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Original Article

Yashoda T L

Asst. Professor, Peadiatric Nursing, Sri Ramana College of Nursing, Tumkuru.

Author for correspondence

Yashoda T L

Asst. Professor,

Sri Ramana College of Nursing,

Tumkuru. Ph: 7795347422

Year: 2018, Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Page no. 83-85, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.8_2_16
Views: 1624, Downloads: 25
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

INTRODUCTION: Micronutrient deficiencies are determining and aggravating factors for health status and quality of life. Three nutritional problems that have serious consequences are deficiencies of iron, vitamin A and iodine, Malnutrition increases morbidity and mortality and affects physical growth and development of children, some of these effects resulting from specific micronutrient deficiencies.

OBJECTIVE: To assess the level of knowledge regarding identification of selected micronutrients deficiency in a children among mothers of under five children.

MATERIALS & METHOD: The study was based on quantitative approach and used descriptive survey design. The sample for the study included 90 mothers of under fivechildren selected by nonprobability convenient sampling method. The tool consisted of a questionnaire with two parts. Ist part had items on socio demographic characteristics and partII had items regarding knowledge on selected Micronutrient deficiency.

RESULT: The result showed that the had 70% mothers of under five children’s had moderatelyadequate knowledge, 26.7%had inadequate knowledge& 3.3%had adequate knowledgeregarding identification and management of selected micronutrient deficiency.

CONCLUSION: The findings indicated that the mothers of under fivechildren’s had moderately adequate knowledge regarding identification and management of micro nutrient deficiency in children’s. Education of mother for early identification and management help to prevent micronutrients deficiency.

Key Words: Mothers of under five children’s, micronutrient deficiency, knowledge

<p><strong>INTRODUCTION:</strong> Micronutrient deficiencies are determining and aggravating factors for health status and quality of life. Three nutritional problems that have serious consequences are deficiencies of iron, vitamin A and iodine, Malnutrition increases morbidity and mortality and affects physical growth and development of children, some of these effects resulting from specific micronutrient deficiencies.</p> <p><strong>OBJECTIVE:</strong> To assess the level of knowledge regarding identification of selected micronutrients deficiency in a children among mothers of under five children.</p> <p><strong>MATERIALS &amp; METHOD:</strong> The study was based on quantitative approach and used descriptive survey design. The sample for the study included 90 mothers of under fivechildren selected by nonprobability convenient sampling method. The tool consisted of a questionnaire with two parts. Ist part had items on socio demographic characteristics and partII had items regarding knowledge on selected Micronutrient deficiency.</p> <p><strong>RESULT:</strong> The result showed that the had 70% mothers of under five children&rsquo;s had moderatelyadequate knowledge, 26.7%had inadequate knowledge&amp; 3.3%had adequate knowledgeregarding identification and management of selected micronutrient deficiency.</p> <p><strong>CONCLUSION:</strong> The findings indicated that the mothers of under fivechildren&rsquo;s had moderately adequate knowledge regarding identification and management of micro nutrient deficiency in children&rsquo;s. Education of mother for early identification and management help to prevent micronutrients deficiency.</p> <p><strong>Key Words:</strong> Mothers of under five children&rsquo;s, micronutrient deficiency, knowledge</p>
Mothers of under five children’s, micronutrient deficiency, knowledge
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Micronutrient deficiencies are determining and aggravating factors for health status and quality of life. Three nutritional problems that have serious consequences are deficiencies of iron, vitamin A and iodine. It is estimated that in today’s world, iron deficiency anemia, Blindness due to vitamin A deficiency Iodine deficiency affects children under 5 years of age.1

Nutrients are classified in to macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients which constitute carbohydrate, fat, and proteins are required in large quantities and are the building block of the body. Micronutrients consist of vitamins and minerals and though required in very small quantities play an essential role in metabolic pathway and immunity, Micronutrient deficiencies such as nutritional anemia (especially iron deficiency) which is very common in Indian children and vitamin deficiencies like rickets, scurvy and vitamin a deficiencies are some of the common conditions which require prompt attention.2

The importance of eliminating micronutrient malnutrition, national nutrition plan of action (1995) sets the ambitious goals of reducing anemia 25%, eliminating blindness due to Vitamine A deficiency and reducing iodine deficiency.3 Nutritional anemia is one of India’s major public health problem, all India level data available from NFHS 3 (National Family Health Survey) for children in age group of 6 months to 35 months indicated that overall prevalence of anemia as 70%. Iodine deficiency disorder has been estimated that 200 million people in India are exposed to risk of Iodine deficiency disorder4 . thus the investigator felt to assess the knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding identification and management of selected micronutrients deficiencies in children in order to develop and provide health education to prevent those deficiency.

