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Original Article

Mrs. Roopa.G.B. 1 , Dr .Neelakshi.G.2 , Mr.Eshwar.M.K.3 , Mr.DivyaDarshan B.P.4

  1. Professor and HOD of Psychiatric Nursing,Shridevi College of Nursing,Tumkur,Karnataka,India. 
  2. Professor, SRIHE &R, Faculty of Nursing,Porur, TN,India. 
  3. Professor and HOD OF Psychology,Indo Asian degree College , Bangalore,Karnataka,India. 
  4. Assit Professor,Dept of Community Health Nursing, Shridevi College of Nursing, Tumkur, Karnataka, India.


Year: 2019, Volume: 9, Issue: 1, Page no. 62-71, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.9_1_13
Views: 2960, Downloads: 82
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


1. To assess the knowledge of urban and rural women aged between 30-60years regarding geriatric depression.

2. To compare the knowledge of urban and rural women aged between 30-60 years regarding geriatric depression.

3. To correlate the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression with selected demographic variables.

4. To find out the association between demographic variables with knowledge scores of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression.


H1: There will be significant difference between the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression .

H2: There will be a significant association between demographic variables with the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression.

METHODOLOGY : The formal Permission was obtained from the concerned authorities. A quantitative approach has been used in the study and was considered more appropriate as the aim was to assess the knowledge among elders in age group of 30-60 years regarding depressive behavior and used comparative research design,. After obtaining formal Permission from the authorities, the tool was administered to 50 urban and 50 rural women. Samples were selected by using non probability convenient sampling the data collection was ended, grouped, tabulated, and interpreted according to the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of data.

INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: The study findings showed that the urban women are having more knowledge than rural women regarding geriatric depression and there are some demographic variables associated with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

KEY WORDS: geriatric depression, urban school children; comparative research design; quantitative research design; non probability convenient sampling.

<p><strong>OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY</strong></p> <p>1. To assess the knowledge of urban and rural women aged between 30-60years regarding geriatric depression.</p> <p>2. To compare the knowledge of urban and rural women aged between 30-60 years regarding geriatric depression.</p> <p>3. To correlate the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression with selected demographic variables.</p> <p>4. To find out the association between demographic variables with knowledge scores of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression.</p> <p><strong>RESEARCH HYPOTHESES</strong></p> <p>H1: There will be significant difference between the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression .</p> <p>H2<strong>:</strong> There will be a significant association between demographic variables with the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding geriatric depression.</p> <p><strong>METHODOLOGY :</strong> The formal Permission was obtained from the concerned authorities. A quantitative approach has been used in the study and was considered more appropriate as the aim was to assess the knowledge among elders in age group of 30-60 years regarding depressive behavior and used comparative research design,. After obtaining formal Permission from the authorities, the tool was administered to 50 urban and 50 rural women. Samples were selected by using non probability convenient sampling the data collection was ended, grouped, tabulated, and interpreted according to the objectives of the study. Descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics were used for the analysis of data.</p> <p><strong>INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION:</strong> The study findings showed that the urban women are having more knowledge than rural women regarding geriatric depression and there are some demographic variables associated with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.</p> <p><strong>KEY WORDS:</strong> geriatric depression, urban school children; comparative research design; quantitative research design; non probability convenient sampling.</p>
geriatric depression, urban school children; comparative research design; quantitative research design; non probability convenient sampling.
  • 1


“If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it” 

The United Nations Population Fund found the number of over-60s will increase from around 100 million today to more than 300 million by 2050 and warned the government. It also predicted the number of over-80s will increase sevenfold.1

“India is accumulating more elders so its soon become large home to the second largest number of elders in the world. The challenges are unique with this population in India. increase in the number of the older persons above 80 years and 30% of the elderly are below poverty line,” the internal ministry note said.

Among 20% of elders category suffers from Alzheimer’s. WHO says around 4%-6% of elderly people experience some form of maltreatment at home. Elder maltreatment can lead to serious physical injuries and long-term psychological consequences. Maltreatment of elder citizens is an important public health problem. One in 10 in rural India and two in five in urban areas suffer from diabetes, with nearly 31% suffering from bowel disorders. 2


“a comparative study to assess the knowledge regarding geriatric depression among the women aged between 30-60 years in the rural and urban areas of tumkur at karnataka state .” 

