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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Case Series
Sindhura A S*,1,

1Dr. Sindhura A S M.D (Ayu), Associate professor, Department of PG studies in Kayachikitsa, Sri Kalabyraveswara Swamy Ayurveda Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India.

*Corresponding Author:

Dr. Sindhura A S M.D (Ayu), Associate professor, Department of PG studies in Kayachikitsa, Sri Kalabyraveswara Swamy Ayurveda Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Bangalore, Karnataka, India., Email:
Received Date: 2023-09-16,
Accepted Date: 2024-05-11,
Published Date: 2024-06-30
Year: 2024, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Page no. 55-61, DOI: 10.26463/rjas.11_1_2
Views: 2597, Downloads: 44
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

The horoscope is the blue print of the whole being, reflecting the complex interaction of the body, mind and the soul. By the complimentary combination of the Kaalachakra (the wheel of time) and Rashichakra (the circle of zodiac) and thereby distinguishing various ailments on various organs as indicated by the zodiac circle, a diagnostic methodology has been instituted by Medical Astrology. Medical Astrology claims that all the planets showcase particular body part or a group of parts. The dasha (period and subperiod) and unfavorable transit of planets results in health issues in that part of the body the planet represents. In this study, the birth chart of 10 diabetic patients taking daily medications were analyzed using the astrological parameters, such as date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and age of detecting diabetes. Affliction of Jupiter, Venus and 5th house which are the significances for the diabetes mellitus were analyzed in each chart.

<p>The horoscope is the blue print of the whole being, reflecting the complex interaction of the body, mind and the soul. By the complimentary combination of the <em>Kaalachakra</em> (the wheel of time) and <em>Rashichakra </em>(the circle of zodiac) and thereby distinguishing various ailments on various organs as indicated by the zodiac circle, a diagnostic methodology has been instituted by Medical Astrology. Medical Astrology claims that all the planets showcase particular body part or a group of parts. The <em>dasha </em>(period and subperiod) and unfavorable transit of planets results in health issues in that part of the body the planet represents. In this study, the birth chart of 10 diabetic patients taking daily medications were analyzed using the astrological parameters, such as date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and age of detecting diabetes. Affliction of Jupiter, Venus and 5th house which are the significances for the diabetes mellitus were analyzed in each chart.</p>
Diabetes Mellitus, Guru (Jupiter), Medical astrology, Shukra (Venus), 5th house
  • 1

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Type I Diabetes mellitus is due to the combination of genetic and autoimmune factors, leading to destruction of pancreatic β cells. Type II Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion.1

Madhumeha is a type of Vataja prameha, which is a disease of Mutravaha srotus that can be correlated to Diabetes mellitus.2 A vivid description of etiologies, pathophysiology, types, symptomatology, complications and therapeutics of Prameha are available in all classical Ayurvedic texts. Prameha is one among the Adibala pravritta vyadhi which indicates that the disease is congenital in origin and genetically determined.3 Sahaja Prameha (Hereditary type) is the disease which occurs due to certain defects in Beeja (ovum and sperm) and also known as Mata-pitra Beejadoshakrita. Apath-yanimittaja Prameha (Acquired type) occurs due to over nourishment and sedentary habits.4

Medical Astrology claims that all the planets showcase particular body part or a group of parts. The dasha (period) and unfavourable transit of planets results in health issues in a particular part of the body the planet represents.5

The liver which metabolizes glucose, and the pancreas which produces insulin are located in the upper part of abdomen. This area falls under the jurisdiction of the 5th house.6 Jupiter is the significator for the liver as well as a part of the pancreas. Venus is the significator for the remainder of pancreas. Venus also rules over the hormonal system of the body. Jupiter, Venus and the 5th house, thus come into play in the condition of Diabetes mellitus.7

This research study was conducted based on principles outlined in standard Astrological texts. The birth chart of 10 patients with Madhumeha w.s.r to Diabetes mellitus, who were on daily medication for the same were analyzed for the study. Birth chart was analyzed using the Astrological parameters such as date of birth, time of birth, place of birth and age of detecting Madhumeha w.s.r to Diabetes mellitus. Affliction of Jupiter, Venus and 5th house were analyzed in each chart.

Case Presentations Ten patients with a history of Madhumeha w.s.r Diabetes mellitus and who were on regular medications for the same were considered for the study. The consent was taken from the patients for sharing the horoscope data. The data consisted of patient’s name, date and time of birth, place of birth, and year in which the Madhumeha w.s.r Diabetes mellitus was detected. Birth chart of patients was analyzed using Astrology software (Jyotishya App 8.0, developed by Vishnuvardhana SV).

