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Original Article

S. Chavan1 A. D’ Souza2 , N.V Jisha3 , D Prashanth4 , K.P Rooby5 , Shobha6 , P Thomas7 , C Inacia8 , B Joseph9

  1.  Associate Professor & HOD, Department of Pediatric nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore.
  2. - 9. PBBSc(N) Father Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore.

Author for Correspondence

Ms. Seema Chavan

Associate Professor

HOD, Department of Pediatric nursing,

Father Muller College of Nursing, Mangalore.


Mobile: 9480536882

Year: 2018, Volume: 8, Issue: 2, Page no. 23-27, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.8_2_4
Views: 5021, Downloads: 271
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

INTRODUCTION: Temper tantrum is a sudden unplanned display of anger during which children often cry, yell and swing their arms and legs. It lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes & common in both boys and girls in the age group of 1–3 years.

OBJECTIVES : To assess the knowledge of parents regarding the management of temper tantrum. To find association between knowledge of parents regarding management of temper tantrum and selected demographic variables. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive study was conducted in selected institution at Mangalore. The sample consists of 100 parents of toddlers accompanying to this institution selected using purposive sampling method. The data was collected by a structured knowledge questionnaire (reliability of 0.75).

RESULTS: Majority (79%) of parents of toddlers had good knowledge & 21% parents had average knowledge There was significant association between knowledge regarding management of temper tantrum and age of parents (p<0.05).

CONCLUSION: Management of child with temper tantrum was determined by parents age. Hence hands on skills on temper tantrum management would be beneficial.

KEY WORDS: Knowledge, toddler, temper tantrum management.

<p><strong>INTRODUCTION:</strong> Temper tantrum is a sudden unplanned display of anger during which children often cry, yell and swing their arms and legs. It lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes &amp; common in both boys and girls in the age group of 1&ndash;3 years.</p> <p><strong>OBJECTIVES :</strong> To assess the knowledge of parents regarding the management of temper tantrum. To find association between knowledge of parents regarding management of temper tantrum and selected demographic variables. METHODOLOGY: A descriptive study was conducted in selected institution at Mangalore. The sample consists of 100 parents of toddlers accompanying to this institution selected using purposive sampling method. The data was collected by a structured knowledge questionnaire (reliability of 0.75).</p> <p><strong>RESULTS: </strong>Majority (79%) of parents of toddlers had good knowledge &amp; 21% parents had average knowledge There was significant association between knowledge regarding management of temper tantrum and age of parents (p&lt;0.05).</p> <p><strong>CONCLUSION</strong>: Management of child with temper tantrum was determined by parents age. Hence hands on skills on temper tantrum management would be beneficial.</p> <p><strong>KEY WORDS:</strong> Knowledge, toddler, temper tantrum management.</p>
Knowledge, toddler, temper tantrum management
  • 1

INTRODUCTION Temper tantrums are very common among toddlers that results in child’s emotional overwhelming subjecting them to resist discipline. The best approach in a child’s temper tantrum is having a consistency and realistic expectations and outcomes.1

The common temper tantrums are kicking others, hitting others, throwing objects, breaking objects, hitting self, head banging, breath holding, biting self, biting others, non directed kinking, stamping feet, hitting the wall, spitting on others, lying on the floor, kicking their feet and screaming at the top of their voice. Without sufficient reinforcement, breathe holding most often disappears.2

Parents play an important role in controlling the RGUHS Journal of Nursing Sciences, December 2018 / Vol-8 / Issue-2 23 temper tantrum in toddler. They need to have lots of patience with their toddlers. The parents, who provide clear concise limits, facilitate autonomy development and help the child to gain a sense of order control and security.1

An exploratory study conducted in 2008 on the temperamental traits of breath holding children of age 1-4 years referred to child guidance clinic in Chennai comparing with healthy children. 40% had onset of BHS within first 6 months of life. 40% experienced spells weekly and 33.3% monthly. High score in the energy dimension (z=5.255, p<0.001) and the intensity of reaction (z=5.749, p<0.001) are highly significant.3

A study conducted in 2006 linked individual differences in theory of mind and harsh parenting with behavioural problem in 127 children of age 2-year-old who were assessed through face to face contact with their mothers. The result showed that the girls received lower overall rating for behavioural problem (t=2.60, p<0.005). Two-way ANOVA showed significant interaction between harsh parenting and theory of mind as predictions of behavioural problem (t=4.58, p<0.01).4

The investigator has reviewed studies and the parents who were punishing their children due to ignorance on temper tantrums. Hence, awareness regarding temper tantrum is essential for the parents and caregivers to help toddlers to lead a successful life. Parents need to use a variety of techniques to discipline their children.

Objectives of the study 

  1.  To assess the knowledge of parents regarding the management of temper tantrum. 
  2. To find association between knowledge of parents regarding management of temper tantrum and selected demographic variables.


