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Original Article

Kotturesha KM1 , Laxminarayan Iyer2*

1 Professor and Head, Department of Child Health Nursing, Ashrith College of Nursing Kota, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing,Ashrith College of Nursing, Kota, Udupi, Karnataka, India.

*Corresponding author:

Dr. Laxminarayan Iyer, Sumithra Murlikrishna House, Sana Basavanakallu Gillyaru Post, Udupi Dist, Karnataka.


Received Date: 2021-12-10,
Accepted Date: 2022-01-10,
Published Date: 2022-01-31
Year: 2022, Volume: 12, Issue: 1, Page no. 141-143, DOI: 10.26463/rjns.12_1_5
Views: 1621, Downloads: 50
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Sexual abuse is common among all the age groups, cultures and socio economic strata of the society. It occurs at home, school, work places and other public places by family members, neighbours, teachers, supervisors, school mates and on occasions by strangers. Sexual abuse occurs throughout the world. Although in most countries there has been little research conducted on the problem, available data suggests that in some countries merely one in four women may have experienced sexual violence by intimate partner. Sexual abuse has a profound impact on physical and mental health. Along with causing physical injury, it is associated with an increased risk and range of sexual and reproductive health problems with both immediate and long term consequences. Its impact on mental health can be serious and long lasting. Death following sexual abuse may be as a result of suicide, murder. The aim of the present study was to asses knowledge and provide structured teaching programme regarding sexual abuse and its prevention for adolescents. Evaluative approach, preexperimental one group-pre-test and post-test design was used. Data was collected among 80 adolescents selected from Ashrith PU University and Viveka PU College of Kota, Udupi district using non-probability purposive convenient sampling technique. During pre-test, self-administered knowledge questionnaire was given to adolescents and knowledge was assessed following which structured teaching programme was carried out by the researcher. The post-test knowledge was further assessed using self-administered knowledge questionnaire. The study results showed that majority of the participants 55 (68.75%) were in the age group of 15-16 years, maximum participants 60 (75%) were females and 20 (25%) were males. The mean knowledge score of participants before pre- test was 12.1, while after post-test it was 19.6. Independent t test value was t =0.43. There was a statistically significant association between gender (χ2 =44.9, p>0.052) and sociodemographic variable.

<p>Sexual abuse is common among all the age groups, cultures and socio economic strata of the society. It occurs at home, school, work places and other public places by family members, neighbours, teachers, supervisors, school mates and on occasions by strangers. Sexual abuse occurs throughout the world. Although in most countries there has been little research conducted on the problem, available data suggests that in some countries merely one in four women may have experienced sexual violence by intimate partner. Sexual abuse has a profound impact on physical and mental health. Along with causing physical injury, it is associated with an increased risk and range of sexual and reproductive health problems with both immediate and long term consequences. Its impact on mental health can be serious and long lasting. Death following sexual abuse may be as a result of suicide, murder. The aim of the present study was to asses knowledge and provide structured teaching programme regarding sexual abuse and its prevention for adolescents. Evaluative approach, preexperimental one group-pre-test and post-test design was used. Data was collected among 80 adolescents selected from Ashrith PU University and Viveka PU College of Kota, Udupi district using non-probability purposive convenient sampling technique. During pre-test, self-administered knowledge questionnaire was given to adolescents and knowledge was assessed following which structured teaching programme was carried out by the researcher. The post-test knowledge was further assessed using self-administered knowledge questionnaire. The study results showed that majority of the participants 55 (68.75%) were in the age group of 15-16 years, maximum participants 60 (75%) were females and 20 (25%) were males. The mean knowledge score of participants before pre- test was 12.1, while after post-test it was 19.6. Independent t test value was t =0.43. There was a statistically significant association between gender (&chi;2 =44.9, p&gt;0.052) and sociodemographic variable.</p>
Sexual abuse, Prevention, Protective Measures, Adolescents, Pre-university College, Structured Teaching Program
  • 1


Sexual abuse is any form of forced sexual activity including unwanted sexual touching, sexual relation without voluntary consent and the forcing or coercing of degrading, humiliating or painful sexual act. According to the statistics of National Crime Record Bureau, in 2017 in India there were at least 34651 rape cases recorded.1 According to police data in 2016, in Delhi, there were 2155 rapes recorded and there was a rise in rape statistics ratio, that is to 67% when compared to year 2012. In India, within a few years rape cases had seen a massive jump, that is 26% which was owing to outrage of awareness which was created by Nirbhaya case.


• To assess the knowledge about sexual abuse, knowledge regarding protective measures about sexual abuse

• To assess post-test knowledge scores regarding sexual abuse among adolescents

• To assess pre-test knowledge regarding sexual abuse among adolescents

• To assess the association between sexual abuse and socio demographic variables among adolescents

Hypothesis (Tested at 0.05 level of significance)

• H0 : There will be no significant association between sexual abuse and socio demographic variables

• H1 : There will be significant association between sexual abuse and socio demographic variables

• H2 : There will be significant score between pre- test and post- test knowledge regarding sexual abuse

Materials and Methodology

Evaluative, pre-experimental one group pre-test posttest design was used. The data collection was done among 80 adolescent girls who are going to Ashrith Pre University College and Viveka Pre-University College, Kota, Udupi. A non-probability convenient sampling technique was used. Informed consent was taken after explaining about the study. Pre-test was conducted, tools were administered, structured teaching programme was conducted by the researcher following which post-test was conducted after seven days. Socio-demographic proforma, self-administered structured knowledge questionnaire tool on preventive and protective measures of sexual abuse were used to collect the data.


The present study results showed that majority 55 (68.75%) were in the age group of 15-16 years, 25 (31.25%) were in the age group of 17-18 years. Maximum participants 60 (75%) were females and 20 (25%) were males.

The data presented in table 1 shows that in pre-test, most of the participants 30 (37.5%) had poor knowledge levels and 50 (62.5%) had average level of knowledge and 0 had good level of knowledge while in post-test, most 73 (91.25%) had good knowledge, 7 (8.75%) had average knowledge.

The mean knowledge score of participants before pre- test was 12.1 and after post-test was 19.6. Mean difference of pre-test and post test scores was 7.06. Independent t test value was t =0.43. There was a statistical significant association between gender (χ2 =44.9, p>0.052) and socio-demographic variable.


The study findings proved that pre-test knowledge of participants regarding sexual abuse and its prevention was poor. After structured teaching programme, the participants’ knowledge regarding sexual abuse and its prevention had improved and was good. This was statistically proven using independent t test value (t =0.43).

Conflict of Interest


Supporting File
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