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Original Article

Lingaraju CM1*, Jayanthi P2 , Nandaprakash3 , Vidya4

1 Asst.Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru.

2, PhD(N), Professor & HOD of Mental Health Nursing, Sri Sathya Sai College of Nursing, Kanchipuram.

3 Professor & HOD of Community Health Nursing, Govt College of Nursing, Mysuru.

4 Asst.Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru. 

*Corresponding author: Mr. Lingaraju CM, Asst. Professor, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru. E-mail:

Received Date: 2021-05-05,
Accepted Date: 2021-05-20,
Published Date: 2021-06-30
Year: 2021, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, Page no. 54-56, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.11_2_7
Views: 1716, Downloads: 53
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Background: Diabetes commonly affects individuals the world over. In India, it affects all the parts of the country irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, and race. According to International Diabetic Federation, diabetes affects more females than males. The rate of incidence is rising every day. Therefore, it is important to assess the knowledge of management of diabetes among diabetic patients.

Objectives: To assess the knowledge of diabetes management among diabetic patients in selected settings in Mysuru and also to determine the association between the levels of the knowledge on diabetes with their selected personnel variable.

Methodology: Research approach: Descriptive research approach was used for this study. Research Design: Descriptive research design was selected for this study. Setting: Setting refers to the area where the study was conducted. This study was conducted in Kiralu rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru. Population: The target population for the study included Diabetes patients from Kiralu village, rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru. Sample: Diabetes patients from Kiralu village,rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru. Participants: Thirty diabetic patients Sampling Techniques: Convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample.

Result: Majority of the diabetic patients demonstrated moderate knowledge on diabetes. Few diabetic patients had adequate knowledge. The overall mean knowledge scores of the diabetic patients were 23.16 with SD 4, 08. Out of many variables, age, gender, education were found to be significant with the knowledge of 0.05 level.

<p><strong>Background: </strong>Diabetes commonly affects individuals the world over. In India, it affects all the parts of the country irrespective of age, gender, ethnicity, and race. According to International Diabetic Federation, diabetes affects more females than males. The rate of incidence is rising every day. Therefore, it is important to assess the knowledge of management of diabetes among diabetic patients.</p> <p><strong>Objectives:</strong> To assess the knowledge of diabetes management among diabetic patients in selected settings in Mysuru and also to determine the association between the levels of the knowledge on diabetes with their selected personnel variable.</p> <p><strong>Methodology:</strong> <em><strong>Research approach:</strong></em> Descriptive research approach was used for this study. <em><strong>Research Design:</strong></em> Descriptive research design was selected for this study.<em><strong> Setting:</strong></em> Setting refers to the area where the study was conducted. This study was conducted in Kiralu rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru. <em><strong>Population:</strong></em> The target population for the study included Diabetes patients from Kiralu village, rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru. <em><strong>Sample:</strong></em> Diabetes patients from Kiralu village,rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru.<em><strong> Participants:</strong></em> Thirty diabetic patients <em><strong>Sampling Techniques:</strong></em> Convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample.</p> <p><strong>Result:</strong> Majority of the diabetic patients demonstrated moderate knowledge on diabetes. Few diabetic patients had adequate knowledge. The overall mean knowledge scores of the diabetic patients were 23.16 with SD 4, 08. Out of many variables, age, gender, education were found to be significant with the knowledge of 0.05 level.</p>
Diabetic, Diabetic patients
  • 1


Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose and either insufficient or ineffective insulin. It arises because the body is unable to produce enough insulin for its own needs, either because of impaired insulin secretion, impaired insulin action or both. Diabetes affects a variety of people of all races, ages, and nations. Well controlled diabetes reduces the risk of diabetics from developing complications. However, with consistently elevated blood glucose readings, it can lead to the development of vision loss, blindness, end stage renal disease and in some cases even premature death.

