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Original Article

Soniadharshini N1*, Jayalakshmi Narasimhaiah2 

1Nursing Officer, Sir C V Raman General Hospital, Bengaluru.
2Jayalakshmi Narasimhaiah, Assistant Registrar, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Jayanagar, Bengaluru.

*Corresponding author: Soniadharshini N, Nursing officer Sir C V Raman General Hospital Bengaluru, Tel: 9740160543; Email: Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bengaluru, Karnataka.

Received date: March 2, 2021; Accepted date: March 23, 2021; Published date: March 31, 2021

Year: 2021, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, Page no. 24-27, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.11_1_7
Views: 2505, Downloads: 91
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Background and Objectives: Adolescence in girls has been recognized as a special period signifying the transition from girlhood to womanhood. As they attempt to cross this threshold, they face various physiological, psychological, and developmental changes. Adolescent girls must have knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene related practices during menstruation, as it impacts health in terms of increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infections. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of video assisted teaching programme on enhancing knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls in a selected orphanage home of urban area, Bengaluru.

Methods: A pre-experimental research design with quantitative approach was used with one group pre- and post-test. The sample consisted of 50 adolescent girls of Navajeevana Orphanage Home, Chamrajpet, Bengaluru, where the study was conducted. Data were collected by administering a structured knowledge questionnaire prior to and after the administration of video assisted teaching program and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The conceptual framework was designed according to Imogene King’s Goal Attainment theory. The model was characterized by perception, judgment, action, reaction, interaction, transaction, and goal attainment.

Results: The pre-test knowledge score of adolescent girls showed that 90% of the participants had inadequate knowledge and 10% had moderately adequate knowledge while none had adequate knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene. Whereas post-test knowledge score revealed that 22% respondents had moderately adequate knowledge and 78% had adequate knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene. The paired ‘t’ test showed significant increase in the knowledge score. The mean pre-test knowledge of adolescent girls was 9.86 and mean post-test knowledge was 24.04 and calculated ‘t’ value (29.94) was greater than the table value at 0.05 level of significance, indicating that video assisted teaching was effective in increasing knowledge of adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene.

<p><strong>Background and Objectives: </strong>Adolescence in girls has been recognized as a special period signifying the transition from girlhood to womanhood. As they attempt to cross this threshold, they face various physiological, psychological, and developmental changes. Adolescent girls must have knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene related practices during menstruation, as it impacts health in terms of increased vulnerability to reproductive tract infections. The objective of this study was to determine the efficacy of video assisted teaching programme on enhancing knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls in a selected orphanage home of urban area, Bengaluru.</p> <p><strong>Methods: </strong>A pre-experimental research design with quantitative approach was used with one group pre- and post-test. The sample consisted of 50 adolescent girls of Navajeevana Orphanage Home, Chamrajpet, Bengaluru, where the study was conducted. Data were collected by administering a structured knowledge questionnaire prior to and after the administration of video assisted teaching program and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The conceptual framework was designed according to Imogene King&rsquo;s Goal Attainment theory. The model was characterized by perception, judgment, action, reaction, interaction, transaction, and goal attainment.</p> <p><strong>Results: </strong>The pre-test knowledge score of adolescent girls showed that 90% of the participants had inadequate knowledge and 10% had moderately adequate knowledge while none had adequate knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene. Whereas post-test knowledge score revealed that 22% respondents had moderately adequate knowledge and 78% had adequate knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene. The paired &lsquo;t&rsquo; test showed significant increase in the knowledge score. The mean pre-test knowledge of adolescent girls was 9.86 and mean post-test knowledge was 24.04 and calculated &lsquo;t&rsquo; value (29.94) was greater than the table value at 0.05 level of significance, indicating that video assisted teaching was effective in increasing knowledge of adolescent girls on menstrual hygiene.</p>
VAT, Knowledge, Menstrual Hygiene, Adolescent Girl
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The Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health, 1981 are known to have famously quoted that “Children are one third of our population and all of our future.” Health in the broader sense is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.1 Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body’s constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stress and changes in the environment, for maintaining an inner equilibrium called homeostasis.2

Health is a resource to support an individual’s function in wider society. A healthy lifestyle provides the means to lead a full life. Hence, based on this idea, modern science has increased human awareness of disease and focused on how they need to work on the same.3 Adolescent health or the health of the youth must include a range of approaches undertaken for preventing, detecting, or treating detriment in young people’s health and well-being.4

In India, about 21% of the total population belongs to the adolescent age. The blossoming of adolescence in each generation is a fascinating sight as the unfolding offspring each year are predictable and repetitive. Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth and development during which time, physical, physiological, and behavioral changes occur. They constitute more than 1.2 billion worldwide.