Objectives of the study

  1.  To assess the level of knowledge regarding identification and managementof selected micronutrients deficiency among mothers of under five children. 
  2. To find out the association between the level of knowledge with selected socio demographic variables. 


Non experimental descriptive survey design was used to conduct the study. Population included mothers of under five children, nonprobabilityconvenient sampling technique was used to select 90 mothers residing inselected rural area of Tumkur. Mothers who were willing can read and write Kannada and English were included in study,mothers were not willing to participate were excluded. Permission was obtained from the concerned authorities to conduct study and informed consent was obtained from mothers of under five children. Data collection tool was developed by the researcher, which included by using self-administered questionnaire with two parts. Part I included items regarding age religion, educational qualification ,occupation income, types of family and part II consisted of multiple choice question to assess the knowledge of mothers of underfive children. The total scores of knowledge questionnaire were categorized as inadequate knowledge (<50%), average knowledge(>50-75%), adequate knowledge(>75%). The content validity was done. The reliability of the tool was established


I. Description demographic profile of mothers of under five children.

The 35.6% of mothers of under-five children belonged to age group of 25-34 years, and 81% were Hindus only 35.6% of mothers had education equivalent to secondary or more, unemployed of 27% and majority belonged to joint family 63.3%, source of information is mass media 41.2%.

II. Knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding identification and management of selected micro nutrient deficiency.

The findings of the study showed that 70% of mothers had moderate knowledge, 26.7% had inadequate knowledge and 3.3% had adequate knowledge.

III Association between knowledge of mothers and selected demographic variables of under five children.

The chi square analysis showed that there was an association between knowledge of mothers of under five children with selected demographic variables such as age (x2=21.69, t(tab)=5.99), education (x2 =39.36, t(tab)=7.81), occupation (x2 =17.67, t(tab)= 9.84), income (x2 =26.28 t(tab)= 7.81), type of family (x2 =4.30 t(tab)= 3.84), and source of information(x2 =18.71,t(tab)=7.81). had significant association on knowledge on identification and management of selected micronutrient nutrient deficiency at o0.05 level. No association was found between Religion (x2_0.773,t(tab)= 5.99) and level of knowledge.


The present study was conducted to assess the knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding selected micronutrient deficiency in children with selected socio demographic variables. The overall mean score was 14.46 and standard deviation is 3.28 of level of knowledge of mothers. This indicates that the mothers have moderately adequate knowledge regarding identification and management of selected micronutrient deficiency. The Micronutrient deficiencies result from inadequate dietary intake, poor absorption of nutrients, excessive losses, increased requirement or a combination of these factors; iron deficiency anemia, Vit A and Iodine deficiency impairs cognitive performance, behavior and physical growth of infants and children’s.4 There is a need for additional measures to increase the intake of certain micronutrients. Food-based approaches are regarded as the long-term strategy for improving nutrition status special attention should be given to population groups by proper education by using self-instructional modules, pamphlets and by using mass media. This indicates that the mothers have moderately adequate knowledge regarding identification and management of selected micronutrient deficiency.


The study found that the mothers of under five children on identification and management of selected micronutrient deficiency was inadequate an educational intervention was planned. An informational booklet on identification and management of selected micronutrient deficiency, so the researcher developed and administered to the mothers of under five children.

Supporting File
  1.  Singh, M B. Lakshminarayan, J. Study of prevalent maternal beliefs regarding diet during common childhood illness in Thar Desert, Rajasthan. Jodhpur : Desert Medicine Research Centre, Jodhpur2002. 4 p. 
  2. Chowdhury D. Effect of vitamin-A supplementation on childhood morbidity and mortality. Indian Journal of Medical Science 2002; 56 (6): 259-64. 
  3. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes). Availed from BiologyPages/B/Blood.html. 
  4. Dutta A. Pant K. Puthia R. Sah A. prevalaence of under nutrition among children in the Garhwal Himalayas. Food Nutr Bull. 2009 Mar; 30(1):77-81.
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