Cross sectional descriptive explorative study design was used to assess the knowledge of parents regarding management of temper tantrum in toddlers among 100 parents selected by purposive sampling technique. The study was conducted in selected 1250 bedded hospital in Mangalore. Parents of children between the ages of 1-3 years, visiting selected hospital were selected for the study however, those parents who had participated in any educational programmes on temper tantrum & its management were excluded. The tool used for the study consisted of two sections: Baseline proforma comprising of 8 items & structured knowledge questionnaire consisting of 19 objective type questions on temper tantrum and its management. The reliability of the structured knowledge questionnaire, obtained by using Karl-Pearson’s product moment correlation & Chronbachs alpha formula was 0.75. Before conducting the study ethical clearance was obtained & formal written permission from concerned authority was collected. Informed consent was taken from the subjects followed by which the investigator familiarized herself with the subject and purpose of the study was explained to them. 100 parents of toddlers were taken as samples by using purposive sampling method. Each sample took 15 minutes to complete the knowledge questionnaire 


I. Socio-demographic variables of parents of toddlers

Majority of the parents (34%) were between 25- 30 years of age. Majority of the parents (32%) had received secondary education and (63%) were unskilled workers. Majority of the samples (47%) had the income of Rs <5000.Most of them (40%) had only two children and majority of them (57%) were city dwellers. Majority of the samples (63%) obtained information regarding temper tantrum, and most of them (66.20%) from family discussion.

II Distribution of knowledge level of parents of toddlers regarding temper tantrum.

Majority (79%) of parents of toddlers had good knowledge & 21% of parents had average knowledge. Area wise highest mean knowledge of parents on temper tantrum was obtained in causes (6.7) & least in prevention area (0.86). Overall knowledge mean & SD of parents on temper tantrum was 14.81±3.27 with a mean percentage of 77.95.(Figure 1) 

Majority of parents of toddlers obtained highest mean percentage 90% in area of meaning of temper tantrum & least mean percentage 67% in area of cause of temper tantrum. (Figure 2)

III Association of knowledge of parents regarding management of temper tantrum in toddler and selected variables

The study found significant association between knowledge of parents on temper tantrum and age of parents (x2=4.20, p=0.04*). 


Our study found that majority (79%) of parents of toddlers had good knowledge & area wise highest mean knowledge of parents on temper tantrum was obtained in causes of temper tantrums (6.7) & least in prevention area (0.86). The overall knowledge mean & SD of parents on temper tantrum was 14.81±3.27 with a mean % of 77.95.

The study was congruent with a cross sectional study on 142 parents knowledge regarding temper tantrum in Finland . 87% of the parents reported that one or more of their children had had temper tantrums. There was no sex difference for age of onset of tantrums, age when tantrums ceased, age span during which they occurred, frequency, or duration of episodes. Majority of them 90% reported to have good knowledge on temper tantrum.5

In the present study there was a significant association between the knowledge of parents on the management of temper tantrum & age of the parents (x2=4.20, p<0.05). There were contradictory findings noted in a study conducted on knowledge of mothers regarding psychosocial correlates of severe temper tantrums. Study reported that temper Tantrums were not associated at p less than 0.01 with gender, maternal employment, low social support, or single parenthood.6  

The gap between the existing and expected knowledge level of parents indicates that there is need of education regarding temper tantrum. This will help them to improve their knowledge and enable them to manage their children skilfully. The study implies that the health personnel have to be properly trained on educating the public regarding the management of temper tantrum and handling different problems of children. In developing country like India, with limited resources, health administration departments should provide awareness program to the public. Emphasis on research and clinical study is needed to improve the quality of nursing care. We also recommend Periodic awareness program regarding temper tantrum with hands on skill experience.


The study concludes that although parents had information on temper tantrum it was their age which determined their management of child with temper tantrum. Hence hands on skills on temper tantrum management would be beneficial. Educational programme can be given to the parents, school teachers to handle the children during temper tantrum. 

Supporting File
  1.  Allen LR, Kelly BB. Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2015 Jul 23. 4, Child Development and Early Learning.Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm. /books / NBK310550/ 
  2. Morin A. Here Is Why Toddlers Hit Themselves (and When You Should Be Concerned) [Internet]. Verywell Family. 2018 [cited 28 June 2019]. Available from: https://www.
  3. Subbarayan A, Ganesan B, Anbumani, Jayanthini. Temperamental traits of breath holding children: A case control study. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2008;50(3):192. 
  4. Hughes C, Ensor R. Behavioural problems in 2-year-olds: links with individual differences in theory of mind, executive function and harsh parenting. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2006;47(5):488-497. 
  5. Österman K, Björkqvist K. A Cross-Sectional Study of Onset, Cessation, Frequency, and Duration of Children’s Temper Tantrums in a Nonclinical Sample. Psychol Rep. 2010;106(2):448-454. doi:10.2466/pr0.106.2.448- 454 
  6. Needlman R, Stevenson J, Zuckerman B. Psychosocial Correlates of Severe Temper Tantrums. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. 1991;12(2):77???83. doi:10.1097/00004703-199104000-00002  
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