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Original Article

Nagesh V Ajjawadimath

Assistant Professor. Department of Mental Health Nursing, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Institute

of Nursing Sciences, Manjushree Nagar Sattur, Dharwad, Karnataka -580009.

Author for correspondence

Nagesh V Ajjawadimath

Mobile No: 9880268927

Email ID:

Received Date: 2020-02-12,
Accepted Date: 2020-04-20,
Published Date: 2020-07-30
Year: 2020, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Page no. 29-33, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.10_1_6
Views: 1116, Downloads: 26
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


‘Don’t tell people to get over it, be there and help them get through it instead.’

Psychological first aid is an evidence-informed modular approach for assisting people in the immediate aftermath of crisis, disaster and terrorism to reduce initial distress and to foster short and long term adaptive functioning. Staff nurses are the first who come in contact with the survivors when they brought to local area hospital. Psycho education on psychological first aid could enhance the staff’s ability to intervene appropriately and quickly with those who are distressed. The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of psycho-education on knowledge regarding psychological first aid among staff nurses in order to enhance the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. TOOLS : First part consists of socio demographic data with 5 items , part two consists of structured multiple choice questionnaires to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. RESULTS : Structured knowledge questionnaires of psychological first day scores of post test which is apparently higher than pre test knowledge. CONCLUSION: Psycho education had a definite impact on the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. In the post test majority of staff nurses had adequate knowledge regarding psychological first aid .

<p><strong>BACK GROUND OF THE STUDY</strong></p> <p>&lsquo;Don&rsquo;t tell people to get over it, be there and help them get through it instead.&rsquo;</p> <p>Psychological first aid is an evidence-informed modular approach for assisting people in the immediate aftermath of crisis, disaster and terrorism to reduce initial distress and to foster short and long term adaptive functioning. Staff nurses are the first who come in contact with the survivors when they brought to local area hospital. Psycho education on psychological first aid could enhance the staff&rsquo;s ability to intervene appropriately and quickly with those who are distressed. The aim of the study is to assess the effectiveness of psycho-education on knowledge regarding psychological first aid among staff nurses in order to enhance the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. <strong>TOOLS :</strong> First part consists of socio demographic data with 5 items , part two consists of structured multiple choice questionnaires to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. RESULTS : Structured knowledge questionnaires of psychological first day scores of post test which is apparently higher than pre test knowledge. <strong>CONCLUSION: </strong>Psycho education had a definite impact on the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. In the post test majority of staff nurses had adequate knowledge regarding psychological first aid .</p>
Psycho Education, Knowledge, Psychological First Aid, Staff Nurses.
  • 1


Staff nurses are in unique position to monitor a patient’s psychological coping and any distress. Psychosocial care is the part of holistic patient prospective and allows patients to seek both informational and emotional support from the care givers to help them manage their crisis situation1 . Nursing professionals represent one of those overlooked resources. As with all professional disciplines which will respond to psychological needs post disaster, some form of specialized training is essential2 . Psychological First Aid training can provide the fundamental tools needed to functionally prepare nurses, as well as other occupational groups. As nurses are already integrated into the provision of other post-disaster services, they can serve as a surveillance system and first-line response to attend to psychological emergencies- with the subsequent capability of triaging to the next level of care, consistent with traditional medical models of the continuum of care. Nurses can provide services to both primary survivors and other responders3 .

NEED FOR THE STUDY: To increase basic psychological and mental health first aid to prevent their health from deteriorating and to empower them to take action to improve their mental health. Providing more peoples with psychological and mental health first aid skills will helps to decrease the rate of suicide & health problems4 .


• o assess the pre test knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid ..

• To determine the effectiveness of knowledge regarding psychological First aid among staff nurses .

• To find out the association between post test knowledge regarding psychological First aid among staff nurses with their selected personal variables.


• RESEARCH APPROACH AND DESIGN : Quantitative approach , Pre experimental one group pretest post test research design

• RESEARCH SETTING : SDM hospital Dharwad

• SAMPLE: Staff nurses working in general wards of SDM hospital Dharwad.

• SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size was 60 staff nurses working in SDMCMS & H Dharwad.