The following parameters were extracted from the data and a detailed study was carried out as reported in this paper.

  • Malefic effect on Guru (Jupiter) and Shukra (Venus) 
  • Shani (Saturn) and Rahu afflicting Jupiter by association or aspect (vision).
  • Jupiter in RKA (Rahu Ketu axis)
  • Lord of 5th house in conjunction with 6th, 8th, 12th lord.
  • Dasha and antardasha (period and subperiod) of occurrence of disease.

Chart 1a

Chart 1a shows the Rashi chart of a male with a history of Diabetes mellitus for the past nine years. Ascendant in Makara (Capricorn), Guru (Jupiter) was debilitated in Ascendant, casting its vision on the 5th house. Budha (Mercury: lord of 6th house) and Surya (Sun lord of 8th house) were located together in the 5th house along with combust Kuja (Mars). 5th house has the aspect of Retro Shani (Saturn). 5th house lord was located in Meena (Pisces sign of Jupiter). Placement of 8th lord in 5th house confirmed the inheritance of disease.

In Navamsha, Guru (Jupiter) was placed with Shani (Saturn) in 6th house, Shukra (Venus) was located in the sign of Jupiter (Pisces) aspected (casting the vision) by Mars.

Vimshottari Dasha: The disease was detected in Moon dasha (period) and Jupiter antardasha (subperiod). Moon and Jupiter are considered as maaraka (inauspicious) for Capricorn Ascendant.

Chart 1b

Chart 1b shows the Rashi chart of a male with Diabetes mellitus for the past six years. Ascendant in Karka (Cancer) sign, Kuja (Mars) (5th house lord) was located in 6th house Dhanu (Sagittarius) which is a Guru (Jupiter) sign. Retro Kuja (Mars) was casting its vision on the Moon, Budha (Mercury) and Shukra (Venus) were located in the 12th house. 6th house lord Guru (Jupiter) was placed in the 8th house. 8th house lord Saturn, which is maaraka for Cancer Ascendant was placed in 5th house and was exhibiting retrograde movement. 8th house Guru (Jupiter) gets the aspect of retro Shani (Saturn) from 5th house. 8th house lord in 5th house also signifies inheritance of disease.

In Navamsha 5th house lord Shani (Saturn) was retrograde and was located in ascendant. Retrograde Kuja (Mars) aspects the Guru (Jupiter: 6th house lord) and Shukra (Venus) (8th house lord). Afflicted 6th house lord aspects the ascendant.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Saturn dasha (period) and Mercury anthardasha (subperiod). Saturn is considered as maraka for Cancer ascendant.9

Chart 1c

Chart 1c depicts the Rashi chart of a female suffering with Diabetes mellitus for 10 years. Ascendant in Makara (Capricorn), Lord of ascendent (Saturn) was placed in RKA. Guru (Jupiter) and Venus, both in retrograde motion is located in RKA. 6th house lord Budha (Mercury) is located in Ascendant along with the 8th lord Surya (Sun). Shukra (Venus) (5th house lord) was located in Pisces (Sign of Jupiter). 5th house and ascendant are aspected by Mars. 5th house was also afflicted by the aspect of Saturn and the Retrograde Jupiter.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Rahu dasha (period) and Venus anthardasha (subperiod).

Chart 1d 

Chart 1d shows the Rashi chart of a female with a history of Diabetes mellitus for eight years. Ascendant in Vrushabha (Taurus), Shukra (Venus) being the lord of ascendant and lord of 6th house was paced in Meena (Pisces) (house of Jupiter). Guru (Jupiter) being the 8th house lord was located with retro Shani (Saturn) and was having the vision of Kuja (Mars) (12th house lord). 5th house lord Budha (Mercury) was combust in the ascendant. Sun was the 12th house lord. 5th house had the aspect of 8th house lord Guru (Jupiter).

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Sun dasha (period) and Jupiter anthardasha (subperiod). Jupiter, Venus and Moon are considered as inauspicious for Taurus Ascendant. 10

Chart 1e 

Chart 1e represents the Rashi chart of a female diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus one and half year prior. Ascendant in Simha (Leo), Shukra (Venus) was located in the Ascendant and was having the vision of Shani (Saturn), which was also the 6th house lord. Kuja (Mars) aspects the 5th house lord and also the Ascendant. 5th house also gets the aspect from retrograde Shani (Saturn). Jupiter which was 5th and 8th house lord was placed in RKA.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Saturn dasha (period) and Saturn anthardasha (subperiod). Saturn is considered as maraka for Leo ascendant.11

Chart 1f

Chart 1f was the Rashi chart of a female suffering with Diabetes mellitus for 13 years. Ascendant in Kanya (Virgo), Venus was placed in the 8th house and aspects the retrograde Guru (Jupiter). Kuja (Mars) being the 8th house lord was looking into the Ascendant. Budha (Mercury: lord of ascendant) was located in 8th house, with lord Kuja (Mars) in Meena (Pisces: sign of Jupiter) and Jupiter placed in Tula (Libra sign of Venus).

