RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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Savita Sajjan1 , Vedantam Giridhar2
1Department Samhita Siddhnta, Hubballi, Hubli Ayurveda Seva Samithi's, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya And Hospital, Heggeri Extension,Old Hubli,Hubballi - 580024
2 Department of Dravyaguna, Research Coordinator, Central Research Facility & KLE Shri B. M. Kankanawadi Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research (Deemed-to-be University) Belagavi, Karnataka, 590003
*Corresponding author: Dr. Savita Sajjan, Professor, Department Samhita Siddhnta, Hubli Ayurveda Seva Samithi's, Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya And Hospital, Heggeri Extension, Hubballi-580024, E-mail: drsavitasajjan@gmail.com
Received date: April 16, 2021; Accepted date: July 15, 2021; Published date: July 31, 2021

Background: In ayurvedic and vedic literature, concept of Hamsodak was explained, i.e during sharadrutu, due to the influence of Agastya nakshatra (Canopus), water gets purified.
Objective: To revalidate this principle, the present research work was carried out for two years to conduct physico chemical and microbiological analysis of water during rise of Canopus star in autumn season in different water reservoirs.
Methodology: In 2015, two litres of water was collected in sterilized glass bottles from water reservoirs, Rakkaskoppa and Fort Lake. In 2016, water samples were collected from Jamboti water. Physico chemical and microbiological analysis were done at three different periods, like before 15 days of rise of Canopus star, during rise of Canopus star and after 15 days of rise of Canopus star.
Results: The physico chemical analysis of water during Canopus star showed that the values of pH, total alkalinity, CaCO3, sulphates, chlorides, biological oxygen demand level were decreased. A reduction in microbiological bacterial count was observed but no changes were noted with fungal count. From these results, we can interpret that there was a positive effect of Canopus star on the purification of water.
Conclusion: On analyzing the results of physico chemical and microbiological parameters, the effect of Canopus star (Agastya nakshatra) was evident in the present scenario. However, results may depend on the level of contamination and environmental conditions.
In all the ayurvedic samhitas, Nighantus, and Vedic literature, the role of Canopus star in the purification of water during sharad rutacharya has been explained.1 Acharya Gangadhar stated that purification of water is due to the specific action i.e (prabhava) of Canopus star.2,3 Brihatrayees had mentioned this principle under the heading of swastha vruthaadhikar or swasthya chatushka. Contaminated rain water gets purified by Canopus star in autumn season and can be used for the drinking purposes as it exhibits properties of pacifying tridoshas, unctuous, does not cause harmful effects on srotas (Anabhishyandi), acts as a rejuvenator (rasayana), enhances memory (medhya) and is light in its quality (laghugunayukta).
Susruta Acharya stated that, water gets contaminated in rainy season, but in autumn season, due to the influence of the Agastya nakshatra and the rays of sun and moon, water gets cleared like the clear sky.3,4
In Indian Vedic literature, the Canopus star is associated with the sage Agastya; the star is said to be the ‘cleanser of waters’ and its rising coincides with the calming of the waters of the Indian Ocean. At the time of rising of Agastya, the colour and size of the star foretells us about the various effects for the remaining months of the Samvtsar.
Therefore, this research work was carried for two years to assess the quality of water during rise of Canopus star (Agastya Nakshatra) in autumn season.
Materials and Methods
Literary sources were collected from the charaka, susruta, astanga hridaya samhitas and bhavapraksha nighantu. Collection of water was from the main reservoir of Belgavi (Rakkaskoppa and Fort Lake near bus stand) in 2015 and from Jamboti river in 2016. Quantity of water taken was two litres in sterilized glass bottles.
From Rakkaskopapa water reservoir, water is supplied to whole Belagavi city. In the second water reservoir Fort Lake, which is nearer to the bus stand, water is stagnant and more contaminated. The third water reservoir Jamboti River is situated in forest area, and water from this is supplied to the nearby villages of Belagavi city. Samples from these three water sources were collected 15 days before the Agastya nakshtra, a day after completion of Agastya nakshatra and after 15 days of Agastya nakshatra.
