RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2 pISSN: 2249-2194
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Rakshitha D1 , Ambika S1 , Gazala Hussain2 , Govinda Sharma K3
1: PG Scholar, 2:Associate Professor, : Professor
Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan
Address for correspondence:
Rakshitha D
Email: rakshuammu2626@gmail.com

INTRODUCTION: Arka Kalpana is one among the Pancha Vidha Kashaya Kalpana according to Arka Prakasha. Arka is a unique preparation in which the water soluble active principles are extracted from different drugs through distillation methods. Ksheerinivruksha Arka mentioned in Arka Prakasha is indicated in Vrana (Ulcer), Medhoroga (Hyperlipidaemia), Visarpa (Herpes zoster).
METHODOLOGY: In this study, Ksheerinivruksha Arka is prepared with a 1:10 drug to water ratio and as the general method of preparation, 60% of the distillate is collected out of total volume. An attempt has been made to prepare Ksheerinivruksha Arka and to check its Organoleptic characters such as appearance, taste, odour and Physico-chemical analysis such as Viscosity, Refractive index (RI), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Specific gravity, pH, Boiling point and Volatile oil content.
RESULT: Clear transparent colourless liquid- Arka is obtained with characteristic odour and taste indicating the presence of the drug constituents in it. Physico-chemical analysis is repeated three times and the average value is calculated and noted.
DISCUSSION: Its Organoleptic characters are similar to that of Arka standard protocol. As per Physico-chemical analysis it is slightly acidic in nature with specific gravity and boiling point almost close to that of water, as it is a water distillate along with other relevant parameters.
Many primary and secondary preparations could be found in Bhaishajya Kalpana according to different authors. According to Arka Prakasha,Arka Kalpana is one among the Panchavidhakashaya Kalpana that includes kalka, churna, rasa, taila, arka1. Arka is a unique preparation in which essential oils from herbal drugs are extracted through distillation method2. Ksheerinivruksha Arka is one among the Arka preparations explained in the text of Arka Prakasha. Arka prepared by Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Ashwattha, Plaksha, Parisha is named as Panchavalkala Arka or Ksheerinivruksha Arka which isindicated in Vrana (Ulcer), Medhoroga (Hyperlipidaemia), and Visarpa (Herpes zoster)3. In this present study an attempt is made to prepare Ksheerinivruksha Arka and to analyze its Organoleptic and Physico-chemical parameters as mentioned in standard operative procedure protocol of Arka Prakasha.
Ingredients – Bark of Nyagrodha, Udumbara, Ashwattha, Plaksha, Parisha
Method of preparation: Ksheerinivruksha Arka is prepared in 1:10 drug to water ratio and as the general method of preparation, 60% of the distillate is collected out of total volume4. 35g of coarse powder of Ksheerinivruksha choorna was taken and 200ml of water was added to soak the drug. Next day morning, well soaked drugs were transferred into the distillation apparatus by adding the remaining quantity (150ml) of water (1:10 ratio of drug to water) by adopting volume by volume ratio. Then it was continuously heated at 60-70o C to collect the 60% of the distillate (210ml) of total volume.
Dose: 12 -24ml
Anupana: Water
Indications: As lepa it is indicated in Meda roga and Visarpa, as seka in Shotha and heals fractures.
Analytical study10: Organoleptic characters such as appearance, taste, odour and Physico-chemical analysis such as Viscosity, Refractive index (RI), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Specific gravity, pH, Boiling point, Volatile oil content has been done. Viscosity is calculated using Viscometer. A definite volume of liquid (25ml) is poured into the bulb with a pipette. The liquid is released to flow back into the bulbs, and time taken to flow from A to B is noted. Then the same procedure is repeated for water and time is noted. Density of liquid and water are determined with the help of a pycnometer and viscosity is calculated. Refractive index is calculated by Abbe’s refractometer. Sample is put on the measurement prism using dropper, light focus is adjusted for proper illumination and the reading is noted. Total suspended solids is calculated by taking 30ml of the sample for testing, in a dried and pre-weighed china dish. Evaporate the content to dryness on a water bath, then dry at 1050C for 3 hours in a hot air oven. After cooling, the dish with the residue is kept in the desiccator for 30 minutes, and weighed immediately. The weight of residue should comply with the requirements stated under the individual monograph. Specific gravity is determined by calculating W1, W2 and W3 values of empty pycnometer, pycnometer with distilled water and pycnometer with sample respectively. It is calculated finally using formula. pH value is noted using pH meter with the help of electrodes and buffer solutions to calibrate. Boiling point is determined using distillation apparatus and by following the standard procedure. Volatile oil is calculated by the use of Clevenger’s apparatus.
Organoleptic characters:
Physico-chemical Analysis:
These procedures are repeated for three times and the average value is calculated and noted.
Arka Kalpana is one among the Panchavidhakashaya Kalpana according to Arka Prakasha. Ksheerinivruksha Arka was prepared by considering the general ratio 1:10 as mentioned in the Bhaishajya Kalpana text. Drugs were soaked overnight to allow the drug to be in contact with water so that the drugs turn soft and the active principles get dissociated in water. Arka preparation was carried out at medium temperature to allow sufficient agni samskara to take place, thereby extracting active principles of the drug. Clear transparent colourless liquid Arka is obtained with characteristic odour and taste indicating the presence of the drug constituents in it. As per Physico-chemical parameters, pH is 4.01 which suggests it is slightly acidic in nature. This is because the constituents of the drug are transferred to the water. Specific gravity is close to 1 as the preparation is a water distillate. Viscosity is 0.0095 with Refractive index 0.34 and Total suspended solids in negligible proportion. Boiling point of the Ksheerinivruksha Arka is 1010 C which is very similar to that of water. Volatile oil matter is 0.1 when expressed in percentage.
Ksheerinivruksha Arka was prepared with general ratio 1:10 and its Physico-chemical parameters such as Viscosity, Refractive index (RI), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Specific gravity, pH, Boiling point, Volatile oil content are assessed. Its Organoleptic characters are similar to that of Arka standard protocol. The preparation is easy to carry out and the shelf life of the drug is one year compared to other Panchavidhakashaya Kalpana. Specific gravity and Boiling point is nearer to water as it is a water soluble extractive. TSS is negligible as it’s a distillate. These physico chemical standards can be taken as preliminary standards. No works on this Arka have been carried out leaving ample scope for research.
Supporting File
1. Tripathi Indradeva. Arka Prakasha of Lankapati Ravana, 2nd ed. Vranasi: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy; 2006.p.9.
2. Angadi Ravindra. A Text Book of Bhaishajya Kalpana Vijnana, 2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan; 2016. p.115.
3. Tripathi Indradeva. Arka Prakasha of Lankapati Ravana, 2nd ed. Vranasi: Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy; 2006.p .63.
4. Angadi Ravindra. A Text Book of Bhaishajya Kalpana Vijnana, 2nd ed. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan; 2016. p.115.
5. Sastry J.L.N. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2012. p.942.
6. Sastry J.L.N. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2012. p.500.
7. Sastry J.L.N. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2012. p.944.
8. Sastry J.L.N. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2012. p.946.
9. Sastry J.L.N. Dravyaguna Vijnana, Reprint ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia; 2012. p.627.
10. CCRAS. Laboratory Guide for the Analysis of Ayurveda and Siddha Formulations. First edition. New Delhi. CCRAS Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: 2009.