RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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Paresh Katariya1
1: Associate Professor, Dept of Panchakarma. Sri Ganganagar Ayurvediccollege & hospital, Ganganagar,
Address for correspondence:
Paresh Katariya
E-mail: drpareshk3@gmail.com

Vipadika is one of the Kshudra Kushtha (Minor Skin Disease). Kashyapa mentions it as asadhya Vyadhi (Incurable disease). Most symptoms seen in Vipadika are vata-kapha predominant or with tridosha involvement. They are specifically located at lower extremities. The choice of treatment is Virechana (Purgation). Padasphutanam (cracked skin of sole) Tivra Vedana (Excessive Pain), Kandu (Itching) are major symptoms found in this disease. Virechana shows a good effect on all these symptoms. Lepa applied also shows drastic healing effect in this patient. Fish therapy is highly significant to clean up the dead tissues.
The word ‘Kushta’ is a broad term, which covers almost all the skin diseases. Kushtha is produced invariably by the vitiation of the seven factors i.e. 3 Doshas and 4 Dushyas1 ]. But different types of pain, color, shape, specific manifestation etc. are found in Kushtha because of Anshanshakalpana of the Doshas. Charaka explained Kushthas are in fact of innumerable types2 ], but for systemic study they are classified into two major groups 7 Maha Kushtha & 11 Kshudra Kushtha3 ]. Sushruta explained that if person dies due to Kushthathen that person suffer with same disease in rebirth4 ]. It gives an idea how hazardous disease it is. Sushruta explained that Vicharchika when appear on sole it is considered as Vipadika5 . Vipadika is one of the KshudraKushtha,Kashyapa mention it as Asadhya Vyadhi6 (Incurable disease); hence it is very difficult to treat.
1) To assess the efficacy of Virechana in Vipadika.
2) To assess the efficacy of Lepa in Vipadika.
3) To assess the efficacy of fish pedicurein Vipadika.
4) To assess the efficacy of above modalities in Vipadika.
The patient having classical signs & symptoms of Vipadika was selected from the O.P.D. of Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Ayurveda, Nerul, Navi Mumbai. A special Proforma including all the etiological factors ofkushtha with dushtilakshanas of dosha, dushya, &srotas etc. were made for assessing the patient. The patient was thoroughly questioned and examined on the basis of proforma to confirm the diagnosis.
Brief History of Patient: Male social worker belonging to Hindu koli community. He is married and having mixed diet. Age is 47yrs. Complained of- Torn skin of both the sole, Pain, Itching, Black & Red edges, Blackish discoloration, Dryness of skin at lower extremity since 1 yr. No history of diabetes, hypertension or allergies was elicited.
Deepana and Pachana (Increase Appetite & Digestion): Tab. Chitrakadi vati, 2 tabs bid, after food, for 3 days.
Snehana (Internal drinking of medicated ghrita): Arohana Krama (Ascending order) snehapana with Panchatikthaghritha, starting from 30 ml and was continued till samyak sneha lakshanas (Proper oleation symptoms) are seen. In this patient snehapana was done for 5 days, upto 170 ml was administered. Samyak lakshanas were seen and then for 3 days Abhyanga(Body Massage) and swedan (Sudation) was done, Nimbataila was used for abhyanga.
Virechana: Abhyadimodaka, 4 tab and Gandharvahastyadi tail 50 ml was given, followed by shunthijala (Ginger water) as anupana.
Fish pedicure: Fish pedicure was carried out after Virechana it was done in 3 sitting, 7 days gap given between each sitting.
Lepa-(External application): JeevantyadiYamak7is applied throughout the whole duration of treatment twice in a day.
General observations: He shows Madhyamakoshtha, disturbed sleep. The aggravation season is winter season. Pravarashudhi (Proper purification) was noticed in Virechana karma without any complication Patient was relieved from padasphutana, kandu, varna also became prakruta after the completion of intervention.
Kushtha whether it is Mahakushtha or Kshudrakushtha it is very difficult to treat; even then ayurvedic modality shows very good effect in this condition. Almost all symptoms are vatakaphapredominant & even tri doshic involvement and located at lower extremity for this Virechana is main line of treatment. This disease requires repeated shodhana(Purification/Detoxification) as explained in treaties8 . Highly significant result was found after Virechana(Medicated Purgation) Fish pedicureand Lepa(External application).
Supporting File
1) Dr Brahmanabdtripathied, Caraksamhita, volume 1, Nidansthana, Ch no 5, Shloka no 1-3, 1sted, reprinted 2009, pub by ChaukhambaSurabharatiprakashan, pp623.
2) Dr Brahmanabdtripathied, Caraksamhita, volume 1, Nidansthana, Ch no 5, Shloka no 4, 1sted, reprinted 2009, pub by Surabharatiprakashan, pp624.
3) Dr Aanantaram Sharma ed, Sushrutasamhita, volume 1, Nidansthana, Ch no 5, Shloka no5,1sted, reprinted 2008, pub by ChaukhambaSurabharatiprakashan, pp494.
4) Dr Aanantaram Sharma ed, Sushrutasamhita, volume 1, Nidansthana, Ch no 5, Shloka no 31, 1sted, reprinted 2008, pub by ChaukhambaSurabharatiprakashan, pp500.
5) Dr Aanantaram Sharma ed, Sushrutasamhita, volume 1, Nidansthana, Ch no 5, Shloka no 31, 1sted, reprinted 2008, pub by ChaukhambaSurabharatiprakashan, pp496.
6) PanditHemaraj Sharma ed, Kashyapasamhita, Chikitsasthana, KushthaChikitsadhyaya, reprinted, pub by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Samsthan, pp116.
7) Dr Brahmanabdtripathied, Caraksamhita, volume 2, Chikitsasthana, Ch no 7, Shloka no 120-121, 1sted, reprinted 2009, pub by ChaukhambaSurabharatiprakashan, pp323.
8) Dr Brahmanabdtripathied, Caraksamhita, volume 2, Chikitsasthana, Ch no 7, Shloka no 41, 1sted, reprinted 2009, pub by ChaukhambaSurabharatiprakashan, pp308.