OBJECTIVES : Objectives or research aims are the specific accomplishments the researcher has to achieve by conducting the study.. Research objectives suggest the manner in which the investigators seek to solve the problem or the state of knowledge on the topic.

1. To assess the knowledge of urban and rural women aged between 35-50years regarding Geriatric depression.

2. To compare the knowledge of urban and rural women aged between 35-50 years regarding Geriatric depression.

3. To correlate the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding Geriatric depression with selected demographic variables.

4. To find out the association between demographic variables with knowledge scores of rural and urban women regarding Geriatric depression. 


H1:- There will be significant difference between the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding Geriatric depression

H2:- There will be a significant association between demographic variables with the knowledge of rural and urban women regarding Geriatric depression.


  •  The study is delimited to women aged between 30 to 60 years in selected rural and urban area Tumkur.
  • The study is delimited to only who are willing to participate. 
  • The study is limited to a sample of 50 each from urban and rural population. 


The conceptual framework selected for the study was based on general systems theory with input, throughput, output and feedback. This theory was introduced by Ludwig von Bertalanffy.

Figure – 1 conceptual frame work based on general systems model by ludwig vonbertalanffynot included in the study


Research approach : A quantitative approach will be used in the study and was considered more appropriate as the aim was to assess the knowledge in urban and rural women.

Research design : Comparative research design is adopted for the present study. The purpose of a design is to achieve greater control and thus improve the validity of the study in examining the research problems.

Figure-2: schematic representation of research design

Variables :

-Demographic Variables:Age, Religion, area of residence, Education, Occupation, Family income, marital status, Number of children,.

-Dependant Variables:Knowledge of urban and rural women regarding Geriatric depression.

Setting of the study: The present study was conducted at selected urban and rural areas of Tumkur.

Population :In research, population refers to a total category of persons or objects that meets the criteria for study established by the researcher, any set of persons or measurement having an observable characteristics in common.In the present study population includes the women in urban and rural areas of Tumkur. 

Sample: The sample size consists of 50urban women and 50 rural women, who satisfied the inclusion criteria.

Sampling technique: In the present study nonprobability convenient sampling technique was adopted to select the sample.

 Sampling criteria :

The following criteria are set to select samples.

Inclusion Criteria:

  •  Women aged between 30-60 years residing in rural and urban area of, Tumkur. 
  • Women who understand Kannada or English.

Exclusion Criteria:

  •  Who are not ready or willing to participate in the study 
  • Who are not available during data collection

Data collection tool :

Tool is the written device that a researcher uses to collect data. The present study is aimed at assessing the knowledge regarding geriatric depression among women who are residing at urban and rural areas of Tumkur. Thus a structured questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge and used for data collection.

Selection and development of the tool:

After an extensive review of literature, discussion with the experts and the investigator’s personal experience the interview schedulewas prepared to assess the knowledge among urban and rural women. Interview schedule consists of 31 items. Based on the pre testing, suggestions from experts, modifications and rearrangements of few items were done.

Description of the interview schedule

This interview schedule is designed for collecting relevant information from urban and rural women regarding geriatric depression.

This interview schedule consists of two parts. 

PART 1 :

This section seeks information on sociodemographic data. It consists of8 items. The interview schedule was used to the samples who met the inclusion criteria to collect data about demographic variables such Age, Religion, area of residence, Education, Occupation, Family income, marital status, Number of children,.

PART 2 :

This isself-structured questionnaire, comprising of 31 multiple choice questions related to knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

knowledge scoring

Adequate knowledge – 76 – 100%

Moderate knowledge – 50 – 75 %

Inadequate knowledge – below 50 %


The pilot study was conducted in the selected areaand administered to 6 urban and 6 rural women. Samples were selected by using non probability convenient sampling and they are reassured that whatever information they give will be kept confidential, the time taken to complete each tool was nearly 15 to 25 minutes per sample for rating scale. Pilot study analysis revealed that the urban women are having more knowledge than rural women regarding geriatric depression.The research tools were found to be feasible and practicable. Hence no change made after the pilot study. The investigator then proceeded for the final study.

