scholars in understanding the pathogenesis and treatment of visha.

Aims and Objectives

1) To evaluate the probable mode of action of individual drugs of vishaghna gana described in Charaka Samhitha .

Materials and methods

An attempt was made to collect the details regarding drugs in vishaghna gana in the classics and tried to analyze its probable mode of action.

Method adopted was review of literature from print and digital media.


Visha and vishaghna dravya has specific action on dosha, dhatu and mala.Visha after entering the body first affects the rakta dhatu followed by dushana of kapha, pitha, vata respectively along with their ashayas. The ashraya of kapha dosha is rasa, mamsa, meda, majja, sukra, that of pitta is raktha, sweda, and vata has asthi. While looking into the properties of vishaghna gana drugs, most of them have kapha and pitha hara properties along with rakta prasadana guna which can attribute to vishaghna karma.

Vishaghna gana is said to have action on madhyama roga marga which includes marma, asthi and sandhi.Visha after doing dosha dushya samurchana gets lodged in hrdaya which is one among trimarma and also oja sthana. Few of the drugs in vishaghna gana has hridya property. One of the main treatment modality in chaturvimshati upakrama is hrdayavarana which includes protecting the heart which emphasizes the importance of protection of heart. Yogas like kalyanaka ghrta which includes drugs from vishaghna gana can be administered for the same.

Most of the drugs mentioned in vishaghna gana posses similar properties as that of visha. Hence their action can be attributed to the vishesha karma prabhava. As per charaka samhita vishaghna property itself can destroy visha due to prabhava 16. According to Indu commentary vishaghna action of sireesha, haridra etc. drugs and visha vardhaka karma of swapnadi are prabhava janya karma17.

According to Dalhana due to the vyavayi guna of visha it does not come out through urdhwa or adho marga. Most of the drugs in vishaghna gana has purgative and emmanogogue action which helps in elimination of visha.

Due to kapha hara, sotha hara properties the drugs namely, haridra, suvaha, sirisha can reduce the swelling which is a common manifestation in case of visha. Suvaha, kataka with its shoolahara property can act on pain. Some of the drugs like palindi and sindhuvara has krimighna and visarpa hara property thereby combating the chance of complications. Palindi also has vranahara property. Hrdya and saumanasya janana property of chandana and ela helps in counteracting the visha vardhaka hetu like bhaya, soka etc.

Haridra, sukshmela and suvaha possess hepatoprotective and immune-stimulant action while manjishta, sukshmela has diuretic property thereby aiding in elimination of visha.

Hence proper combined knowledge about quality of dravyas and samprapthi of visha helps in effective treatment of the same.


On the basis of similarity in their action vishaghna gana dravyas are grouped under one. Hence it can be concluded that vishaghna gana dravyas may be used in all types of visha by acting on breaking down the pathogenesis of visha. Eventhough mentioned under vishaghna gana individual drugs has sotha hara, vrana hara and krimighna gunas which prevents further complications. According to ones yukthi the drugs can be used as single or in a combination, both externally and internally.  

Supporting File
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1. Agnivesha. Charakasamhitha.Sengupta S N ed, Varanasi: Chaukambha Orientalia. Sutrasthana 4 /2;p.241

2. Literary review on dashemani kashaya varga. PunanaV[Internet]. 2015, Jul-Aug [cited on2019 Dec 20]; Vol 3(2): 6.Available from: publication/ 309235752

3. Agnivesha. Charakasamhitha. Sengupta S N ed,Varanasi: Chaukambha Orientalia. Sutrasthana 4 /6;p.255

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11. Hegde P L,A Harini.A text book of dravya guna vijnana.1st ed.New Delhi:Chaukambha Publication; Vol.2;2014.p.790

12. Hegde P L,A Harini.A text book of dravya guna vijnana.1st ed.New Delhi:Chaukambha Publication; Vol.2;2014.p.615

13. Shastry JLN.Illustrated Dravyaguna vijnana.2nd edition. Varanasi: Chaukambha Orientalia;Vol.2;2005.p.852

14. A conceptual study on effect of vishaghna maha kashaya on visha janya allergic skin disorders. Int.J.Ayur.Pharma.Research [Internet].2016 May[cited on 2019 Dec.20] ; 4(5):63-38Available from :

15. Agnivesha. Charakasamhitha.Sengupta S N ed,Varanasi:Chaukambha Orientalia.Chikitsa sthana 23/12;p.3175

16. H.K.Shashirekha,S S Bargale.Charaka Samhitha.1st ed.New Delhi:Chaukambha Publictaion;Sutra sthana 26/69;p.458

17. Hegde P L,A Harini.A text book of dravya guna vijnana.1st ed.New Delhi:Chaukambha Publication; Vol.1;2011.p.324

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