Assessment of Agastya nakshatra was done based on the Mahalakshmi, Bhagyalakshmi calendars, websites of Drikpanchanga, and with the help of local astrologers. It was found that Agastya nakshatra would be present for seven days after its udaya. In 2015, Agastya nakshatra was spotted on 18th September and on 20th September in 2016.
Physicochemical parameter tests were done in the Environment Department of KLEU Dr. M S Sheshagiri Engineering College. Microbiological tests were conducted in the KLEU Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurveda Maha Vidyalaya, an AYUSH approved central research facility, Belagavi.
Rakkaskoppa and Fort Lake water collection period was as follows:
1) Fifteen days before the rise of Canopus (Agastya nakshatra Udaya) - 4th September 2015
2) A Day after the rise of Canopus (Agastya nakshatra darshana) - 24th September 2015
3) After 15 days of the rise of Canopus (Agastya nakshatra darshana) - 8th October 2015.
Jamboti River water collection period in 2016 was as follows:
1) Eleven days before Canopus (Agastya nakshatra Udaya) - 15thSeptember 2016)
2) A Day after rise of Canopus (Agastya nakshatra darshana)- 26th September 2016
The following parameters were tested:
Parameters tested
Various physico-chemical parameters of water like pH, chloride, sulphate, alkalinity, acidity, hardness, biological oxygen demand (BOD) was tested. Also, biological parameters including microbial limit test of Escherichia coli, Salmonella abony, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and total microbial limit [total bacterial count (TBC), total fungal count (TFC)] was checked.
Due to heavy rains during this period, river was overflowing which did not permit the collection of water after 15 days of Agastya Nakshatra, i.e on 15th October 2016.
In charaka, susruta, Astanga hridaya, astanga samgraha, bhavaprakasha nighantu, acharyas have explained purification of water by the influence of Agastya nakshatra in the period of sharadrutu. This concept is thrust area and is also an untouched part of research in basic principles of ayurveda. Hence, to re-establish principle with primary analysis, this research was undertaken with permission of ethical committee.
In Varsharutu, due to cloud formation, there is samskarabhava of sun rays and moon light. Continuous moist content of land water gets contaminated due to Picchilata, gurutva, amlapaka of water and also becomes toxic in nature due contact of poisonous insects, animals in rainy season.
Reasons for purification of water are as follows:
a) Prabhava
b) In autumn season (sharadrutu), both sun rays and moon light are equally strong
c) Kalasvabhavat
Agastya, the star is said to be the ‘cleanser of waters’, and its rising coincides with the calming of the waters of the Indian Ocean. Canopus is an F-type bright giant with an apparent magnitude of -0.74 and an absolute magnitude of -5.53. It is 13,600 times brighter than the Sun and the most luminous star within about 700 light years. It is 310 light years distant.
Therefore, due to influence of rays of Canopus star, water gets purified. In classical texts, acharyas have termed Anirdoshtvam, i.e water will be having qualities of clearance (vishada), light in nature (laghu), madhurapakatva, water becomes free from poisonous content (nirvishatvam) due to the influence of rays of Canopus star. Hamsa term indicates nirmalatvam or ati nirmalatvam (Purest form of water).5,6 It is said that this water is fit for drinking, taking bath, Avagahan etc, due to tridoshahara, anabhishyandi, bringing all dhatusa to an equilibrium state which acts similar to nectar (amrutatulya) and as rasayan.3Therefore, due to influence of rays of Canopus star, water gets purified. In classical texts, acharyas have termed Anirdoshtvam, i.e water will be having qualities of clearance (vishada), light in nature (laghu), madhurapakatva, water becomes free from poisonous content (nirvishatvam) due to the influence of rays of Canopus star. Hamsa term indicates nirmalatvam or ati nirmalatvam (Purest form of water).5,6 It is said that this water is fit for drinking, taking bath, Avagahan etc, due to tridoshahara, anabhishyandi, bringing all dhatusa to an equilibrium state which acts similar to nectar (amrutatulya) and as rasayan.3
However, this principle is not applied to all the seasons. Acharya Gangadhar stated that, in other seasons due to the variations in the rays of sun and moon light, water may get vitiated. For example, in vasantrutu, due to ruksha, quality of sun rays, water gets evaporated and becomes less potent.