In Navamsha, 5th house lord Mercury was located with Saturn in the ascendant. 6th house lord Moon was located in 8th house along with Mars. Venus was located in Dhanu (Sagittarius) and was afflicted by Mars.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Mercury dasha (period) and Venus anthardasha (subperiod). Mars, Jupiter and Moon give inauspicious result for Virgo ascendant.12

Chart 1g

Chart 1g is the Rashi chart of a male with a history of Diabetes mellitus for the past 16 years. Ascendant in Karka (Cancer), RKA was located in the 5th house. 8th house lord (Saturn) and Lord of ascendant (Moon) was placed in RKA. 5th house lord Kuja (Mars) was located in the 6th house. Shukra (Venus) was located in Pisces (sign of Jupiter) and Mars was located in Dhanu (Sagittarius: sign of Jupiter). Mars was casting its vision on the Ascendant and Venus. Saturn was casting the vision on Jupiter and retrograde Jupiter was the casting the vision on 5th house.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Saturn dasha (period) and Saturn antardasha (subperiod). Venus, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter give inauspicious results for Cancer Ascendant.13

Chart 1h 

Chart 1h shows the Rashi chart of a female with Diabetes mellitus for the past 25 years. Ascendant in Dhanu (Sagittarius). Shukra (Venus) (lord of 6th house) was located in 8th house and was afflicted by the aspect of retrograde Guru (Jupiter) from 12th house. 5th house was aspected by Shani (Saturn).

In Navamsha, 12th lord Jupiter was located in RKA. Retrograde Guru (Jupiter) was casting its vision on the ascendant. Kuja (Mars: lord of 6th house) was located with the 5th house lord Surya (Sun). Shukra (Venus) was located in the 5th house.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Jupiter dasha (period) and Venus anthardasha (subperiod). Venus is inauspicious for Sagittarius Ascendant.14

Chart 1i 

Chart 1i represents the Rashi chart of a male with Diabetes mellitus for past six years. Ascendant in Vrushabha (Taurus), Shukra (Venus: the lord of ascendant), Kuja (Mars lord of 12th house) and Moon were located in 5th house in RKA. Venus was also the lord in 6th house. Budha (Mercury: lord of 5th house) was in retrograde motion and was in association with Saturn. Guru (Jupiter: lord of 8th house) was located in 3rd house which was the marana karaka sthana for the Jupiter. Mars, Moon, Venus and Jupiter are maraka for Taurus Ascendant.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Saturn dasha (period) and Saturn anthardasha (subperiod). Jupiter, Venus and Moon give inauspicious results for Taurus Ascendant.10

Chart 1j 

Chart 1j presents the Rashi chart of a male patient diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus three years before. Ascendant in Kumbha (Aquarius), Saturn (the lord of ascendant) was located in 6th house and was combust. Shukra (Venus) and Guru (Jupiter) were placed together and were placed in 12th house to lord of ascendant and week lord. Jupiter and Venus were in papakartari yoga in 5th house. Mercury (lord of 5th and 8th house) was in 7th house in marana karaka sthana.

Vimshotthari dasha: The disease was detected in Mercury dasha (period) and Mercury anthardasha (subperiod). Jupiter, Moon and Mars are inauspicious for Aquarius Ascendant. Mercury is considered as evil as it owns the 8th house.15


The data collected from the ten patients were observed for the malefic effect on Guru (Jupiter) and Shukra (Venus), affliction of 5th house and the lord of 5th house.

Among the 10 patients enrolled for the study and analyzed for the natal horoscope, 10 patients (100%) had affliction to Jupiter, 10 patients (100%) had the affliction to Venus, 8 patients (80%) had the affliction to 5th house and 10 patients (100%) had the affliction to 5th house lord. Three patients (30%) were diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus during Saturn period and Saturn subperiod, and other patients were diagnosed with Diabetes mellitus during Saturn period and Jupiter subperiod, Saturn period and Mercury subperiod, Mercury period and Mercury subperiod, Mercury period and Venus subperiod, Rahu period and Venus subperiod, Moon period and Jupiter subperiod and Jupiter period and Venus subperiod.


