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Original Article

Lucy Gladies E1 , Sanjay Peerapur2 , Somashekarayya Kalmath3

1: Lecturer, Departmentof Medical Surgical Nursing,KLES Institute of Nursing Sciences, Hubballi, Karnataka,India.

2: Principal & HOD Medical Surgical Nursing KLES Institute of Nursing Sciences, Hubballi Karnataka, India.

3: Asso. Professor HOD Paediatric Nursing KLES Institute of Nursing Sciences, Hubballi Karnataka, India.

Author for correspondence

Lucy. Gladies. E


KLES Institute of Nursing Sciences,

Hubballi 580031

Received Date: 2020-11-10,
Accepted Date: 2020-12-15,
Published Date: 2020-12-31
Year: 2020, Volume: 10, Issue: 2, Page no. 81-87, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.10_2_5
Views: 1496, Downloads: 47
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Globally the problem of junk /fast food is prevailing world wide with its effect on adolescents of countries risking their life for all the vulnerable disease of heart, endocrine, skin and impairment in immune system etc .saving the adolescents with these disease is an important factor to be considered with well nourishing diet with prompt management and health educations.

Objectives: 1.To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption among adolescents. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption in terms of gain knowledge and attitude scores of adolescents. 3.To find out the correlation between the knowledge and attitude regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption among adolescents. 4. To find the association between pre test level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents regarding the health hazards of junk/ fast foods consumption with their selected socio demographic variables

Methodology : A pre experimental ;one group pre test post test design was adopted for this study. The samples consisted of 45 subjects, by using simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale, and a planned teaching programme was administered at the end of pre test and after a period of 7 days post test was conducted using the same tool which was used for pre test and data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Results: Overall results revealed that out of 45 samples, 8(17.8%) had good knowledge 28(62.2%) had average knowledge and 9(20%) had poor knowledge. and regarding attitude5(11.1%) had positive attitude 32(71.1%) had favorable and 8(17.8%) had negative attitude and after administration of the planned teaching programme 25(55.6%) had good knowledge,15(33.3%) had average knowledge and 05(11.1%) had average knowledge. and in regard to attitude 32(71.1%) had positive attitude 13(28.9%) had favourable and none had negative attitude . The coefficient correlation rxy = 0.1, there exists a moderately positive co relation between knowledge and attitude scores of students.

Conclusion: The study concluded that, planned teaching programme was effective in improving knowledge and their attitude regarding health hazards of junk food consumption.

<p>Globally the problem of junk /fast food is prevailing world wide with its effect on adolescents of countries risking their life for all the vulnerable disease of heart, endocrine, skin and impairment in immune system etc .saving the adolescents with these disease is an important factor to be considered with well nourishing diet with prompt management and health educations.</p> <p><strong>Objectives: </strong>1.To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption among adolescents. 2. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption in terms of gain knowledge and attitude scores of adolescents. 3.To find out the correlation between the knowledge and attitude regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption among adolescents. 4. To find the association between pre test level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents regarding the health hazards of junk/ fast foods consumption with their selected socio demographic variables</p> <p><strong>Methodology : </strong>A pre experimental ;one group pre test post test design was adopted for this study. The samples consisted of 45 subjects, by using simple random sampling technique. Data was collected using structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale, and a planned teaching programme was administered at the end of pre test and after a period of 7 days post test was conducted using the same tool which was used for pre test and data analysis was done using descriptive and inferential statistics.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> Overall results revealed that out of 45 samples, 8(17.8%) had good knowledge 28(62.2%) had average knowledge and 9(20%) had poor knowledge. and regarding attitude5(11.1%) had positive attitude 32(71.1%) had favorable and 8(17.8%) had negative attitude and after administration of the planned teaching programme 25(55.6%) had good knowledge,15(33.3%) had average knowledge and 05(11.1%) had average knowledge. and in regard to attitude 32(71.1%) had positive attitude 13(28.9%) had favourable and none had negative attitude . The coefficient correlation r<sub>xy</sub> = 0.1, there exists a moderately positive co relation between knowledge and attitude scores of students.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study concluded that, planned teaching programme was effective in improving knowledge and their attitude regarding health hazards of junk food consumption.</p>
Adolescents, planned teaching programme (PTP), Health hazards, Junk/Fast food.
  • 1


The world is moving very fast with the changes and people are adopting a new life style in order to adjust to their changes, a greater impact on the working mothers as they have to balance between their work and their family. This has given rise to the fastest changes in their foundation for thriving of fast food leading to greater impact on food industry.1

The term fast food/Junk food is something which is prepared and served quickly, these types of food available in our restaurants or stores like chips, pizzas, paobaji, gobi Manchurian, panipuri, noodles, soups etc which has of low quality preparation and served to customers in a package to carry away.2

The thella food which is ready to eat and the drinks sold by the vendors in the streets are all available at reasonable prices.3 The nutritive value of these food are very low and there is no control and maintenance of cooking in as some are cooked with increased oil,ghee, butter which has a great impact on health leading to dangerous diseases.4

The junk/fast food creates lot of health effects on the body because of stimulating, flavoring, agents like mono sodium glutamate, caffeine, casein, excess of sodium which is hazardous to health causing gas bloating, elevated heart rate, energy crashes, and over a period of time leads to obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, heart disease4 etc .

