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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Review Article
Shashi Kumar1, Prashant Jadar*,2, Elina Metia3,

1KAHER'S Shri. B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, India.

2KAHER'S Shri. B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, India.

3KAHER'S Shri. B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, India.

*Corresponding Author:

KAHER'S Shri. B.M.K. Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, India., Email:
Received Date: 2023-06-01,
Accepted Date: 2023-06-23,
Published Date: 2023-06-30
Year: 2023, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Page no. 31-35, DOI: 10.26463/rjas.10_1_9
Views: 2412, Downloads: 99
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

One of the most advanced branches of Ayurveda is Rasashastra which deals with the transformation of harmful metals and minerals into herbomineral drugs (non-toxic substances). They are prepared using a wide range of methods and one of them is Kupipakwa rasayana, which is known for its best efficacy and rapid action even in low dose. The effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine has been tested over time. For evaluated information of Sameera Pannaga Rasa (SPR), original research articles were searched from different journals. Clinically it has been proven safe and effective in treatment of various diseases like asthma, rheumatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical spondylosis, allergic rhinitis, etc. One of the herbomineral formulation is Sameera Pannaga Rasa (SPR) which is most effective and hugely used in various ailments. There are different SPR with various constituents available in Ayurvedic text. Hence here is an effort to review its components and utilization in various diseases. ‘Sammera’ means ‘vata’ and ‘pannaga’ means ‘serpent’, also said as synonyms of ‘Vasuki’. It implies that, the combination can control or kill ‘vata’ like a serpent. SPR consists of Parada, gandhaka, haratala, manahshila and Gouripashana; the arsenal drugs “trimalla” is used here, which is very effective in kaphavrita vatavyadhi as it has ushna virya and sara guna. As a bhavna dravya, tulasi swarasa is used which is Kapha vata hara and also proven effective in Kaphaja vyadhi. Nagaballi as an anupana, has also been proven to be effective over vata and kapha vyadhi.

<p style="text-align: justify;">One of the most advanced branches of Ayurveda is <em>Rasashastra</em> which deals with the transformation of harmful metals and minerals into herbomineral drugs (non-toxic substances). They are prepared using a wide range of methods and one of them is <em>Kupipakwa rasayana</em>, which is known for its best efficacy and rapid action even in low dose. The effectiveness of Ayurvedic medicine has been tested over time. For evaluated information of <em>Sameera Pannaga Rasa</em> (SPR), original research articles were searched from different journals. Clinically it has been proven safe and effective in treatment of various diseases like asthma, rheumatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, cervical spondylosis, allergic rhinitis, etc. One of the herbomineral formulation is <em>Sameera Pannaga Rasa</em> (SPR) which is most effective and hugely used in various ailments. There are different SPR with various constituents available in Ayurvedic text. Hence here is an effort to review its components and utilization in various diseases. <em>&lsquo;Sammera</em>&rsquo; means <em>&lsquo;vata</em>&rsquo; and &lsquo;<em>pannaga&rsquo;</em> means &lsquo;serpent&rsquo;, also said as synonyms of <em>&lsquo;Vasuki</em>&rsquo;. It implies that, the combination can control or kill &lsquo;vata&rsquo; like a serpent. SPR consists of <em>Parada, gandhaka, haratala, manahshila </em>and <em>Gouripashana</em>; the arsenal drugs &ldquo;<em>trimalla</em>&rdquo; is used here, which is very effective in <em>kaphavrita vatavyadhi</em> as it has <em>ushna virya </em>and <em>sara guna.</em> As a <em>bhavna dravya, tulasi swarasa</em> is used which is <em>Kapha vata</em> <em>hara </em>and also proven effective in <em>Kaphaja vyadhi.</em> <em>Nagaballi </em>as an <em>anupana,</em> has also been proven to be effective over<em> vata</em> and <em>kapha vyadhi.</em></p>
Sameera pannaga rasa, Kupipakwa rasayana, Ayurveda
  • 1

Metals and minerals are part of Ayurvedic therapeutics and in vogue since ages. Rasashastra is one of the advanced branches of Ayurveda that deals with the conversion of metals, minerals (toxic substances) into herbo-minerals drug (non-toxic substances). They are prepared by different methods and Kupipakwa rasayana is one of them. Sameera Pannaga rasa (SPR) is one of the herbomineral formulation which is used in various ailments. The preparation method of this particular formulation is Kupipakwa rasayana which is one of a kind, known for its best therapeutic efficacy even in low dose. In Ayurveda, metals and minerals are made into biocompatible forms by certain detoxification process like shodhana, marana, etc. by giving bhavana, swedana, dhalana. Sameera Pannaga rasa consists of five drugs among which three are arsenical compounds and other two are Parada and Gandhaka in the form of Kajjali. The drug is mainly used in sandhivata justifying its nomenclature, but it is also used in kapaja vyadhi, sannipataja jwara, kaphaja unmada, etc.

Aim and Objectives

The aim of the study was to compile all the references available in the classics. The objectives of this particular study were to critically analyze the Sameera Pannaga  rasa properties and its uses as per classics and to evaluate if it can be used anywhere else apart from its phalasruti after analyzing its ingredients and methods of preparation.

Materials and Methods

For evaluated information of SPR, original research articles were searched from Research gate, DHARA, Google scholar, PubMed, Ayu with keywords Sameera Pannaga rasa, Kupipakwa rasayana. Along with the review of SPR, Rasapanchaka of its ingredients and dosha karma were compiled from texts of different scholars.

