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Original Article

Komala Devi R1 , Mary Minerva2

1: Nursing Tutor, Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Tamaka, Kolar.

2: HOD, Dept of Community Health Nursing, Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Tamaka, Kolar.

Author for correspondence

Komala Devi R

Nursing Tutor,

Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing,

Tamaka, Kolar-563101.

Ph. No 8884570533, 7975221639

Received Date: 2020-01-10,
Accepted Date: 2020-04-16,
Published Date: 2020-07-31
Year: 2020, Volume: 10, Issue: 1, Page no. 08-12, DOI: 10.26715/rjns.10_1_2
Views: 2206, Downloads: 104
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.

Introduction: Adolescence is the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood that occurs between ages 13 and 19.Many adolescence girls are having poor attack to proper health care and nutrition. Beetroot juice is a healthy portion that can do wonders for your overall health. Most of the studies have proved that even beetroot juice plays an important role in improving the haemoglobin level in the blood.

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of beetroot juice on the haemoglobin level among adolescent girls by comparing the pre -test and post- test haemoglobin level.

Methods: The research design used for the study was True experimental design. Adolescent girls studying at Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Tamaka, Kolar aged 17-19yrs (n=60) were selected by using simple random sampling technique. The feasibility of the study refinement of the tool was assessed through pilot study. The blood haemoglobin level among adolescent girls was assessed by using Clinical laboratory test and communication checklist. A freshly prepared beetroot juice was given for experimental group for 30 alternative days in the midmorning. Post-test was done after intervention period for both experimental and control group.

Results: In Experimental group the mean score on level of anaemia was 8.7 in pre-test and 11.04 in posttest. The paired‘t’ value was 6.58* which is significant at (p <0.05), in comparison with control group. It shows that beetroot juice was effective in improving the level of haemoglobin among adolescent girls.

Conclusion: The study findings revealed that the regular consumption of beetroot juice could bring out desired changes in the level of haemoglobin.

<p><strong>Introduction: </strong>Adolescence is the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood that occurs between ages 13 and 19.Many adolescence girls are having poor attack to proper health care and nutrition. Beetroot juice is a healthy portion that can do wonders for your overall health. Most of the studies have proved that even beetroot juice plays an important role in improving the haemoglobin level in the blood.</p> <p><strong>Objective:</strong> To evaluate the effectiveness of beetroot juice on the haemoglobin level among adolescent girls by comparing the pre -test and post- test haemoglobin level.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> The research design used for the study was True experimental design. Adolescent girls studying at Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Tamaka, Kolar aged 17-19yrs (n=60) were selected by using simple random sampling technique. The feasibility of the study refinement of the tool was assessed through pilot study. The blood haemoglobin level among adolescent girls was assessed by using Clinical laboratory test and communication checklist. A freshly prepared beetroot juice was given for experimental group for 30 alternative days in the midmorning. Post-test was done after intervention period for both experimental and control group.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> In Experimental group the mean score on level of anaemia was 8.7 in pre-test and 11.04 in posttest. The paired&lsquo;t&rsquo; value was 6.58* which is significant at (p &lt;0.05), in comparison with control group. It shows that beetroot juice was effective in improving the level of haemoglobin among adolescent girls.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study findings revealed that the regular consumption of beetroot juice could bring out desired changes in the level of haemoglobin.</p>
Effectiveness, Beetroot juice, Adolescent girls, Anaemia, Haemoglobin
  • 1


Adolescence period refers to ages 10-19years.The preadolescent and adolescent years are a time of increased growth that is accompanied by increase in appetite and nutritional requirements. The iron needed by the adolescent is nearly double that needed by adults.1 This is a vulnerable period in the human life cycle for the development of nutritional anaemia, which has been constantly neglected by public health programs.2

Anaemia or low concentration of haemoglobin (Hb) is a condition in which the number of red blood cells of the body is insufficient to meet physiological needs. Iron deficiency is thought to be the most common cause of anaemia worldwide. Children, women of reproductive age, and pregnant women are at high risk of developing anaemia.3

According to WHO, India is one of the countries in the world that has highest prevalence of anaemia. WHO estimates that 27 percent of adolescents in developing countries are anaemic; the (International centre for research on women) ICRW studies documented high rates in India (55%), Nepal (44%), Cameroon (32 %) and Guatemala (48%). Adolescents are at risk of developing iron deficiency anaemia because of the increased iron requirements for growth.4

