RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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Dr. B R Ramakrishna
Editor in Chief, RJAS, Vice-Chancellor, SVYASA University, Bangalore

The first case of COVID-19 (corona virus disease) was reported in the Wuhan province of China in November 2019 and it gradually became a pandemic affecting people of all ages and classes from all countries. It reached its peak during October-November 2020 and has killed millions of people (27 21 411; as of 21st March, 2021) throughout the world. Due to COVID-19, the whole world is in a phase that no one would have ever imagined. Managing and controlling a pandemic such as this one requires following safety guidelines, meticulous planning, and vaccinating large populations, all at the same time.
Few countries have been successful in controlling the spread by imposing strict preventive and safety guidelines. India has fared better when compared to its counterparts. These measures include maintaining social hygiene and etiquette, wearing masks, frequent washing of hands, use of sanitizers, enhancing and maintaining immunity through lifestyle modifications (Ahara - Vihara - Vichara - Achara - Vyavahara), practicing of Yoga and Ayurveda. Probably, the temperate weather conditions, use of various Ayurvedic home remedies, and Yoga could have worked in India’s favor.
There have been highs and lows in all the countries, with most of them facing many waves of the disease. Of late, in India, since March 2021, a second wave has begun. Over the past few months, establishment of an improved therapeutic protocol and expertise in managing infection, has brought down the death rate due to COVID-19. The scientific community are working their best since the beginning of this pandemic to find a solution to this menace. A few pharma -ceutical companies have been successful in developing a vaccine for COVID-19.
India has marched ahead of others with two native vaccines; COVISHIELD and COVAXIN, which are recommended by the ICMR and Government of India. As of 15th March 2021, as a humanitarian gesture and to establish the concept of health and peace for all, the Government of India has provided 5.86 crore doses of Made-in-India COVID-19 vaccines to 71 countries. This is a proud moment for all and is an example of India’s impeccable culture and heritage. This is Atmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India), a dream and vision of the present prime minister of India.
I salute our honorable prime minister and president of India for volunteering to take the vaccine and setting an example for the people of India. This has boosted everyone’s confidence in the vaccine. A significant number of COVID-19 warriors, frontline workers, senior citizens, and people with comorbidities have taken the vaccine without any significant side effects. However, there are a few speculations and apprehensions regarding the safety, efficacy, and long-term outcomes of these vaccines among a section of people. It is proven beyond doubt that COVID-19 antibodies are significantly high among those who have been vaccinated compared to those who have not received the vaccine.
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