• SAMPLING TECHNIQUE : Non probability convenient sampling technique.

• VARIABLES: Independent Variable: Psycho-education regarding Psychological First Aid.

• DEPENDENT VARIABLE: Knowledge of staff nurses regarding Psychological First Aid.

• ASSUMPTIONS: Assumptions of the study are

• Staff nurses have some knowledge regarding psychological first aid.

• Psycho-education may have a positive influence on knowledge of staff nurses regarding Psychological First Aid.

• DELIMITATIONS: A study is delimited to Staff nurses working in SDM hospital and who are registered in KNC.


Inclusive criteria

• Staff nurses working in SDMCMS&H.

• Available at the time of data collection.

• Willing to participate in the study.

• Registered in the state Nursing Council.

Exclusive criteria

• Leave at the time of data collection.

• Are severely ill at the time of data collection.


• Formal permission obtained from the concerned authority.

• The purpose of the study was explained and informed written consent was taken from staff nurses.

• Pre test was done on first day & psycho education regarding psychological first aid was given on the same day.

• Post test was conducted on the 7th day, to evaluate the effectiveness of psycho education regarding psychological first aid.

• The data was collected on the basis of the objectives and hypothesis formulated for the study.


SECTION – A : It consists of socio demographic data with 5 items

SECTION – B : This part consists of structured multiple choice questionnaires to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid.


Structured multiple choice questionnaires to assess the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid education. Content validated by seven experts such as Doctors, Nursing educators, psychologist, social worker there was 100% agreement by all experts.


The structured knowledge questionnaires was used and reliability of the tool was checked by the test retest method , the reliability of the tool was found to be 0.8.


The pre test mean score of staff nurses was 9.26 with Standard deviation of ±1.91 median of 10. The post test mean score of staff nurses was 18.13 with Standard deviation of ±1.58 median of 18.

Structured knowledge questionnaires of psychological first day scores of post test which is apparently higher than pre test knowledge .

Section- IV: Comparision of pre and post test knowledge of psychological first aid among staff nurses.

The calculated value paired t=27.85 was higher than the table value is p=0.68 at 0.05 level. Thus psycho education on knowledge regarding psychological first aid among staff nurses was effective in post test.

Section - V : Association of post test knowledge with socio demographic variables.

Chi- square value is significant for variable like age and source of information. And gender, religion, income were not significant at 0.05 level.


Section- 1: Demographic variables of staff nurses

Present study findings

Similar findings from Other study

Majority staff nurses (80 % ) were in the age group of 20-25years.

Maximum of staff nurses (94%)were females.

Majority (80%) of staff nurses were Hindu.

Maximum (70%) of staff nurses income RS.15,OOO.

Majority (68%) of staff nurses source of information is mass media.

Majority staff nurses (80 %) were in the age group of 20-25years.(9,15.13.19)

Maximum of staff nurses (94%)were females. ( 4,18,21,20)

Majority (80%)of staff nurses were

Maximum (70%)of staff nurses income

Majority (68%)of staff nurses source of information is mass media. (15,17,!8)

Section – II: Analysis of pre and post test

Majority 44(73.4%) staff nurses in pre test had moderate inadequate knowledge regarding psychological first aid. Maximum 50(83.4%) staff nurses in post test had adequate knowledge regarding psychological first aid.


Psycho education had a definite impact on the knowledge of staff nurses regarding psychological first aid. In the post test majority of staff nurses had adequate knowledge regarding psychological first aid .

Supporting File
No Pictures

1. Legg Melanie Jane. What is psychosocial care and how can staff nurses better provide it to adult oncology patients .Australian Journal of Advance Nursing.2011;28 (3):p.61-67.

2. World federation for mental health. World mental day 2016 .

3. Jorm A, korten AF, Jacomb Pa et al.(1997)Mental health literacy a survey of the public’s ability to recognize mental disorders and their beliefs about the effectiveness of treatment. Medical Journal of Australia.166,182-186

4. Hyer KJ Brown LM; Polivka L; Berman A. Helping Nursing Homes Prepare For Disasters. Health Affairs 2010 25(10): 1961-1965.

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