Agastya nakshatra was selected with the help of Mahalakshmi calender, Gadaga Panchanga, a qualified astrologer in Jyotisha shastra. Canopus, the second brightest star in the night is called Agastya in India. This star is close to the ecliptic south pole, having an ecliptic latitude of –760 . As the celestial poles go around the ecliptic poles due to the phenomenon of precession of the earth’s axis of rotation, this star becomes visible from different latitudes on the globe at different times.
Sources of water
To assess purification of water in the form of physicochemical, microbiological parameters, water was collected in 2015 from Rakkaskoppa water reservoir, which is the main water supply to the city. This reservoir was away from the city and is less contaminated. Water was also collected from Fort lake which is within the city, near to bus stand and thereby containing most contaminated water. In 2016, water was collected from Jamboti river which passes through the forest area and water from this is less contaminated.
Physico-chemical parameter analysis
In 2015, physico chemical analysis of water from Fort Lake and Rakkaskoppa (Table 1 and 2) indicated that all the parameters were reduced; especially CaCo3 of total alkalinity and hardness have been reduced, though it had not reached desired limit.
pH value had increased in the water from Fort Lake. Chlorides and sulphates count had decreased, total alkalinity as CaCO3- had decreased more in water from Rakkaskoppa. Total hardness as CaCO3 also had decreased more in water from Rakkaskoppa. BOD of water from Rakkakoppa showed significant results. (Decrease in BOD is good for aquatic species)
Microbiological analysis - Rakkaskoppa and Fort Lake water reservoir (2015)
Fort lake water reservoir - Total fungal count had not shown a significant reduction probably due to high contamination of water, as it is in the middle of the city. E. coli bacteria was found, but bacterial count had decreased by 27 CFU/mL, immediately after Agastya Nakshatra. But fungal count had not shown any favourable reduction
Rakkaskoppa reservoir - E coli bacteria were found, but bacterial count had decreased by 20 CFU/mL immediately after Agastya Nakshatra. But fungal count had not shown reduction, probably because people use this water for washing animals or vehicles early in the morning.
Physicochemical parameter analysis of Jamboti River (2016)
All the observations were within limits, but units had shown reduction when compared between before and after the Canopus star. In microbiological analysis, before and after Agastya nakshatra, no significant changes in the microbiological examination parameters were found.
On analysis of physico chemical and microbiological results, effect of Canopus star (Agastya nakshatra) was evident in the present scenario. However, results may depend on the level of contamination and environmental conditions.
Work was carried out in KLEU Shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belagavi
Supporting File
- Vaidya Harischandra kushavaha charak samhita by agnivesa of chakrapanidatta. sutrasthana,6th chapter, verse 45-46,1s ed, Chaukhambha Orantalia,Varanasi, 2005;102.
- Kavirajshree Narendranath Sengupta & Balai Chandra gupta, charakasamhita ayurvedadeepika commentaries of srimatcakrapanidatta and jalpakalpataru of Sri Gangadhar, Sutrasthana 1st part, 6th Chapter verse 14,1st edition,Chaukhambha orantalia. Varanasi. Page No 346.
- Dr Ganagasahayapande Acharyabhavamishra of bhavaprakasha nighntu purvakhanda of varivarga reprint edition, Chaukambha bharateeya academy, 2015; 738.
- Acharya Y T, editor. Sushruta Samhita of Acharya Sushruta. Uttaratantra 64th Chapter, Verse. 17-18 Reprint Edition, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2009; 924.
- Vaidyaratnakavirajpandit Jogindranath Sen, Vidyabhushan, charaksamhita with carakopaskaara original commentary in Sanskrit, SutrasthanVol 1st , 6th Chapter, verse no 46-47 Chaukhambha surbharati Prakashan :163-64.
- Bhisagacharya Harishastri Paradakaravaidya Astanga Hridayam with commentaries of arundatta and Ayurveda rasayana of hemadri, Sutrasthan, 3rd Chapter, re print 10th edition, Chaukmbha Orianatalia Varanasi, 2017; 50.