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Brief Report

Riya Mathew

Associate Professor, Sri Shankara College of Nursing,Basavangudi, Bangalore 560004

Year: 2018, Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Page no. 92-93,
Views: 1164, Downloads: 6
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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Mothers milk is a boon for a baby’s health. Breast milk is the best milk which is beneficial for both the baby and the mother. Breastfeeding is the mothers gift to herself, her baby and the earth.1 Breast feeding, also known as nursing, is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman’s breast. Mothers may pump milk so that it can be used later when breast feeding is not possible.2

Breast feeding has many health benefits for both the mother and infant. Exclusive breast feeding means that the infant receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids are given – not even water – with the exception of oral rehydration solution, or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines.3

World Breast Feeding Week is celebrated every year from 1 to 7 of August to promote the importance of Breast Feeding for a newborn baby as well as the mother around the world. Breast feeding is a natural process of nursing the baby and should be done in the first hour also known as “golden hour” after birth up to minimum 2 years.

We all can support this process, as breast feeding is a team effort and all we need to protect, promote and support it.4 Most importantly, we need to create awareness among the parents about the importance of initiation and exclusive breast feedingencourage parents to adapt breast feeding and providing supporting materials about the importance of breast feeding.5 

Let’s understandthe importance of breast milk. The first important step in taking care of a baby is to give breast feeding. The first and foremost 100% pointer that goes in favor of breast milk is that it creates a special bonding between mother and child. It promotes sensory and cognitive development and protects the infant against infections and chronic disease like coeliac diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, respiratory tract infections, asthma, urinary tract infections, diarrhea, child hood cancers, obesity related illness, diabetic and heart diseases. Breast feeding helps the baby’s immune system mature, increases IQ, protecting the baby in the meantime viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.6

Breast feeding also contributes to health and wellbeing of mothers, it assesses the uterus to contract faster and reduce uterine bleeding, can help women to lose weight after baby’s birth, reduces the risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer and osteoporosis. Breastfeeding reduces negative moods and stress, increases confidence, calmness and self-esteem.7

Pros of breastfeeding

Health benefits for the baby, health benefits for the woman breast feeding, long-term benefits, cost savings- breast feeding does not require a financial investment, ease and convenience, bonding and easy soothing

Cons of breastfeeding

Breast feeding can take time to master, and there can be extra barriers in place that can make it difficult, dangerous or possible to breast feed. Some of the challenges and cons of breast feeding include:

Adjustment period and pain, issues with milk supply, which can be too high or too low. Others have painful or cracked nipples. Some women develop mastitis, a potentially severe breast infection. Women learning to breastfeed are also adjusting to life with a newborn, which inadequate sleep and the constant demands of caring for the baby can make challenging. Many are also recovering from giving birth. The exhaustion and possible difficulties of childbirth recovery can make breastfeeding more difficult.8


Breastfeeding is the biological reference point for infant feeding against which all other alternatives should be measured.In briefly, breastfeeding has so many benefits for mothers and infants. Breastfeeding helps infants with developing their immune system. Lastly, breastfeeding can promote closeness between mother and infant.As a parent I am proud to say that I have breast fed my kids and will continue to spread the word. I as a woman will encourage all the new parents to do this process and tell next generation and other members around us to encourage breast feeding as the future lies in our hands.

Supporting File
No Pictures
  1.  HNN Admin. World breast feeding week Available from www.healthynewbornnetwork .org/event 
  2. Breastfeeding. Available from /https:// 
  3. BFHI. Available from iris/bitstream/handle 
  4. BinitaPriyamba. World breast feeding week : the special mother child bond with innumerable benefits Available from : world 
  5. World breast feeding week . Available from : http// 
  6. Breastfeeding. Available from: https// 
  7. VilinesZawn. What are the pros and cones of breastfeeding Available from https://www.
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