A Descriptive study was conducted to assess the prevalence of anaemia among 220 adolescents aged between 10-19yrs in Bangalore city. Level of haemoglobin was estimated by Sahli’s hemoglobinmeter method. The overall prevalence of anaemia was 47.7%. The majority of the adolescents had moderate anaemia (60%), mild anaemia (38%) and severe anaemia (1.9%) there was a significant association between anaemia and its factors such as menorrhagia, history of passing of worm in the stools which were statistically significant.5

Beetroot juice is possibly the best natural remedy for anaemia. It has a high iron content that restores red blood cells while supplying oxygen and increasing the blood count. It is of great benefit to women during their menstrual cycle and those going through the menopause. It is recommended that you drink one pint daily of blended beet juice. The base blend should be with carrot juice but you can add apples, pineapple, coconut flesh, jaggery, spinach or cucumber depending on what other ailments you want to cure.


1. To estimate the hemoglobin level among the adolescent girls.

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of beetroot juice on the hemoglobin level among adolescent girls by comparing the pretest and posttest hemoglobin level.

3. To determine the association between the posttest hemoglobin level with selected socio demographic variables of adolescent girls.


The research design used for the study was a true experimental design. Around 180 adolescent girls aged 17-19yrs in a college of nursing were screened for haemoglobin level by using Clinical assessment haemoglobin level estimation and Communication checklist of which 60 girls, were identified fulfilling inclusion criteria. 60 samples were randomly selected in which 30 samples was considered as experimental group and 30 samples was considered as control group. The purpose of the study was explained and informed written consent was obtained from study participants before collecting the data by explaining the nature, purposes and duration of the study. Both the groups were dewormed with T.Albendazole 400mg. After 24hrs, 100 ml beetroot juice was administered for 30 alternative days for Experimental group in the mid-morning. Post haemoglobin level was assessed for Experimental group and control group by using the same clinical assessment of haemoglobin level estimation and Communication checklist after 60 days.


1. Socio demographic variables of Adolescent girls.

The majority of the adolescent girls (83%) experimental group and (100%) control group were found to be in the age group of 19yrs.(53%) experimental group attained menarche at the age of 12yrs and in (50%) control group attained menarche at the age of 14yrs.(63%) experimental group and control group were found to have irregular menstruation. (70%) experimental group found to have 5-7 days of menstruation and (70%) control group found to have 2-4 days. (66%) experimental group found to have normal flow of menstruation and (56%) control group found to have scanty flow of menstruation. (93%) experimental group found to consume green leafy vegetables and (53%) control group found to consume green leafy vegetables. (50%) experimental group and (46%) control group found to know the information through their Professional course.

2. a. Distribution of pre & post-test level of clinical signs and symptoms using communication checklist

Clinical signs and symptoms in experimental group revealed in the pre-test 06(20%) had mild symptoms, 13(43.3%) had moderate symptoms, 11(36.6%) had severe symptoms & in posttest 15(50%) had mild symtoms,11(36.6%) had moderate symptoms,04(13%) had severe symptoms. In control group pre-test 09(30%) had mild symptoms, 04(13.4%) had moderate symtoms,17(56.6%) had severe symptoms in post-test 09(30%) had mild symptoms,05(16.6%) had moderate symptoms,16(53.4%) had severe symptoms.

b. Distribution of adolescent girls according to the level of haemoglobin

During pre-test, in experimental group 0(0%) had Normal level of haemoglobin, 0(0%) had mild level of haemoglobin, 28(93.3%) had Moderate level of haemoglobin, 02(6.6%) had severe level of haemoglobin & in post-test experimental group 12(40%) had Normal level of haemoglobin, 17(56.6%) had mild level of haemoglobin, 01(3.3%) had Moderate level of haemoglobin, 0(0%) had severe level of haemoglobin In control group, pretest0(0%) had Normal level of haemoglobin, 0(0%) had mild level of haemoglobin, 27(90%) had Moderate level of haemoglobin, 03(10%) had severe level of haemoglobin& in posttest0(0%) had Normal level of haemoglobin, 04(13.3%) had mild level of haemoglobin, 24(80%) had Moderate level of haemoglobin, 02(6.6%) had severe level of haemoglobin.

3. a.Effectiveness of beetroot juice administration among the adolescent girls

The mean score in experimental group was 8.70 in pre-test and 11.04 in post-test. The paired “t” value was 6.58* which is significant at p <0.05. It shows that beetroot juice was effective in improving the level of hemoglobin. Hence the research hypothesis (H1) is accepted. In control group the mean score on level of hemoglobin was 8.61 in pre-test and 8.80 in post-test. The paired t" value was 0.61 which is not significant at p <0.05.

b. Comparison of post-test level of haemoglobin among adolescent girls

The mean score on level of haemoglobin was 11.04 in experimental group post-test and 8.80 in control group post-test. The estimated "t" value was 4.54* which is significant at p < 0.05. It shows that beetroot juice was effective in improving the level of haemoglobin. Hence the research hypothesis (H1) is accepted.

