RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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1Dr Narayan Bavalatti, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalakya. SDM College of Ayurveda L. N. Nagar. Kuthpady - UDUPI - 574118
2Dr Sapna D. B, Assistant Professor, SDM College of Ayurveda, Kuthpady , Udupi.
3Dr. Shivanand Ghavimat, Professor, JSS College of Ayurveda, Mysore.
*Corresponding Author:
Dr Narayan Bavalatti, Assistant Professor, Department of Shalakya. SDM College of Ayurveda L. N. Nagar. Kuthpady - UDUPI - 574118, Email:
The optical stability and normal function of the eye depend on an adequate supply of fluid covering its surface. The tear film's components interact to form a stable structure composed of mucin, aqueous solution and lipid that protects the ocular surface and provides a medium for delivery of supportive and protective proteins. Alteration of any one of the tear film components can destabilize the tear film and lead to the initiation of inflammatory process of ocular surface which in turn may leads to dry eye syndrome. In ayurveda the disease Shushkakashipaka is very similar to Dry eye syndrome in modem ophthalmology. All acharyas included Shushkakshipaka as a disease which is affecting all parts of eye ball because this condition can cause major problems to all parts of eye like Shukla, Krishna. Drishti mandalas if not treated property The different acharyas opinions that vitiation of Vata. Pittha and Raktha Will play the major role in the disease pathology Narrowing of palpebral aperature, Crusting of lids. Blurred vision, Stuck eyelids.foreign body sensation, Pnckling pain, teanng pain, mucoid discharge etc are the clinical features explained in ayurveda. Systemic and local Vata-Pittha shamana and Dhatuposhana treatment is highly recommended starting from the Snehapana.
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