According the Vedic Astrology, the 12 signs (rashis) of the zodiac are linked to the 12 limbs of the body. By the complementary combination of time (Kalachakra) and the circle of zodiac (Rashichakra) and thereby distinguishing various ailments on various organs as indicated by the zodiac circle, a diagnostic methodology has been instituted by medical astrology, which is a branch of Vedic astrology. Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Ayur Jyothishyam, a book on Ayurveda Astrology mentions Shukra (Venus) as the significator of Madhumeha.16 It is mentioned that 7th and 8th Bhava placement of Venus causes diabetes like kidney diseases.17 Diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus from the natal horoscope is by the analysis of affliction of Guru (Jupiter) and Shukra (Venus), 5th house and lord of 5th house. Debilitated Jupiter, placement of Jupiter in adverse houses, Shani (Saturn) and Rahu afflicting the Jupiter by association or aspect, combust Jupiter in RKA, Venus in the 6th house aspected (casting its vision) by Jupiter from the 12th house, Lord of 5th house in conjunction with 6, 8 and 12th house lord, Jupiter retro, afflicted in trika houses are mentioned as the general astrological principles according to Astrological texts for the diagnosis of Diabetes mellitus.18 Veerasimhavalokana, a classical text book on Medical Astrology mentions that a native born with Budha (Mercury) with Sun’s aspect, posited in the signs of Guru (Jupiter) i.e, Sagittarius and Pisces, will turn out to be a diabetic.19


As per the literature available in classical text books of Astrology, affliction of Jupiter, affliction of Venus, afflicted 5th house and the 5th house lord causes Diabetes mellitus. Hence the placement of these planets, the signs and house, the malefic aspects and association to these factors are to be studied in diagnosing Madhumeha w.s.r to Diabetes mellitus based on natal horoscope. The Vimshotthari dasha system also plays an important role in knowing the onset of Diabetes mellitus. The observation in these 10 patients suggest that persons with these afflictions may be vulnerable to diabetes.

Understanding the planetary combinations and affliction in causation of Diabetes mellitus mentioned in Vedic astrological texts books contributes to better prediction model for diabetes risk. This can help in preventive efforts and lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. It is important for health care professionals and researchers to collaborate in the development and validation of these new diagnostic tests to ensure the accuracy and reliability.

Limitation of the study

While horoscope analyses may provide general insights, they fail to account for the complex interplay of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors in Diabetes mellitus, highlighting the imperative for tailored assessments using divisional charts.

Conflict of Interest


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  1. Golwalla AF, Golwalla SA. Golwalla’s Medicine for Students: A reference book for the family physicians. 24th edition. Jaypee’s Brothers Medical Publishers; 2014. p. 345
  2. Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Deepika, Commentary by Chakrapani Dutta, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya. Nidana Sthana, 4/39. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharathi Rakashan; 2009. p. 215.
  3. Sushruta. Sushruta Samhita with Nibandha Sagraha, Commentary by Dalhana, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Nidana Sthana, 4/39. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharathi Prakashan; 2010. p. 451
  4. Sushruta. Sushruta Samhita with Nibandha Sagraha, Commentary by Dalhana, edited by Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamji Acharya, Sutra Sthana 24/5. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surabharathi Prakashan; 2010. p. 114. 
  5. Charak KS. Essentials of Medical Astrology. Delhi, India: Uma Publications; 2006. p. 41.
  6. Parashara. Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Translation by Girish Chand Sharma. New Delhi: Sagar Publications; 1994. p. 224.
  7. Charak KS. Essentials of Medical Astrology. Delhi, India: Uma Publications; 2006. p. 180.
  8. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 162
  9. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 145.
  10. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 137. 
  11. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 146.
  12. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 150.
  13. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 144. 1
  14. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 159. 
  15. Verma OP. Laghu Parashari, Jataka Chandrika. New Delhi: Ranjan Publications; 2019. p. 165. 
  16. Prasad KSR. Ayur Jyothishyam. Prakhya Art Printers Pvt. Ltd; 2021. p. 271. 
  17. Prasad KSR. Ayur Jyothishyam. Prakhya Art Printers Pvt. Ltd; 2021. p. 295.
  18. Charak KS. Essentials of Medical Astrology. Delhi, India: Uma Publications; 2006. p. 179.
  19. Veerasimhan. Veerasimhavalokana, Edited by K. Narayanan ‘Saidasan’. CBH Publications; 2011. p. 183.
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