RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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1Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, KAHER’s Shri B.M.K Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belagavi, Karnataka.
2Dr. Prashant G Jadar, KAHER’s Shri B.M.K Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belagavi, Karnataka.
3Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, KAHER’s Shri B.M.K Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Belagavi, Karnataka
*Corresponding Author:
Dr. Prashant G Jadar, KAHER’s Shri B.M.K Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Shahapur, Belagavi, Karnataka., Email: drjadar@yahoo.co.in
Ageing is the process that occurs as an impact of accumulation of a wide range of functional and biological changes over time in the human system. In Ayurveda, Rasayana is one among the eight branches, especially focused on prevention and management of diseases related to old age. To deal with age-related diseases, Rasa yoga a combination of minerals or metals with herbal drugs acts as a promising tool due to its Rasayana and other therapeutic properties. To attain the benefits of Rasa yoga to its fullest, Kshetrikarana, a prerequisite is most important. The main aim of the article was to understand the concept of Kshetrikarana with reference to Rasa yoga and explore Rasa yoga as Rasayana therapy. The information was collected from various classical Ayurvedic books like Bruhatrayee, Rasashastra text books and journals. To get the fruit of Rasayana, Kshetrikarana stands foremost making the sharira equipped to undertake Rasayana oushadhi. The common rasa dravyas used in Rasayana formulations are found to be Abhraka (Mica), Swarna (Gold), Rajata (Silver), Parada (Mercury), Gandhaka (Sulphur), etc. Minerals and metal compounds have proven anti-oxidant effects. These formulations have indications in the diseases common in old age. Systematic way of undergoing Kshetrikarana mainly to get the aid of rasa yoga as Rasayana is important. Then the boon of Rasayana can be achieved to its fullest.
Aging in humans refers to accumulating changes over time, including those that are social, psychological and physical. Most diseases are more likely to develop as age progresses, resulting in a shorter lifespan.1 Ayurveda is an ancient science which is classified mainly into eight branches and one among them is Rasayana. The Rasayana tantra focuses primarily on establishing and maintaining youthfulness (vayahasthapana), increasing life span (ayu), intelligence (medha) and strength (bala), all of which are responsible for disease eradication.2 Though Rasayana therapy has its application among those with diseases, it can also be applied in healthy individuals mainly to eradicate the geriatric problems by its rejuvating action.
To deal with age related diseases, Ayurveda deals with drugs that have different sources of origin such as herbal, animal, metal, mineral and marine. But among them, Rasoushadi has its own importance like quick action in small doses, greater therapeutic efficacy and having a longer shelf life.3 Rasousadhi are undergoing various pharmaceutical processes, thus resulting in smaller particle size with more bioavailability.
Administration of rasa yoga helps to attain the Rasayana effect and to tackle the diseases older individuals are more prone to. Generally, sharira shodhana including various procedures like snehana (oleation), swedana (sudation), vamana (emesis) and so on should be undergone prior to the Rasayana administration.4 But to attain the benefits of Rasayoga to its fullest, various Rasavaidya have emphasized the concept of Kshetrikarana
Thus with proper understanding of the concept of Kshetrikarana and knowledge of various steps involved before administering the Rasousdhahi as Rasayana. Therefore in the present study, an attempt was made to gather information about Kshetrikarana and to collect the most commonly used Rasoushadhi by literary review in the formulation used as Rasayana.
Materials and Methods
Information about the procedure of Kshetrikarana and various prerequisite steps essential to utilize the rasoushadi as Rasayana was obtained from various Ayurvedic classical text books. A search was undertaken to screen the formulation mentioned in Rasayana adhikara having the rasoushadi. Even the impact of rasoushadi and recent research on the concept of Kshetrikarana was collected from various journals.
Kshetrikarana is a purificatory procedure adopted prior to the commencement of a Rasa oushadhi or Divya oushadhi. Sharira is considered as Kshetra and the health of the individual depends on the sharira. This procedure includes both swasthastha urjaskara prayoga rasayanam and athurasya roganuth prayoga. Kshetra means bhumi, the procedures adopted will convert the to make the body fit for the consumption of rasa oushadhi. Mainly to get the optimum action of rasa aushadhi, purifying with the help of therapies like Pachana, swedana, snehana, vamana and krimipatana.
Necessity of Kshetrikarana
Kshetrikarana is a set of procedures that should be followed to achieve better results in terms of disease cure and rejuvenation. The person who takes Parada (Mercury) without preparing the soil of his physical system in the aforesaid manner does not deserve any benefits from the medicines and is rather harmful.5 Even the Rasayana acts as a visha (poison) and does the utkleshana of doshas (vitiates the biological humours) if administered without Kshetrikarana. Thus, unlikely effects of Rasayana can occur instead of its benefits.6 Even the effect of Parada (Mercury) and Rasoudhadhi could not be obtained, in the way it causes sarvadosha prakopa (imbalance in the body).7 By undergoing the Kshetrikarana, Rasayana therapy should be followed. If an individual undergoes kshetrikarana, followed by Rasayana and Pathya, his Ayu will be increased and the person becomes Amar (immortal).