Various factors make the management of diabetes difficult in our population such as suboptimal health literacy,hindered health accessibility, poor socioeconomic status, etc. One of the important factor quoted for aforesaid statement is less awareness and practice of self-care for diabetes in our population when compared with the west. It carries huge importance in diabetes management as it is an individual tool to control diabetes and achieves good quality of life.

Globally, according to World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated 422 million adults are living with diabetes mellitus. It is prevalent throughout the world, but is more common in developed countries. However, the greatest increase in prevalence is being observed in low- and middle-income countries where most patients will probably be found by 2030.

Statement of the Problem

The present study was aimed to assess the knowledge on management of diabetes among diabetic patients in selected settings of Mysuru 


1. To assess the knowledge of management of diabetes among diabetic patients in Kiralu Rural Community, Mysuru.

2. To determine the association between the level of the knowledge on diabetes and their selected personnel variable.


H1: There will be a significant association between the knowledge score on management of diabetes and selected demographic variable of diabetic patients.

H0: There will not be any significant association between the knowledge score on management of diabetes and selected demographic variable of farmers. 


Research approach: Descriptive research approach was used for this study.

Research Design: Descriptive research design was selected for this study.

Setting: Setting refers to the area where the study was conducted. This study was conducted in Kiralu village of Varuna PHC, Mysuru.

Population: The target population was diabetic patients of selected rural areas under Varuna PHC, Mysuru.

Sample: Diabetic patients of selected rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru.

Sample Size: 30 diabetics patients.

Sampling Techniques: Convenience sampling technique was used to select the sample. 

Criteria for the Selection of Sample

Inclusion Criteria

(i) Diabetic patients in selected rural areas of Varuna PHC, Mysuru.

(ii) Diabetic patients willing to participate in the study.

(iii) Diabetic patients of both the genders.

(iv) Diabetic patients who were available at the time of data collection.

Exclusion Criteria

(i) Diabetic patients with co-morbid medical illnesses

Data Collection Instrument

In this study, the tool consisted of interview scheduled to assess the knowledge of diabetic patients on Diabetes.

Development of the Tool

Selection of the Tool: Interview schedule was selected for the study to assess the knowledge of diabetic patients.

Development of the Tool: The tool was developed on the basis of the objectives of the study. The following steps were adopted in the development of the tool.

Description of the Tool

The interview schedule was designed with two parts.

Part 1: Part one consisted of items pertaining to the demographic variables

Part 2: Part two consisted of 30 items pertaining to diabetes and its management


1. To assess the knowledge of diabetes among diabetic patients in selected settings of Mysuru

Graphical representation of level of knowledge on diabetic among diabetic patients.

2.  To determine the association between the level of the knowledge on diabetes with their selected personnel variable. The selected personal variable such as age, gender and education were found to have significant association with level of knowledge 0.05 level.


The majority of diabetic patients demonstrated moderate knowledge on diabetes. Only a few diabetic patients had adequate knowledge. The overall mean knowledge scores of the diabetic patients were 23.16 with SD 4, 08. Out of many variables, age, gender, education were found to be significant with the knowledge of 0.05 levels. 


The following recommendation were made based on the results of the present study

1. A large scale study can be conducted to generalize the findings.

2. A large scale study can be conducted to assess the attitude and practice to treat diabetes.


Supporting File
No Pictures
  1.  K Park (2005) “Text Book of preventive and social medicine (15th Edition) Bhanot Publishers. 
  2. Marcia Stanhope (2006) “Community and Public Health Nursing” (sixth edition) Mosby publications Virginia. 
  3. Sunder Roa (1999) “An Introduction to Biostatistics” (3rd edition) New Delhi. 
  4. Janice. E. Hitchcock (2003) “Community Health Nursing Caring In Action” (2nd Edition) Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data, United States Page no. 549 – 552. 
  5. Basavanthappa BT (2005) “Nursing Research” (1st edition) Jaypee publishers. 
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