4. Association between post-test level of haemoglobin among adolescent girls with their selected socio demographic variables.

The type of menstruation and socio demographic variables of adolescent girls were having significant association in experimental group at p<0.005 level. Hence the research hypothesis H2 is accepted. Similarly there was no significant association p<0.005 level between the level of haemoglobin and demographic variables of adolescent in control group.


The finding of the present study shows that, the mean post haemoglobin level was 11.04 in experimental group and 8.80 in Control group. In the experimental group the mean haemoglobin level was increased from 8.70 to 11.04 and in the control group, the mean post haemoglobin level was 8.61 to 8.80. The estimated "t" value was 4.54* which is significant at p < 0.05. The findings also shows that, the type of menstruation and socio demographic variables of adolescent girls were having significant association in experimental group at p<0.005 level. Hence the research hypothesis H2 is accepted and there is no significant association p<0.005 level between the level of haemoglobin and demographic variables of adolescent in control group.

These findings are supported by a study conducted by an experimental study by G. Manjulavathi reported that after 8 weeks of Beetroot Juice on Hb Level Among Middle age Women in Sree Balaji Teacher Training Institute, Chrome pet. Chennai.(TN), they observed that shows that the mean scores of pre-test and post-test level of anaemia among middle age women 9.7 (SD=0.6), 10.5 (SD=1.2) respectively. 

Thus the difference in pre-test and post-test mean was 1.2. The overall pre-test mean percentage was 16.166, whereas the post-test mean percentage was 17.5. Pre-test level of anaemia mean score is less than the post test score. Patient’s value is 30.0 which were significant at 0.001 levels.7

Hence, it was very easy to compromise the adolescent girls on various health benefits of beetroot juice in increasing the level of haemoglobin. But the benefits of Beetroot juice were experienced by the experimental group gradually as they participated and cooperated in the study. One possible explanation is that Beetroot juice acts as sham feeding, stimulating the Increase level of HB. Thus, it seems that the mechanisms are multimodal. However, for an intervention that is so cheap, effective, well tolerated, and free of side effects, it may be used clinically even before knowing the mechanism behind its success and important health and economic benefits.


The study was limited to the adolescent girls studying at Sri Devaraj Urs College of Nursing, Tamaka, Kolar with age limit of 17-19yrs.


Primary prevention of anaemia can be achieved through well-balanced diet rich in iron and other vitamins involved in iron absorption or in the production of RBCs/haemoglobin right from their adolescence period. The results showed that there was a significant increase in Haemoglobin level among adolescent girls after beetroot juice consumption, based on the study finding, the following conclusions could be drawn: adolescent girls who were administered Beetroot juice experiences increase in level of Haemoglobin in terms of Paleness in the conjunctiva, tongue & Nails, return of appetite. There was a highly significant was found between pre-test haemoglobin level and post-test haemoglobin level after giving Beetroot juice


• Similar comparative study can be conducted between rural and urban communities

• Longitudinal study can be conducted to assess iron deficiency anemia.

• Same type of study can be conducted with middle aged women

• Comparative study can be conducted between beetroot juice with jiggery and beetroot juice with vitamin c.

Conflict of Interest: None


Supporting File

1. Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster “ Textbook of community health nursing”,6th edition Mosby publication, pg. no.-623,631.

2. Sanjeev M Chaudhary and Vasant R Dhage, A Study of Anemia Among Adolescent Females in the Urban Area of Nagpur, Indian J Community Med. 2008 Oct; 33(4): 243–245.

3. Sujan Gautam, determining factors for the prevalence of anemia in women of reproductive age in Nepal: Evidence from recent national survey data, June 12, 2019 https://doi. org/10.1371/journal.pone.0218288

4. Rupal Patel, Effectiveness of beetroot juice with jaggery on anemia among adolescent girls, International volume No: 5, Issue No: 2, Year: 2017.

5. userfiles/phd/J863600005kalai.pdf.

6. Availableat. drink-beetroot-juice-to-boost-iron-deficiencyanemia

7. G. Manjulavathi, A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Beetroot Juice on hb Level among Middle-aged Women. Indian journal of research: 5(12) | December-2016 PP.53-55.

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