Methods of data collection:

The data collected period was 8 weeks. The formal Permission was obtained from the concerned authorities. The data was collected from 1st November to 30th November 2016. In the beginning a rapport was established with the women and the purpose of the study was explained to them. The written consent was obtained from the subjects. The totals of 100 subjects (50 rural and 50 urban) were selected for the study. The data were collected by using interview schedule in Kannada. 

Plan for data analysis :

Data will be entered to Master Data sheets. Descriptive and inferential statistics will be used for analysis of data and the significant findings. 

Descriptive Statistics

  •  Frequency and percentage will be used to describe the distribution of women according to their demographic characteristics. 
  • Mean, Mean score percentage and Standard Deviation will be used for assessing the knowledge. 
  • Unpaired t test will be used for comparing the knowledge of urban and rural women

Inferential Statistics 

  • Chi – square test will be used to determine the association of demographic variables with knowledge level. 


Analysis and interpretation of data obtained from 100 subjects (50 rural women and 50 urban women) in order to assess the knowledge regarding geriatric depression among rural and urban women. Descriptive and inferential statistics such as mean, median, standard deviation, percentage, chi-square test and unpaired „t- test were used to analyze the collected data. 


The data findings have been organized and finalized according to the plan for data analysis and presented under the following sections. 


Distribution of samples according to the demographic variables

TABLE 1:Distribution of samples based on their area of residence

The sample consists of 50 urban and 50 rural women aged between 30-60 years who are residing in selected urban and rural areas of Tumkur. 

Section i: demographic characteristics of rural and urban women

TABLE 2: Distribution of rural and urban women based on the demographic variables 

The above picture depicts that 74% of the rural women have inadequate knowledge ,26% have moderate knowledge and 0% have adequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression

The above picture shows that 20% of urban women have adequate knowledge,16% have inadequate knowledge and 64% have moderate knowledge regarding geriatric depression. 


Association of level of knowwledge with selected demographical variables

TABLE 8:Association of knowledge scores of rural women with the demographic variables. 

TABLE shows that monthly income and educational qualification have significant association with knowledge of rural women regarding geriatric depression. Variables such as age,religion,occupation,maritalstatus,numb er of children, number of elders at home have no significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

TABLE 9 : Association of knowledge scores of urban women with the demographic variables.

Table shows that educationalqualification,occ upation and monthly income have significant association with knowledge of urban women regarding fibroid uterus. Variables such as ag e,religion,,maritalstatus,number of children, have no significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

Statistical Methods : Descriptive and infrential statistical analysis has been carried out to analyze data. Mean - SD (Min-Max) assessed at 5 % level of significance. Chisquare , and unpaired’ test has been used to find the significance of study parameters on categorical scale between two or more groups.

Significant figures Sig- significant (P value: P<0.05) NS- not significant (P value: P > 0.05) Microsoft word and Excel have been used to generate graphs, tables etc.


The findings of the study have been discussed with reference to the objectives and hypothesis stated in the information and findings of the other studies. 

A total of 100 women were selected by using purposive sampling technique from the selected rural and urban areas of Tumkur. After the selection of sample the structured questionnaire method was used to gather data. The data findings have been organized and discussed under the following sections:

Section I: Describes the demographic variables of the urban and rural women.

1. Urban samples

Majority of the subjects 44% (22) were in the age group of 51-60 years. Majority of the study samples were Hindus 26 (52%). Almost 36%(18) had secondary education an about 24% (12) were graduates. Most of the women 46%(23) were private employees. Most of the subjects 38%(19) were having a family income of more than 5000. Most of the subjects 80%(40) were married. About 38%(19) were having single child. 

2. Rural samples

Majority of the subjects 36% (18) were in the age group of 41-50 years. Majority of the study samples were Hindus 54 (27%). Almost 42%(21) had primary education and about 38% (19) were graduates. Most of the women 40%(20) were doing jobs for daily wages. Most of the subjects 52%(26) were having a family income of less than 1000. Most of the subjects 82%(41) were married. About 36%(18) were having two children.