The adolescent menstrual process is an important aspect where adolescent girls and young women should be aware of menstrual hygiene measures. Hygiene related practices for women during menstruation are of considerable importance, as their lack have a negative health impact. Today, millions of women are sufferers of reproductive tract infections and their complications. Therefore, increased knowledge about menstruation right from childhood may escalate safe practices and may help mitigate the suffering of millions of women. There are growing efforts from academic and the development sectors for addressing challenges faced by school girls and provide adequate guidance, facilities, and material for girls to manage their menstruation.9

Materials And Methods

The present study was conducted for developing and administering video assisted teaching (VAT) programme regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in Navajeevana Orphanage Home following an extensive review of the literature on menstrual hygiene.

The conceptual framework was designed according to Imogene King’s Goal Attainment theory. The model was characterized by perception, judgement, action, interaction, transaction, and goal attainment.

A pre-experimental research design with quantitative approach was used with one group pre- and post-test. The independent variable was VAT, and the dependent variables were participants performance in the preand post–test. The sample of the study comprised 50 adolescent girls of Navajeevana Orphanage Home at Chamrajpet, Bengaluru. Simple random sampling technique was used to draw the sample for the study, and the lottery method was used to select the subjects.

The tool developed and used for the data collection was structured knowledge questionnaire. Twelve experts validated the content validity of the tool and the tool was found to be reliable and feasible. The reliability of the tool was established by Spearman’s Brown Prophecy formula where r = 0.97. The video assisted teaching consisted of various aspects of menstrual hygiene, developed to enhance the knowledge of adolescent girls regarding Menstrual hygiene.

The pilot study was conducted from 5-02-2019 to 11- 02-2019 at the St. Mary’s Children’s Home, Bengaluru. As a part of a major study, the tool proved to be comprehensible, feasible, and acceptable. Data collection procedure for the main study began from 11-03-2019 to 13-04-2019. The investigator personally explained the need to the respondents and assured them confidentiality for their responses. The pre-test was administered followed by video assisted teaching programme while the post-test was administered seven days after the video assisted teaching programme by using the same questionnaire used in the pre-test.

The data gathered were analyzed and interpreted according to objectives. Descriptive statistics, mean and standard deviation were used. Inferential statistics like paired ‘t’ test and chi-square test was included to test different levels of significance.


The analysis and interpretation of the data collected to determine the efficacy of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in selected orphanage home of urban area, Bengaluru are presented below.

The analysis and interpretation of the results were based on data collected through a structured knowledge schedule among adolescent girls.

Organization and presentation of data

To measure the gain in knowledge and to find the relationship among the variables, the data gathered were tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted using both descriptive and inferential statistics.

The overall and aspect wise knowledge scores of respondents are as described in Table 1, Table 2, and Figure 1

The data in Table 1 indicate the aspect wise mean pre and post-test and knowledge enhancement on menstrual hygiene. Pre-test knowledge score regarding basic information of menstruation was 45.78% while post-test score was 84.44%. The enhancement of knowledge was found to be 38.66%. Knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene was found to be 27.33% in pre-test and 78.29% in post-test with enhancement of 50.96%. The overall pre-test and post-test mean knowledge and enhancement regarding menstrual hygiene is as described in Table 2.

Table 2 and Figure 1 depict that pre-test mean knowledge score was 32.86% and post-test value was 80.13%, with enhancement of 47.26% and paired ‘t’ test value of 29.94, with 5% level of significance.


The present study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of video assisted teaching programme on enhancing knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in Navajeevana home for girls in Chamrajpet, Bengaluru.

Structured knowledge schedule was used to collect data. A pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test design was used to conduct the study. The investigator utilized the probability simple random sampling technique and the lottery method was used to select the subjects.

The limitations of the present study include being limited to the adolescent girls of Navajeevana Orphanage Home, Bengaluru, a small sample size of 50 adolescent girls, limited to those who were willing to participate, and the absence of a control group,


This study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge regarding menstrual hygiene among adolescent girls in selected orphanage home of urban area, Bengaluru, and found that the technique significantly enhanced their knowledge regarding the same.

Conflicts Of Interest


Supporting File
  1. Health-Wikipedia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [online]. Available from https://
  2. Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body’s constant… Available from http://slideplayer. com/slide/6648019
  3. Health: What does good health really mean? - Medical News Today. Available from https://www.
  4. Adolescent Health-Wikipedia. Available from https: //
  5. Sivagurunathan C, Umadevi R, Rama R, Gopalakrishnan S. Adolescent health: present status and its related programmes in India. Are we in the right direction? J Clin Diagn Res. 2015;9(3): LE01-LE6
  6. Dasgupta A, Sarkar M. Menstrual Hygiene: How Hygienic is the Adolescent Girl? Indian J Community Med. 2008;33(2):77-80. doi:10.4103/0970- 0218.40872.
  7. Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan Apps. ENVIS Centre on Hygiene, Sanitation, Sewage treatment systems and technology [online]. Journal and Research papers Bhuvan portal. Available from: www.Sulabhenvis.>hygiene- 3504. 
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