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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 11 Issue No: 2  pISSN: 2249-2194

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Editorial Article

B R Ramakrishna

Editor in Chief

RGUHS Journal of

AYUSH Sciences

Received Date: 2020-01-12,
Accepted Date: 2020-03-15,
Published Date: 2020-07-30
Year: 2020, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, Page no. 1-3, DOI: 10.26715/rjas.7_2_2
Views: 881, Downloads: 10
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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The Alma - Aata Declaration of-1978 adopted at the International Conference on Primary Health Care by WHO, “Health for all by 2020” has remainedonly on papers and slogans. A question arises on the worthiness of such adeclaration, that too by a world apex body.

What is the reason?

Different parts of the world have been racing to become capitals of different diseases and disorders. South Asian countries for Diabetes, Australia, Newzeland, Canada, US and Europe for Cancer and particularly for Breast Cancer; Nauru, Cook Islands, Palau and Marshal Islands for Obesity; Europe, America and Canada for Hypertension; India, China and US for Psychiatric Disorders.

In these days, Modern System of Medicine which is popularly known as Allopathy has been the front-line Health Care System all over the world and it has reached its zenith in many ways, particularly in the management of Medical and Surgical emergencies, Diagnostic tools, treating Infectious diseases and etc, but has failed to deliver the declaration of Alma Aata.

In spite of understanding the human body to its minutest level, using more than 40,000 Chemicals in various Medicines, conducting more than 5000 types of Surgeries which include Organ transplantation, Artificial implants and Robot guided Surgeries; In-vitro fertilization, Intensive care through Ventilators and etc the Western System of Health care is not able to provide sustainablePreventive or total curativesolutions, except palliative care to any of the Non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, Sleep Disorders, Degenerative Disorders, Autoimmune Disorders, Depression, Psoriasis, IBS, Obesity, Psychiatric Disorders, Genetic Diseases and etc, which are knocking the doors of every family and becoming like communicable.

This is due to the fact of understanding the human life as a Matter-based structure, Reductionistic and Deterministic approach and Disease focused Clinical management.

Here comes the importance of AYUSH Systems which understand the human lifein Totality(Body, Energy, Mind, Intellect and Consciousness) with Knowledge / Conscious based approach and Patient oriented Clinical management.

Through this total Integrative / Holistic approach the root cause of all types of diseases, particularly the NCDs can be explored and provide sustainablePreventive and Curative solutions.

AYUSHSystems which comprises of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy(SowaRigpa,the Tibetan Traditional System is recently added to the list)have been recognised as Indian systems of Medicine (ISM) by the Union Government of India and Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM) by WHO.

The AYUSH Systems are based on the theory of nature and natural phenomena andgive importance to lifestyle management and use only the available natural resources in their clinical use. Among these, there are many commonalities with respect to fundamental principles, basic doctrines, understanding the human system, disease, drugs and the therapeutic modules. Each system has few specialties also, but are complimentary to each other. These systems are capable of providing preventive and curative solutions to Non-communicable diseases well and also have established command in treating specific Chronic Psycho-somatic disorders.

The preventive and curative approach of these systems begin with balancing the Lifestyle which comprises of Aahaara (Diet and Dietetics), Vihaara (Habits and Practices), Vichaara (Thoughts), Aachaara (Daily and Seasonal Regimens) and Vyavahaara (Occupation and Profession), the imbalance of which are the root cause of all types of diseases.

This approach is lacking in the Western Modern systems of Medicine. If there is going to be a Clinical Integration of all these Systems, there will be solutions for all types of diseases which may be Acute, Chronic, Communicable, Non-communicable and even Pandemic.

In addition, AYUSH Systems give utmost importance and priority to Daily regimens, Seasonal regimens, Personal hygiene, Social code and conducts, Seasonal cleansing, keeping the Mind in calm and balance, use of Rejuvenating and Immune modulatory supplements, use of Naturally available plant resources as Medicine which are safe, effective, economical and easily available in preventive care. In view of this, Integrative/Holistic system of Healthcare is inevitable in preventive careto reach the success of the Declaration of Alma-Atain the days to come.

In the present situation, we have to take the best from all available sources. Vedas have rightly command, "Aanobhadraahakrithavoyanthaviahwathaha," Let the noble Thoughts come to us from every side”. This is

Integration from the perspective of Vedas. Integration is nothing but selecting and administering the best choice of lifestyle and protocol needed for the circumstance and condition specific to the recipient in order to prevent and cure the diseases and promotion of positive health. This is nothing but medical pluralism. Indeed, this is very much required as there are multiple causes for any particular problems and no one single way of solution provide the repair and prevention.

Nearly 30 to 40 percent of Indian population prefer AyushSystems for their primary health care like TCM, which is preferred as primary and secondary health care service in China. Ayush systems are preferred in India for the chronic diseases.

In recent days,AyushSystems are slowly getting globalized and Yoga as a tool for maintenance of health, prevention of diseases and promotion of positive health among almost all the member nations of United nations since the first celebration of IDY (International Day of Yoga)-2015.

Under these circumstances, it would be wise and practical to bring an Integrative / Holistic approach to tackle all universal problems. AYUSH, particularly Ayurveda and Yoga, with its strong legacy, can play a pivotal role in planning and implementing these protocols.

As the Subhashita quotes,

“Amantramakśaramnāstināstimōlmanauśadham, Ayogyahpuruśonāstiyojakastatradurlabah.”

There is no a letter in the alphabet that cannot be used in composing a 'Mantra', and there is noaherb that cannot be used as a medicine.

Likewise, there is no incompetent or useless person. Only a person who knows how to make good use of all these is scarce in this world.

Aanobhadra ahakrithavoyantha vishwathaha.

Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.

Ref: Rigveda

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