Section II:Assess the knowledge scores among urban and rural women regarding geriatric depression.

From the present study, after the tabulation and analysis it is evidenced that none of the rural samples and 10 (20%) urban samples had adequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression. 13(26%) and 32(64%) respectively from rural and urban women had moderate knowledge and assessed that 37(74%) samples from rural and 8(16%) samples from urban had inadequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

This findings are supported by a retrospective study conducted by Solberg L I et regarding evaluating the preference sensitive care decisions. The study was done on a 260 women with geriatric depression. Correlations tested associations among their preferences, knowledge and treatment decisions by using mailed surveys and interviews. 86% felt informed, satisfied and that the decision was consistent with their values.47.

Section III: Comparison of knowledge scores among urban and rural women regarding geriatric depression

Table shows that there were significant differences in the knowledge scores among rural and urban women. The study showed that there exists more knowledge in urban women than rural women. There exists a 22.72 more score for urban women samples than their counter parts.

Section IV: Association between demographic variables with knowledge scores of rural and urban women regarding fibroid uterus.

In rural women monthly income and educational qualification have significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression. Variables such as age,religion,occu pation,maritalstatus,number of children, have no significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.In urban women educational qualification,occupation and monthly income have significant association with knowledge of urban women regarding fibroid uterus. Variables such as age,religi on,,maritalstatus,number of children, have no significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.


Women's lives have changed over the centuries. Historically, life was particularly difficult for most women. The present study reveals that urban women are having more knowledge than rural women and there is significant association between knowledge scores and demographic variables.

Conclusions were derived from findings and are the synthesis of findings. Findings as fallows:  

Rural women:

▪ Majority of the subjects 36% (18) were in the age group of 41-50 years.

▪ Majority of the study samples were Hindus 54 (27%).

▪ Almost 42%(21) had primary education and about 38% (19) were graduates.

▪ Most of the women 40%(20) were doing jobs for daily wages.

▪ Most of the subjects 52%(26) were having a family income of less than 1000.

▪ Most of the subjects 82%(41) were married.

▪ About 36%(18) were having two children. Almost 48%(24)having menstrual flow of 5-6 days .

▪ None of the rural samples had adequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ 13(26%) rural women had moderate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ 37 (74%) rural women had inadequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ In rural women monthly income and educational qualification have significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression. Variables such as age ,religion,occupation,maritalstatus,number of children, have no significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

Urban women :

▪ Majority of the subjects 44% (22) were in the age group of 51-60 years.

▪ Majority of the study samples were Hindus 26 (52%).

▪ Almost 36%(18) had secondary education and about 24% (12) were graduates.

▪ Most of the women 46%(23) were private employees.

▪ Most of the subjects 38%(19) were having a family income of more than 5000.

▪ Most of the subjects 80%(40) were married.

▪ About 38%(19) were having single child.

▪ The overall mean value of knowledge scores was 30.7 with standard deviation of 5.56.

▪ 10 (20%) urban samples had adequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ 32(64%) urban women had moderate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ 8(16%) urban women had inadequate knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ In urban women educational qualification,occupation and monthly income have significant association with knowledge of urban women regarding geriatric depression. Variables such as ag, religion, maritalstatus,number of children, have no significant association with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.

▪ The study showed that there exist more knowledge in urban women than rural women regarding geriatric depression.


• An experimental study can be conducted,• An evaluative study can be conducted to test the Effectiveness of self-instructional module,• The same study can be replicated on a large sample to generalize the findings to a large population,• A similar study can be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching program on geriatric depression etc.

Suggestions : • More area specific policies can be implemented.• There is need for more comprehensive health programme among local population.• A regular programme and instructions may be implemented for women.•Continuing education programme can be planned for the staff nurses and community nurses to keep them updated regarding the various treatment measures of geriatric depression.


The chapter deals with the summary of the study, the primary aim of the study was tocompare the knowledge regarding geriatric depressionamong the women aged between 30-60 years in the urban and rural areas of Tumkur.

Interpretation and conclusion:

The study findings showed that the urban women are having more knowledge than rural women regarding geriatric depressionand there are some demographic variables associated with knowledge regarding geriatric depression.


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