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RGUHS Nat. J. Pub. Heal. Sci Vol No: 9  Issue No: 4 eISSN: 2584-0460

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Letter to Editor
R Gayathri*,1, A Meena2, D Priyadarsini3,

1Assistant Professor, Bhaarath Medical College and Hospital, BIHER, Chennai

2Assistant Professor, Bhaarath Medical College and Hospital, BIHER, Chennai

3Assistant Professor, Bhaarath Medical College and Hospital, BIHER, Chennai

*Corresponding Author:

Assistant Professor, Bhaarath Medical College and Hospital, BIHER, Chennai, Email:
Received Date: 2022-11-28,
Accepted Date: 2022-12-15,
Published Date: 2022-12-31
Year: 2022, Volume: 7, Issue: 4, Page no. 153-154, DOI: 10.26463/rnjph.7_4_2
Views: 1068, Downloads: 23
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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Dear Editor,

Curriculum Based Medical Education (CBME) in India recommends Self-directed learning (SDL) for Undergraduate medical education to promote lifelong learning among medical students. SDL is an important principle in higher education that had encouraged various institutions to develop professionals as lifelong learners. It is a primary charge of planning, continuing and evaluating their learning experience and training the students to build their problem solving life challenges, organize a bazillion tasks and manage real world projects.

In physiology, the chapters have been generally divided into four divisions. Based on the hassle of the chapter, the topic for SDL can be allocated. Readily volatile topics can be assigned for the students to improve their interest in the same. As the goal of SDL is to promote lifelong learning, the topics chosen should be a pivotal tool for the upcoming year. Abraham et al., study stated that the time given for physiology is less when compared to anatomy which is the major benchmark for students’ lag in the performance. Self-control plays a major role in SDL.1

To implement the goal for SDL, we need to set four step processes like assessing the readiness of the students in learning, setting certain learning goals, occupying them in the learning process and finally evaluating the outcome of learning. Previous studies had evidenced that certain learning strategies need to be reexamined and modified. SDL can be considered as an alternate form of learning in acquiring knowledge. For implementing such changes, we need faculty development.2,3

We have to overcome certain hindrances like any pandemic (Covid), insufficient class hours, inattention of the students and some other social issues. In this context, we need to work out, break through the hurdles and achieve the goal. Physiology, being a subject to emphasize on homeostatic mechanism and forming a base for the clinical subjects, SDL will promote analytic and problem solving skills in managing patients successfully.4

In this current era, Learning Management System (LMS) plays a major role in teaching and learning. The study by Heo Jan et al., stated that self-evaluation, online teaching effectiveness and Literacy of learning manage system (LLMS) influenced predicting Self-directed learning readiness (SDLR) level. The students who undergo SDL are capable of being more independent and self-governing in the electronically connected education environment. They can outline and propose a personalized LMS platform using a variety of noncontemporary and contemporary instruction devices online.5

To conclude, SDL is an operation in which personal take the ingenuity, with the help of others or without the help of other people. They are capable of diagnosing their learning needs and formulate their goals. They are capable of recognizing human and material assets for education. Concerning physiology, SDL helps in learning difficult topics in an easy and feasible way. SDL topics given for the students should be assessed further to determine the extent of their understanding of the topic. This acknowledgment is still a lacuna to be rectified. Incorporating assessment methods in SDL may facilitate the accomplishment of goals of CBME.

Conflict of interest


Supporting File
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  1. Abraham RR, Fisher M, Kamath A, Izzati TA, Nabila S, Atikah NN. Exploring first-year undergraduate medical students’ self-directed learning readiness to physiology. Adv Physiol Educ 2011;35(4):393-5. 
  2. Premkumar K, Vinod E, Sathishkumar S, Pulimood AB, Umaefulam V, Prasanna Samuel P, et al. Self-directed learning readiness of Indian medical students: a mixed method study. BMC Med Educ 2018;18(1):134.
  3. Pai KM, Rao KR, Punja D, Kamath A. The effectiveness of self-directed learning (SDL) for teaching physiology to first-year medical students. Australas Med J 2014;7(11):448-453. 
  4. Gade S, Chari S. Case-based learning in endocrine physiology: an approach toward self-directed learning and the development of soft skills in medical students. Adv Physiol Educ 2013;37(4):356-60. 
  5. Heo J, Han S. The mediating effect of literacy of LMS between self-evaluation online teaching effectiveness and self-directed learning readiness.  
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