In the recent years the consumption and need of fast food has dramatically increased and specially seen in adolescents,3 The influencing factors of globalization and industrialization in developing countries has changed the concepts and pattern with adolescents who are now more found of eating fast/junk food.6

A recent study conducted reveled that 48%of soda at fast food restaurants contains coli from bacterias mainly found in feaces. and 11% containing e coli is sickening our soft drinks which comes from meat.6

The Nutritive survey conducted has mainly focused on adolescents having lower nutritive value; hence awareness on eating habits should be monitored. Adolescents are groups most filled with the choices and wrong preferences on food habits because of the choices included hunger or craving, appeal of food, and most importantly the time availability of parents. Some others also concerned about body image, mood, habits, costs, media influences, peer pressures and life style choices.7

The sector of health where nurses plays an important role in identifying, screening, and educating adolescents through right teaching and planning of food preferences, Health education about changing patterns of diet and right attitude about of food selection taken by the teachers and parents can have a greater impact on adolescents which can avoid the health hazards of junk food consumption. World health organization should educate consumers on health hazards of junk food


1. To assess the knowledge and attitude regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption among adolescents.

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of planned teaching programme regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption in terms of gain knowledge and attitude scores of adolescents.

3. To find out the correlation between the knowledge and attitude regarding the health hazards of junk/fast foods consumption among adolescents.

4. To find the association between pre test level of knowledge and attitude of adolescents regarding the health hazards of junk/ fast foods consumption with their selected socio demographic variables.


Research approach:Evaluative research approach Research Design: pre experimental, one group pretest post test design Sampling technique& sample size: probability simple random sampling technique and 45 Setting of the study

:M.R.Shakare English Medium School. Hubballi Tools used: 1. Structured knowledge questionnaire to assess knowledge regarding health hazards of Junk food consumption among adolescents

Section I: Socio-demographic variables of subjects

Section II: Structured Knowledge Questionnaire which contains:

Part I: Items on general aspect of nutrition and junk /fast food

Part II: Items on health hazards of junk/fast food consumption

Part III: Items on prevention of health hazards of junk /fast food consumption

2. Attitude scale [modified 5 point likert scale]

Procedure of data collection:

The formal permission from the Principal of KLES’ M.R.Sakhare English Medium School, Hubballi. The written consent was obtained from the participants. The pre-test was conducted by using structured knowledge questionnaire and attitude scale to assess the knowledge and attitude on health hazards of junk/fast food consumption. Planned teaching programme was administered at the end of the pre-test.The post test was carried out 1 week later, using the same tool which was used for pre-test. Data collected was then tabulated and analyzed.


The findings related to socio-demographic variables of subjects:

Majority of the subjects 27(60%) belonged to the age group of 15years, 12(26.7%) were from 14years, 6(13.3%) were13years old.In terms of gender the maximum number of subjects 23(51%) were males and 22 (49%) were females.Majority of the subjects 16(36%) were from the class 10th, 15(33%) were from 8th std &14(31%) were from 9th std.The maximum number of subjects 36(80%) were belonging to urban area and 09(20%) were from rural area. Majority of subjects 31(69%) were belonging to nuclear family and 14(31%) to joint family.Majority of the subjects 17(37.8%) family income were in the range of Rs5000-10000, 17(37.8%) Rs 15000 and above, 10(22.2%) Rs 10000- 15000, 1 (2.2%) were below Rs 5000 per month. The maximum of them 35(77.8%) consume junk food 1-2 times/week, minimum 5(11.1%) consume no junk food, 4(8.9%) consume 3-4 times/ week, & very less that is 01(2.2%) consume 5-6 times /week. The majority of subjects 25(55.5%) received no pocket money, 10(22.2%) received in the range of Rs 0-100 per month, 7(15.6%) received Rs100-200 per month, & only 3(6.7%) received above Rs 200 of pocket money per month. Majority of subjects 21(46.7%) received information from television, 11(24.5%) through Mobile & Internet, 10(22.2%) through news papers, 02 (4.4%) received through health professionals & 01(2.2%) of them got information through Peer group and social circle.

