RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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Dr. B R Ramakrishna
Editor in Chief, RJAS, Vice-Chancellor, SVYASA University, Bangalore

Every year Dhana Trayodashi also known as Dhanteras is celebrated in India as national Ayurveda day. The practice to observe the Ayurveda Day, was started by the Union Ministry of Ayush (Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Sidda, and Homoeopathy) in 2016. It is to commemorate the birth of lord Dhanvantari along with amruta, nector. When we commemorate a special occasion, we are essentially placing a mental bookmark on an experience, thereby making it easier to remember it in the future. Ayurveda is perceived as one of the most ancient and well documented system of medicine equally relevant in modern times. Its holistic approach whether for healthy individuals or for diseased ones remains unparalleled. Prevention of disease and promotion of health is the main aim of Ayurveda. Lord Dhanvantari is considered as divine propagator of Ayurveda. He is conferred with the virtues of granting health and wealth. Therefore, Dhanvantari Jayanti was preferred for celebration of Ayurveda Day to nationalize this system of medicine which can prove to be a cornerstone for its ultimate globalization.
Objectives of Ayurveda Day
- An attempt to further promote Ayurveda into mainstream v Focus on strengths of Ayurveda and its unique treatment principles.
- Reduce the burden of disease and related morbidity and mortality by utilizing the potential of Ayurveda.
- Exploring the potential of Ayurveda to contribute towards National health policy & National Health programmes.
- Create a sense of awareness in today’s generation and promote Ayurvedic principles of healing in society.
The themes
2016- Ayurveda for Prevention and Control of Diabetes
2017- Ayurveda for Pain Management
2018- Ayurveda for Public Health
2019- Ayurveda for longevity
2020- Ayurveda for COVID 19
2021- Ayurveda for Poshan
Primary focus of Ayurveda is prevention of the diseases, hence this year when humanity still is suffering from the impact of covid 19, nutrition and thereby immunity have gained importance. Ayurveda not only emphasises on food substances but a host of other factors that greatly influence nutritional status of human along with immunity. For eg, quantity, capacity to consume and digest, etiquettes to be followed, method of food consumption, acceptable and unacceptable food combinations. The do’s and don’ts so on and so forth. Its an occasion for Ayurveda fraternity to propagate the age-oldtime-tested ancient practices related to food and nutrition for the betterment of the society. It is the responsibility of not just the practitioners or students of Ayurveda but every stake holder of Ayurveda should chip in to regain the past glory of Ayurveda.
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