Sameera Pannaga Rasa

‘Sammera’ means ‘vata’ and ‘pannaga’ means ‘serpent’, also said as synonyms of ‘Vasuki’. It implies that, the combination can control or kill ‘vata’ like a serpent SPR, an arsenal mercurial formulation mentioned in Rasa Chandamshu, does not have Manashila as a component. However, later on it was added by Ayurveda aushodhi guna dharma shastra. The later version has been accepted by Ayurveda formulary of India, but justification regarding addition of Manashila has not been provided. In addition to this, there is controversy regarding the final product i.e., whether to collect talastha or ubhayastha (galastha and talastha).

Composition of SPR

Main ingredients of Sameera pannaga rasa are kajjali, and trimalla. But justification regarding addition of Manashila has not been provided. In addition to this, there is controversy regarding the final product i.e., whether to collect talastha or ubhayastha (galastha and talastha).

Methods of Preparation

With the use of Parada, basically there are four varieties of Rasa-aushadhis that are mentioned in Rasashastra and they are - Kharaliya Rasayana, Parpati Rasayana, Kupipakwa Rasayana and Pottali Rasayana. The Kupipakwa Rasayana has a unique place in Rasashastra because of its mercurial preparation with quicker action and synergistic effects in the body at a very low dose.

Kajjali is prepared with the Shodhita Parada and Gandhaka taken in equal quantities. In this, Shodhita Haratala, Manahshila & Gauripashana are added and triturated with the liquid media of Tulasi Swarasa for three days. The obtained powder is filled for about 1/3rd of the kanch-kupi which is covered by mud smeared cloth for seven times and dried. This kanch-kupi is then placed in the center of Baluka yantra for the Kramagni paka up to eight prahara. The final product is collected at the bottom of kanchkupi.

This preparation is made in glass bottles (Kanch-kupi) on mild, moderate and intense heat by using the instrument Baluka yantra. At the end of paka, the medicine is accumulated either at Talastha (Base of kupi) or Ubhayasth (both base & neck) of the kanch kupi. After self-cooling, the kerosene dipped thread is tied in the middle of kanch-kupi and burnt properly. Just after that, the kupi is covered with a wet cloth and because of this, the kupi breaks and the preparation is collected carefully. Valuka yantra is the instrument in which preparation are performed containing sand. Kapadmitti is used to prepare the mud smeared glass bottle. Mudrana is sealing of kupi mukha. Salaka is used to eliminate the obstruction in the kupi during paka of medicine. Pyrometer is used to assess the temperature range.Copper coin is used in the test to know the status of paka.


The formulation selected for this present study for review was first described in Rasa Chandamshu. Later it was added in Aushadhi guna dharma shastra, Rasatantra sara and AFI, but mentioned formulae in the name of SPR are of two in Rasa Chandamsu. Manashila was not added in Rasa Chandamsu, while it was added in AGDS, AFI, RTS-SPS .

Reason for addition of Manashila might be explained by its properties i.e., katu tikta rasa, snigdha ushna guna, ushna virya, kapha hara and act as sotha hara, kasa swasa hara, jwara, Kshaya, etc. As it has snigdha, ushna guna and ushna veerya, it acts on vata vikruti. On the other hand, it also acts on kapha vikruti as it has lekhana properties.

Ardraka Shodhita Manashila possesses sedative hypnotic activity, and it was confirmed through animal experimental model, particularly by reduction of spontaneous motor activity.13

Mardana with Tulasi patra swarasa is done for three days. As bhavna facilitates in proper mixing and firm binding between all components of ingredients together, it leads to interaction between them or with liquid which may result in physical as well as chemical interactions between them. It also helps in reducing the particle size which directly helps in increasing bioavailability.

By reviewing the ingredients of the formulation, it was found that most of them have katu tikta rasa and snigdha ushna guna, ushna veerya and katu vipaka; hence it acts on vata most effectively. 

Based on utilization, selection of any particular shodhana dravya or procedure can be evaluated. If this particular drug is wished for treating kapha vyadhi, then for example, selection of shodhana media of Manashila should be done by Ardraka swarasa or Nimbu swarasa.

As an anupana, most of the scholars had mentioned Nagavalli swarasa, Ardraka swarasa or Honey. If we examine the properties of nagavalli,14 it has properties like deepana, pachana, sleshmaghna, vata hara, sotha hara, etc. Ardraka15 has properties like swasa- kasa hara, kapha vikruti, if it is taken as anupana. Madhu16 acts as lekhana, srotoshodhana, yogavahi, swasa kasa hara, kapha hara, kshaya hara, etc.

Studies have proven that Nagavalli swarasa as a sahapana of this particular formulation reduces arsenic induced oxidative stress and controls allergic diseases through inhibition of production of allergic mediators.17

Another study on Tulasi swarasa has proved that it is effective against arsenic induced toxicity18 and on the other hand, it protects against mercury toxicity.19 Tulsi swarasa also helps in nullifying the possible ADR of SPR.

Dr. Anil mangal et al. studied SPR and Vardhamana pippali ksheera paka in the management of Amvata (R.A) and concluded that the drug is highly effective.20


Sameera Pannaga rasa, the yoga is already in practice in the management of Vatavyadhi. However, examination of its ingredients and phalashruti indicates that it can be used in many diseases, specifically in vata and Kaphaja vyadhi. The utility of SPR is vogue for more than centuries, but further research is required to establish its safety and efficacy profile in different diseases.

Conflicts of Interest


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