Section I : Analysis and interpretation of knowledge scores of students regarding health hazards of Junk food consumption.

Table No. 1 reveals that there is 34.23 % gain in knowledge after administration of planned teaching programme

Table No 2 reveals in pretest 28(62.2%) of subjects had average knowledge,09(20%) had poor knowledge and 8(17.8%) had good knowledge regarding health hazards of junk food consumption, and in post test majority of them 25(55.6%) had good knowledge,15(33.3%) had average knowledge and 05(11.1% had poor knowledge

Table No 3 reveals that there is 10.20% gain in attitude score after administration of planned teaching programme

Table No. 4 reveals that majority 32(71.1%) had favorable attitude,08(17.8%) had negative attitude and 05(11.1%) positive attitude regarding health hazards of junk food consumption in pretest, and in post test scoring majority 13(28.9%) had favorable attitude,32(71.1%) had positive attitude, and none had negative attitude towards junk food consumption.

Section II : Analysis and interpretation of data to find out correlation between knowledge and attitude scores

The Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation formula was used to compute correlation between knowledge and attitude is to be rxy = 0.1, (0>rxy>- 1), there exists a moderately positive co relation between knowledge and attitude scores of students.

Section III : Analysis and interpretation of data to find out association between pretest knowledge scores of subjects and selected socio demographic variables

Since X2 cal value > X2 tab value Hence there is an association between pretest knowledge scores and few selected demographic variables that is in place of living, consumption of junk food, pocket money received per month, source of information.

Since X2 cal value > X2 tab value hence there is an association between pretest attitude scores and few selected demographic variables that is in age and consumption of junk food per week.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn

1. The overall pre-test knowledge and attitude scores of adolescent were average.

2. There was a moderately positive co relation between knowledge and attitude

3. The post test knowledge scores of adolescent who have been exposed to planned teaching programme were significantly higher than the pre test knowledge scores.

4. The post test attitude scores of adolescent who have been exposed to planned teaching programme were significantly higher than the pre test attitude scores

5. Post test knowledge and attitude scores of planned teaching programme showed significant improvement in the level of knowledge and attitude of the adolescents.

6. Planned teaching programme helps in improving the knowledge and attitude of adolescents.


The findings of the present study have implications in the area of nursing education, nursing practice, nursing administration and nursing research.

Nursing Education: Findings of the study can be used by the nurse educator to highlight the importance of the planned teaching programme regarding health hazards of junk food consumption among adolescents. And can also be used to teach the nurses. The nurse educator should periodically organize special training programme for adolescent regarding health hazards of junk food consumption.

Nursing Practice: This study will enable. Nurse educators who can extend and expand their role in different settings especially in hospitals schools, industry, and home care setting and also in care services to the community. They should provide a package of services in preventive, curative and rehabilitative services for promotion, maintenance and restoration of health..

Nursing Administration: The nurse as an administrator should take interest in providing information on effectiveness of various methods of teaching regarding health hazards of junk food consumption. They can also plan and organize teaching programme for adolescents in order to enhance their knowledge and keep them aware of the health hazards of junk food consumption, which occurs mostly in schools.

Nursing Research: Based on the present findings, nurse professional and post graduate student nurse can conduct research on the effectiveness of planned teaching programme on health hazards of junk food consumption among adolescents. It is necessary that the nursing personnel should have the knowledge regarding the research. The tool, lesson plan and A.V. aids used for the present study can be utilized or modified on the similar kind of study. Findings of the study suggest that educators and teachers should encourage nurses to read, discuss and conduct research studies. So as to enable the nurses to make evidence based decision rather than intuitive decision.


1. A similar study that can be done on large and wider sample size and for a longer period of time would be more pertinent in making broad generalizations.

2. An experimental study can be conducted for assessing the knowledge on health hazards of junk food consumption.

3. A descriptive study can be conducted to assess knowledge, attitude and practices regarding health hazards of junk food consumption.

4. A similar study can be replicated in different setting.

Supporting File

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3. Williams J. Mc Donald’s fast food. [serial online]. January 2010[cited on 2013 Dec 14]; 12(2)4-8. Available from URL:www.examiner. com /article/mcdonalds-fastfood-toxicingredients.pdf.

4. Rail K. Effects of fast food a survey in adults. [serial online].2000 march [cited on 2014 Dec 16];10(6)30-32 Available from URL:http;www.

5. Puri S, Bhatia V, Impact of a diet and nutrition related education package on the awareness and practices of school children of Chandigarh. The internet journal of epidemiology, 2008, volume 6, Pp.20-25.

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