Relevance of Kshetrikarana
A person should get himself purified and strengthened before he commences Rasayana for removing disease and senility. Thus, the significance of Kshetrikarana can be understood through a simile; just as a potent seed sown in infertile or alkaline soil does not germinate, an Akshetrikarana individual given rasayana medicine does not produce any fruitful results.8 By undergoing this method, it helps to attain the effect of Rasayana medicines very quickly.9 For administering the Rasaoushadhi to a diseased person in order to make them free from disease, Acharya’s have mentioned about Kshetrikarana for detoxifying the body.6
Kshetrikarana includes a set of procedures like Snehapana (oleation), Swedana (sudation), Vamana (emesis), Virechana (purgation) and Krimipatana. These are explained by different Acharyas and is represented in Table 1.
Procedures after Kshetrikarana
The formulation such as Shringarabhraka and lakshmivilasa rasa containing Abhraka bhasma (Incinerated mica) in major quantities should be administered. Then to obtain the bala (strength), the intake of Abhraka bhasma for one month after Kshetrikarana was specifically mentioned to get the benefit of Parada bhasma and Rasoushadi.6
Kshetrikarana, a unique method adopted before administering Rasoushadi for Rasayana, helps in slowing the aging process, alleviates all the diseases from the body and promotes intellect. In a previous study, it was mentioned that Kshetrikarana is not just a purificatory method. It helps in regaining the balance in human system quickly and thus promotes the optimum usage of therapeutic effect of medicines given later.40 Thus, Rasayana therapy is the method for dealing and managing the body's natural deterioration process. These Rasayana possess the antioxidant qualities, thereby delaying the ageing process by defending against the free radical attack.41 This Rasayana is being administered in healthy people to prevent disease, promote rejuvenation and also is administered in individuals suffering with diseases. Thus administrating the Rasayana formulation containing Rasoushadi after kshetrikarana when the body channels are free from toxins helps in attaining quick effect of rasoushadhi.42 In Rasashastra, a number of medicines such as rasoushadhi are referred to be Rasayana, which strengthens the immune system and improves the body's natural resistance to infection.43 Thus the formulation mentioned in Rasayana adhikara of different classical texts revealed that rasoushadhi are used as one of the ingredient. Most common rasa dravya was found to be Abhraka, Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Gandhaka, Parada, Shilajatu, Lauha, Vanga and their properties are mentioned in Table 10. These Rasadravyas are found to possess properties like Rasayana, Balya, Ayushya, Rogahara etc. Specifically Abhraka bhasma is mentioned to be given for one month before administering the rasayana aushadhi. Thus multiple studies on abhraka bhasma proved to possess anti-oxidant, immunomodulatory action and effective in pandu (anaemia), prameha (Diabetes), shwasa (difficulty in breathing) and kasa (cough).44 In old age, diseases such as impaired vision and hearing, reduced strength and inability to perform basic activities, poor physical performance, communication problems, chronic diseases of joints, respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, wrinkles, greying of hairs are common among the individuals.45 From literature review, it was found that the formulations containing Rasoushadhi mentioned in Rasayana adhikara are also indicated in variety of diseases which are chronic in origin and also is an excellent promoter of ojas, capable of retaining memory, gains longevity and complexion. Therefore, further clinical studies should be conducted to validate the efficacy of rasayana formulation containing rasoushadhi.
Kshethrikarana is a specific technique described in Ayurveda, particularly prior to Rasayana therapy containing rasoushadhi. It includes a series of steps like snehana, swedana, vamana, virechana and krimipatana. The use of rasa dravyas was identified through a literary analysis of the formulations mentioned in the Rasayana adhikara. The metals or minerals like Abhraka, Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, Gandhaka, Parada, Shilajatu, Lauha, Vanga were incorporated by many Acharyas. But among them, Bhaishajya ratnavali and Vangasena samhita mentioned maximum number of formulations containing rasa dravya in rasayana adhikara. Most of the drugs are found to possess properties like balya, ayushya, pustikara, rasayana and other properties like anti-oxidant, immuno modulatory effect. It was also observed that these formulations have indications in the diseases common in old age. Therefore, to attain the benefit of rasoushadhi as rasayana, as a prerequisite, kshetrikarana should be adopted for maintaining balance and quickly revitalizing the body.
Source(s) of support
Presentation at a meeting
Conflict of Interest
Supporting File
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