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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Editorial Article
Dr. B R Ramakrishna1,

1Editor in Chief, RJAS, Vice-Chancellor, SVYASA University, Bangalore

Received Date: 2023-05-30,
Accepted Date: 2023-06-15,
Published Date: 2023-06-30
Year: 2023, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Page no. vi-vii, DOI: 10.26463/rjas.10_1_2
Views: 1622, Downloads: 43
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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Greetings to all the readers and practitioners of Yoga. Wishing you all a very healthy, happy, and prosperous 9th International Day of Yoga being organized all over the world (IDY-2023). If we can recall our memories, Yoga the most ancient Indian wisdom has become highly popular and reached every home and individual throughout the World after the first IDY-2015 celebration subsequent to the United Nations General Assembly resolution in the year 2014 to celebrate IDY on June 21st every year. Thanks to the Government of India and in particular to our Honourable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modiji, a true Yogi who has taken the initiative with the objective of ensuring Health, Happiness, and Harmony through Yoga to one and all.

As many have understood, Yoga is not merely a practice of different body postures, stretching of different parts of the body, gymnastics, and a kind of physical exercise. Yoga is a holistic way of life, an art of living, a science of life for harmony and peace.

The problems of present-day society and in particular the youth are improper lifestyle, addiction to tobacco, alcohol, drugs, substance abuse, lack of nationalism and patriotism, divorce culture, running behind money and luxuries, addiction to work, gambling, and casinos, corruption and nepotism, gun culture in the schools, colleges, and universities are becoming the order and fashion of the day.

These vice and borrowed cultures kill the human resource of the society in every aspect which in turn influences the socio-economic conditions and development of the society and also results in many psychosomatic disorders like diabetes, hypertension, sleep disorders, degenerative diseases, autoimmune disorders, etc., which make people a liability for the family and society. What is the solution for these problems and how to prevent and manage these menaces?

It is possible to bring a change in society through proper addressing of Yoga which focuses on the Integrative management of the physical, physiological, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions of an individual. If people are made disciplined and cultured automatically, the community and society become stable and harmonious. Classical yoga comprising of proper Āhāra (Diet and dietetics), Vihāra (Practices and habits), Vicāra (Thoughts), Ācāra (Daily Regimens), Vyavahāra (Occupation and professions), and Ādhyātma (Spirituality) plays an important role in building the character of individuals and a civilized society.

Classical Yoga comprises four main streams namely jñāna Yoga (Knowledge), Karma yoga (Duty/Action), Bhakti Yoga (Divinity/Surrender to God) & Rājayoga (Scientific/Rationale methods of practice), and eight steps namely Yama (Don’ts to maintain harmony in the society) Niyama (Code and Conduct for personal health and growth), Āsana (Different Body postures which make physical fitness and mental stability), Prāṇāyāma (Breathing techniques), Pratyāhāra (Controlling of the Senses), Dhāraṇa (Concentration of the mind), Dhyāna (Meditation) & Samādhi (Attaining self-realization) is the best choice to maintain harmony within and among the five dimensions of human existence namely Annamaya kośa (Physical), Prāṇāmaya kośa (Physiological), Manomaya kośa (Psychological), Vijñānamaya kośa (Intellectual) and Ānandamaya kośa (Spiritual). Modern science even though it has reached its zenith in understanding the human body to the minute level of cells, genes, energy pockets, several chemicals, etc., has not been able to provide total cure and prevention of many psychosomatic diseases and disorders and social evils. It is because modern science considers the human system as a machine based on the theory of matter-based and reductionistic approaches. Contrary to this, Yoga philosophy considers human life as an integrative manifestation of body, mind, and consciousness based on the theory of Knowledge and totality. By following and practicing Yoga in its real form, we can understand the whole human system in an integrative view and establish health, happiness, and harmony among individuals and in society.

Many research studies have shown how Yoga is effective in preventing and reducing stress, the root cause of many psychosomatic diseases and disorders, in improving the quality of life among elders and diseased, in improving the quality and duration of sleep, in overcoming different addictions, promotion of positive health, improving the cognitive functions of people with different age groups, improving general immunity against different types of infections including the COVID-19 Virus.

Among the school children, regular Yoga practice has shown improvement in their IQ level. Studies have shown that Yoga has a very good effect on the management of breast cancer, hypertension, joint disorders, migraines, pre and postmenstrual disorders, degenerative diseases, anxiety, depression, bronchitis, asthma and etc.

Based on the research findings of Yoga on IQ of school children by SVYASA, Deemed to be University the Government of India and many State Governments have introduced Yoga as a subject in primary education. Now while introducing NEP-2020, Yoga has been made a compulsory subject in higher education. Beyond one’s imagination, the corporate and private sectors have been supporting for promotion and propagation of Yoga in their own fields.

Finally, I appeal to all people to practice Yoga on a regular basis to lead a healthy and happy life. This will ultimately result in a sustainable and harmonious society.

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